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2022人教版九年级英语第13-15单元知识点 2022人教版九年级英语第13-15单元学问点 本文关键词:学问点,英语,人教版,九年级,单元 2022人教版九年级英语第13-15单元学问点 本文简介:Unit13-Unit15单元重难点句子讲解1.IdrathergototheBlueLagoonRestaurant.我宁愿去BlueLagoon餐厅,wouldrather意为“宁愿”,表示句子主语的愿望、选择,后接省去to的不定式。HedratherjoinyouintheEn 2022人教版九年级英语第13-15单元学问点 本文内容: Unit 13-Unit15单元重难点句子讲解 1. Id rather go to the Blue Lagoon Restaurant. 我宁愿去Blue Lagoon餐厅, would rather意为“宁愿”,表示句子主语的愿望、选择,后接省去to的不定式。 Hed rather join you in the English Group. 他宁愿参加到你的英语小组中来。 Which would you rather have,bread or rice? 面包和米饭,你更喜爱哪一个? 假如表示“宁愿可也不愿”那么用句型would rather.than.。在would rather和than后面所连接的两个比照局部一般要相同。 The brave soldier would rather die than give in.那个英勇的士兵至死不屈。 Hed rather work than play. 他宁愿工作也不愿玩。 They preferred to die of hunger rather than take his bread. 他们宁愿饿死也不愿承受他的面包。 2. Loud music makes me happy. (P103)嘈杂的音乐使我很快乐。 Loud music always makes me want to dance. (P103)嘈杂的音乐总是使我想去跳舞。 这两句是动词make的使役用法,make me后分别接了形容词和不定式短语。make的这种用法常见于以下构造: make+名词代词+省略to的动词不定式 My parents often make me do some other homework. 我父母常让我做些其他的作业。 特殊提示 这一构造中的不定式短语在主动构造中是宾语补足语,必需省去to,变为被动构造时,不定式短语作主语补足语,这时必需带to。 She was made to work for the night shift. 她不得不上夜班。 make+名词/代词+-ed分词短语 What made them so frightened?什么使他们这样胆怯? Can you make yourself understood in English?你能用英语把意思表达清晰吗? make+名词/代词+介词短语或名词短语 She made him her assistant. 她委派他做自己的助手。 Sit down and make yourselves at home,everyone.大家请坐,不要拘束。 make+名词代词+形容词或形容词短语。 The good news made us happy. 这条好消息使我们很开心。 3. . small restaurants can serve many people every day. (P104)小饭店每天就可以多接待些顾客。 句中的serve 有“伺候,侍候,款待”等意思,常用于以下构造中: serve+宾语 They were busy serving the days last buyers.他们正忙着接待这天的最终一批顾客。 Nobody can serve two masters. 一人不能侍奉二主。 serve sb sth,或serve sth to sb Mrs Turner served us a very good dinner. =Mrs Turner served a very good dinner to us. 特纳太太款待我们吃了一顿丰富的晚餐。 serve sb with sth We served them with beer and wine. 我们用啤酒和红酒款待他们。 4. However,some advertising can be confusing or misleading. (P106)可是,一些广告可能会混淆黑白或误导消费。 confusing与misleading是两个此时此刻分词,相当于形容词,意思分别是“感到混消的”和“误导的”,在句中作表语,主语通常是表示物的名词或代词,如本句中的用法;也可以用作定语,既可修饰表示人的名词或代词,也可以修饰表示物的名词或代词。 They can be some confusing or misleading advertisements. 它们可能是一些混淆黑白或误导消费的广告。 What he said made us confusing.他说的话令我们感到困惑。 5. At times an ad can lead you to buy something you dont need at all.(P106) 有时,一那么广告会诱导你去买你根本就不须要的东西。 at times意为“有时,时常”,与sometimes同义。两者在句中的位置较敏捷,可位于句首,句中或句末。 At times I make mistakes when I speak English. 我说英语时有时会出错。 They went to town at times during the cold winter.在寒冷的冬天,他们有时候进城去。 Sometimes they walk to school. 有时候,他们步行上学。 He sometimes plays football with his friends. 他有时和挚友一起踢足球。 6. To start with,it was raining,and rainy days make me sad. (P107)起初,天在下雨,雨天使我心情很不好。 start with作“首先”解时,只用于动词不定式,在句中时时以插入语的形式出现。 To start with,the computer room must be kept very clean. 首先,计算机工作室必需保持清洁。 Our group had five members,to start with.刚起先,我们小组只有五个人。 start with可表示“从起先”;“先从某事做起”,与begin.with是同义词组。反义词组是end with“以完毕”。 He started/began with the aim of injuring others
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