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Unit One CommunicationDialogue设计思路 电话交流是最常见的交流方式之一,选择该对话一是为了导入“交流”这一主题,二是要求学生掌握常见的电话英语表达方式,体会电话交流中的礼貌用语。参考教法 可让学生设想打电话时会发生的各种情景:(1)接电话的人就是要找的人;(2) 接电话的不是要找的人;(3) 要找的人不在;(4)打错电话。讨论在这些情况下,如何进行交流。先让学生回答,然后教师给予评价和总结。 区分电话交流与见面交流的不同表达。如:This is speaking. / Is that speaking? 不用I am/ Are you? 牢记电话交流的表达方式:put through, hold on, take a message, call back, repeat the number, etc. 比较私人电话和正式电话的不同表达,如:私人电话:Hello, is Jim in? 正式电话:Could I/ May I speak to Ms. Collins? 给出电话情景,让学生编写新对话并进行角色扮演:(1) Womens Day is coming, A calls B to give her greetings.(2) B is ill, A calls to inquire about his/her health.(3) A calls B to inquire about the arrangement (date, place) of the meeting.n 模仿对话,编写新对话。A: Hello, this is Daisy.B: May I speak to Mr. Gates?A: Sorry, he is not in at the moment. Can I take a message?B: Can you tell her/ him to call me back this afternoon.Language Points in the Dialogue1. Can I take a message? 接电话人:您要留言吗?Can I leave a message? 打电话人:我可以留言吗?2. hold on: e.g.The manager asked him to hold on while he made a phone. 经理让他稍等一会,他去打个电话。You helped me hold on when I didnt think I could go on trying.在我认为自己无法坚持尝试的时候,你让我坚持了下来。Collocation:a class meeting 开班会hold a party 开派对 a sports meet /Olympic Games开运动会/举行奥运会 hold the line/ hold on 稍等3. double: a.e.g.Ring four two double two double two if youd like to speak to our general manager.如果想和我们的总经理通话,拨打 422222。Collocation: chocolate 双份巧克力 room 双人间double bed 双人床 pay / salary 双份薪水/工资4. try to do sth. :e.g. We should try (our best) to learn English well.我们应该努力学好英语。He is trying not to be angry.他努力控制不生气。5. put through:e.g.Could you put me through to Eddie?麻烦您接通艾迪的电话好吗? To send e-mail, we must put through the Internet.要发电子邮件,我们必须接通互联网。6. at the moment:e.g. He isnt at home at the moment.他现在不在家。Im having a meeting at the moment. Ill ring you later.我现在正在开会,过会儿给您打电话。7. tell: v.e.g.Dont tell my mother the bad news.不要告诉我妈妈这个坏消息。The doctor told me to wait in the room.医生让我在候诊室等候。She is telling a story.她在讲故事。Ill tell you a secret.我想告诉你个秘密。8. call: v.e.g.Ill call again ten minutes later.我十分钟后再打。Can you call back later?你稍后能回个电话吗?Ill call the police.我给警察打电话。Collation: make a call / give sb. a call 打电话Call call back 回电话call (sb. on)the home number/ office number/ mobile number 打家里电话/ 办公室电话/ 手机make a long-distance call/ a local call / an international call / domestic call/ extension call 打长途/打市话/国际电话/打国内电话/打分机make free calls/ call sb. free 打免费电话9. repeat: v.e.g. Could you repeat your question?您能重复一遍问题吗?We must not repeat the mistakes of the past.我们不能重蹈覆责。Ill repeat your order.我重复一下您点的菜。对话译文您要留言吗?安娜:您好,留学生办公室。需要帮忙吗?托尼:请找科林斯女士。安娜:好的。请问您是?托尼:我是托尼.布朗。安娜:布朗先生,您好。我马上为您转接,请稍等。 抱歉,布朗先生,科林斯女士电话占线。您要留言吗?托尼:当然。请转告她打我的手机。安娜:好的。请问您的手机号码是多少?托尼:07567763886.安娜:我重复一下:07567763886.托尼:是的。谢谢。Text设计思路 选用较简单的语言文体,其目的是从新学期开始让学生树立阅读的信心,轻松完成一、二两册难度和内容的过渡。 通过阅读故事感受微笑作为一种交流方式的魅力,启发学生要在生活中掌握交流的艺术。参考教法 问题导入:What are the means of communication in our daily life? (By telephone, by email, by letters, face-face, by body language, such as smiles,nodding, shaking hands, etc.)How do we make apologies to other people when we make mistakes?(We say “sorry” sincerely. And we should be patient when they dont understand us.) 先让学生大声朗读,回答课文后面问题。 找出故事情节,用文中关键短语复述故事。take off take the medicine forget- serve water refuse pass by ask with a smile get off booklet twelve times 讲解语言点。 拓展问题:What do you think of the air hostess?(devoted to her work, patient and sincere with the passengers)What makes a good communicator?(good at communication, confident, respectful to others, be friendly, patient, sincere)Language Points in the Text1. sincere: a. e.g. I would like to say a sincere “thank you” to everyone who has helped me.我想对曾经帮助过我的人说一声衷心的感谢。Please accept my sincere apologies(道歉).请接受我真诚的歉意。 sincere a. sincerely ad. sincerity n.2. promise: v. e.g. She promised to give the car back.她答应还车的。n.Grandpa made a promise to visit us once a month.祖父答应一个月来看我们一次。Bob would never break his promise to his father.鲍勃对他的父亲从来都是信守诺言的。The boss promised to pay us this week, and he kept his promise.老板答应这个星期发工资,他做到了。3. bring sb. sth./ bring sth. to sb.: e.g.Did you bring umbrella with you?你带雨伞了吗?Is it ok if I bring some friends to the party?我带些朋友去参加晚会行吗?Robert asked the waiter to bring him the check.罗伯特让服务员结账。4. forget: v.e.g. Someone has forgotten to turn off the lights. 不知道是谁忘记关灯了。I am sorry, Ive forgotten your name.很抱歉,我忘记怎么称呼您了。5. ring: v. e.g.I rang the doorbell but no one came.我按了门铃,但没人应。I was going to ring you but I didnt have your number.我本想给你打电话,但又不知你的号码。Ring for service, please.要服务请按铃。6. hurry to + do sth. / + a placee.g. They were hurrying to catch the train.他们急着去赶火车
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