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Unit 1 Getting along with othersSection Welcome to the unit & Reading一、写作词汇检测根据每一组的提示词,完成或者翻译句子1.admit1)It is widely that he is an honest student in our class.2)他承认抄袭别人的试卷。答案:1)admitted2)He admitted copying others paper.2.cheer1)The audience gave a great when he scored.2)他们擂鼓为运动员加油。答案:1)cheer2)They beat drums to cheer the players on.3.betray1)He felt by his girl friend.2)无论何时我们决不能叛国。答案:1)betrayed2)At no time should we betray our homeland.4.athlete1)His body made him possible to finish the task.2)他将成为一名优秀的运动员。答案:1)athletic2)He will become a good athlete.5.cruel1)We must fight against unfairness and .2)她对她的养子很残忍。答案:1)cruelty2)She is cruel to her stepson.二、阅读词汇检测阅读下列句子,说出黑体词或词组的含义1.Im truly sorry that things had to end like this.含义:答案:真诚地;诚恳地2.My father disapproves of my manner of living.含义:答案:方式3.I tell him something horrible that happened to me.含义:答案:可怕的4.Try your best to sidestep sensitive issues like this.含义:答案:敏感的5.The president laughed off the awkward situation.含义:答案:尴尬的6.We sincerely hope that you will soon be restored to health.含义:答案:衷心地;真诚地7.They made rude remarks about her appearance.含义:答案:评论;谈论8.If I tell you,you have to swear not to say anything to anyone.含义:答案:发誓9.People gasped with admiration at the superb skill of the players.含义:答案:极佳的;卓越的10.Ill never forgive you for what you said to me.含义:答案:原谅;宽恕三、语法填空1.How can she be so (cheer) at six oclock in the morning?答案:cheerful2.When Mary finally appeared,he made an (apologize) to us.答案:apology3.He wont even get well with his parents.答案:along4.Bob felt (guilt) that he had not made an attempt to save her.答案:guilty5.Shed find a way to forgive him the theft of the money.答案:for6.His eyes slowly began to focus what looked like small dark balls.答案:on7.He wept for joy when he received the (admit) notice.答案:admission8.Generally speaking,girls are(gift) with natural talent of learning language.答案:gifted9.Her experiences had made her sensitive other peoples troubles.答案:to10.I managed to argue him going back home to talk to his parents.答案:into四、用下面方框中所给短语的正确形式填空spy onkeep pace withbefore longas a result ofbe ashamed ofkeep ones wordbe determined toaccuse.of.get along well withbe proud of1.We spare no efforts to improve the living standard in our country.答案:are determined to2.You cannot rely on Peter for help,because he never .答案:keeps his word3.She must make sure that people on the teams one another.答案:get along well with4.I told him that I the things I had said to him.答案:was ashamed of5.About 1,000 passengers were killed the sink of an old ferry in the Red Sea.答案:as a result of6.Its already June and the school year will be over .答案:before long7.His glorious past record is certainly something to .答案:be proud of8.We him having neglected his duty.答案:accused;of9.When we go for a walk,John has to take long steps to us.答案:keep pace with10.Im sure my neighbours me.答案:spy on五、根据汉语提示完成下列句子1.You know well about the film.(你一定看过了).答案:You must have seen it2.The boy (装病) in order not to go to school.答案:pretended to be ill3.All eyes (聚焦于)him when he came in.答案:were focused on4.In general,boys (有天赋)playing football.答案:are gifted at/in5.Im ill in bed.I dont (想) eating anything.答案:feel like6.She is always (和丈夫争吵)household affairs.答案:quarrelling with her husband about7.Youd better not mention it before him,because he (对这一问题很敏感).答案:is sensitive to the problem8.Its no use our defeat him(归咎于).答案:blaming;on9.For some reason a small argument (演变成)a violent fight.答案:turned into10.It is not necessary for you to (因这一小事向我道歉).答案:apologize to me for such small matters六、阅读理解AToo many people want others to be friends,but they dont give friendship back.That is why some friendships dont last long.To have a friend,you must learn to be one.You must learn to treat your friend the way you want your friend to treat you.Learning to be a good friend means learning three rules:be honest;be generous;be understanding.Honesty is where a good friend starts.Friends must be able to trust one another.If you do not tell the truth,people usually find out that.If a friend finds out that you havent been honest,you may lose your friends trust.Good friends always count on one another to speak and act honestly.Generosity means sharing and sharing makes a friendship grow.You
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