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Be 动词的否定形式和一般疑问句Ox English 3A Teacher: SunnyDate: Sep.252021/8/61人称代词主格和Be动词的搭配Iamheissheitweareyouthey2021/8/62人称代词主格(单数否定形式)I am Miss Sun.You are Mary.notnotYou arent Mary.(没有缩写形式)2021/8/63人称代词主格(单数否定形式)He is Eddie.She is Kitty.It is Sam.notnotnotHe isnt Eddie.She isnt Kitty.It isnt Sam.2021/8/64Im Alice Wang.Im a pupil.Im nine years old.Im tall.Nice to meet you.Im not Alice Wang.Im not a pupil.Im not nine years old.Im not tall.Nice to meet you.Im Im not2021/8/65Youre Sunny.Youre a teacher.You are tall.You are thin.Nice to meet you.Youre Youre notnotnotarentYou are You arentarent2021/8/66She is she isntShes shes notShe is a queen.She is big.She is lovely.isntisntisnt2021/8/67Exercises肯定句改成否定句;否定句改成肯定句1. You are a queen.2. Hes short.3. It isnt a pencil.4. Im a boy.5. Youre not nine.6. She is small.*找出be动词的肯定形式或者否定形式2021/8/68有Be动词的陈述句改为一般疑问句的基本步骤You are Mary.You are Mary.找出be动词将be动词放到最前面首字母大写,原来的首字母改掉,其他照抄句号改成问号are You Mary.Are you Mary.Are you Mary?Are you Mary?2021/8/69有Be动词的陈述句改为一般疑问句的基本步骤He is Eddie.找出be动词将be动词放到最前面首字母大写,原来的首字母改掉,其他照抄句号改成问号Is he Eddie?2021/8/610Exercises改成一般疑问句1. You are a queen.2. Hes short.3. It is a pencil.4. Youre nine.5. She is small.6. Im a boy.*看见I am变 Are you2021/8/611
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