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展望电脑室制作,中考竞赛资源网 发布第1 页2009 年内蒙古乌兰察布市中考英语试题年内蒙古乌兰察布市中考英语试题第 I 卷(共 75 分)、单项选择(共 20 小题,每小题 1 分,满分 20 分)1. 一 Tom , whats your hobby?一 I like playing baseball and playing violin.A. the , the B. a , a C. / , a D. / , the2. 一 Jim , is this your sweater ?一 Yes, its .A.mine B.my C.you D. me3. March 8th is Day all over the world.A.Woman B. Women C. Womans D. Women s4. 一 are the tomatoes ?一 Five yuan a kilo.A. What B. How much C. How D. How many5. I have got a new computer , my father as a birthday present.A. gave me them B. gave them to meC. gave me it D. gave it to me6. I get up as as my mother every morning.A. earlier B.early C. earliest D. more early7. If he tomorrow , we will meet him at the station.A.will come B. come C. comes D. coming8. There an English party in our school next Sunday.A.will have B. will beC.is going to have D. has9. 一 Mary, can you help me ?一 Wait a moment , I .A. read a book B. do my homeworkC. am reading a book D. was watching TV10. I found interesting to study English .A.it B.its C. that D. this11. 一 Alice , you sing so well !一 A. Not so well B. Thats all rightC Thank you D. I agree with you12. watch too much TV. Its bad for your eyes.A. Not B. Dont C. Cant D. Shouldnt13. 一 Do you plant trees in spring ?一 Yes, many trees in our city every year.A. are planting B. are planted展望电脑室制作,中考竞赛资源网 发布第2 页C. were planting D. were planted14. lucky you were to see Yang Liwei at the airport!A. What B. How a C. What a D. How15. 一 Let,s go to the beach , ?一 Good idea .A. will you B. shall we C. wont you D. dont you16. my opinion , you should read some English every day .A. In B. At C. On D. For17. Mr Green ,together with his sons, sitting there when I came in .A. is B. was G. are D. were18. Could you tell me ?A. what your friend is like B. how your friend is likeC. what does your friend look like D. how your friend looks like19. 一 Miss Lee became our English teacher six years ago. 一 Yes ,she our English teacher for six years.A. is B. became C. has been D. has become20. 一 Is Lucy knocking at the door ?一 No, it be Lucy. She is in Japan now.A. neednt B. cant C. may D. must二、完形填空(共 15 小题,每小题 1 分,满分 15 分) 阅读下面短文,从各小题所给的四个选项中,选出最佳选项。Dear Peter ,My name is Tony. Im from China, Im a 21 boy 22 big eyes. 23 six, I began to dance. Two years 24 , I won the 25 prize at the 16th Dance Championships in Canada. Table tennis is also my favorite 26 . I often play it with my friends 27 come from China.Now, I live in the north of Canada. It is winter and the temperature is -20 It often 28 here. There is thick ice on the river. It is very 29 .I have three dogs. They are 30 cute but also clever. They 31 white. They often play with me. We 32 every day. I like eating fish and vegetables, because they are 33 food.There are five people in my family. We speak Chinese at home, and all of us understand English. My English teacher helps me 34 this letter. I am looking forward to 35 you soon. Best wishes.Tony21. A. 1.5 metres tall B. 1.5-metretall C. 1,5-metres-tall D. 1.5 metre tall22. A. has B. have C. with D. own23. A. In the age of B. In age of C. At age of D. At the age of24. A. late B. latest C. later D. latter25. A. two B. second C. seconds D. secondly26. A. sports B. sport C. player D. hobbies27. A. which B. where C. who D. whom展望电脑室制作,中考竞赛资源网 发布第3 页28. A. snows B. rain C. snowed D. rains29. A. hot B. warm C. cold D. cool30. A. neither B. too C. no D. not only31. A. are all B. are both C. all are D. both are32. A. enjoy myself B. enjoy me C. enjoy ourselves D. enjoy us33. A. healthy B. health C. unhealthy D. unhealth34. A. writing B. write C. writes D. wrote35. A. hear from B. hearing of C. hear of D. hearing from 三、阅读理解(共 20 小题,每小题 2 分,满分 40 分)阅读下列图表和短文,从每题所给的四个选项中选出最佳答案。AOcean MuseumDay : Thursday-SundayTime :9:00-17:00Place : 132 Xu Yuan StreetTicket :50 yuanHealth CentreDay : Monday-SundayTime :9:00-17:00Place: 16 Yong Le StreetFree examinations for those over 70Film.The Lion KingDay: Monday-SundayTime: 16:00 ; 18:00 ; 20:00 ; 22:00Place:New Times CinemaTicket : 80 yuanFootball Match:Dalian vs SharghaiDay : SaturdayTime: 15:00Place:Dalian StadiumTicket :300 yuan36.The Lion King is a very interesting .A.football match B.film C.Ocean Museum D.Health Centre 37.One can get free examinations in Health Centre if he is .A.9 B.17 C.67 D.73 38.If you are interested in the life of fish, you should go to .A.Ocean Museum B.Health CentreC.New Times Cinema D.Dalian Studium 39.Jane and her parents go to the cinema, they will pay .A. 160 yuan B.300 yuan C.240 yuan D.150 yuan40.According to the information in the box,we know .A. Health Centre is at 132 Xu Yuan StreetB. The Lion King is in the morningC. Ocean Museum is at 16 Yong Le StreetD. The football match is between Dalian and ShanghaiBMrs White lived in the country. She had three sons. They were Jim, Bob and Dale. They left home to make money and became rich soon. This year they came back together on Mothers Day. Each of them had a gift for their mother.展望电脑室制作,中考竞赛资源网 发布第4 页Jim bo
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