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云南省曲靖市会泽县一中2018219 学年高二英语上学期第二次半月考试题第 I卷第一部分听力 ( 共两节 , 满分 3 分)第一节(共 5 小题;每小题15 分, 满分 7。 分)听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、 C三个选项中选出最佳选项 , 并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后, 你都有1秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题. 每段对话仅读一遍。1。 Whadid te woman o last Stu y?A。She weswimming。 B. Sh d l undry 。?。Shewent shopp g.2。What fo othe wo andi li e?A。 Spcy foo 。 Sweet foo 。 C。 Saltyfoo . 3. owman rooms does the woman h ve i herpartment ?A. 。4。C。 3 。4.Wha colour hadoe he mans wife hae?A Pin . B。Yelo . C. l e。 5. Where ae t e wospeak ms robbly?A A a taxi sation 。 B。 Aa u stop 。C。 Aa raiwa s t on。第二节 (共 15 小题; 每小题。 5 分, 满分 22.5 分)请听下面 5 段对话或独白,选出最佳选项请听第 6 段材料 , 回答第、 7 题。 6.Wha s th man going to dot night?A. Go ng。.Buy foo bal. C。Watch g e。. When es the oausually nish he work?A。 B 5:00. B. y :30 。 C.B:00 。请听第 7 段材料 , 回答第、 9 题8。 Whe ll he mn bea 6pm onMondays?A。At he K gs ho el 。 B At comut r eter 。 A auive sity.9. Wht doesthe an o a noon on Tuesdays?。 He takes acoputer as B. He works aa r guid 。. e as Enl s cl swit he woman.请听第 8 段材料 , 回答第 10 至 12题。10 hendi the oan ha er daug ter? A Fi e years o。 B ix months ao。i e monhs go。1.her is the woman ivi n w? A 。 In Mimi。In wYok. CInW si gto 。1 Wh isth om n pl nin a few ears? A 。 She w ll g towok i aschol 。.he wnt toreturn wr in a ak。 C. Sh will stay t hom t eachhe da hter 请听第 9 段材料,回答第 3 至6 题。3.What wllhe wma do inhailan ? A 。 k a En ish teaher 。 B avel a oud th cou try 。 C. Work n t e rose b sin ss.14.Wher d es thewoth n Chianga is ? A 。 In the mountin 。 B。 ear heo an. 。Nea he or .15。Hong s r i y se solas n Cian Mai?A。About thre onths. B。 Abou fo r mon hs。 C 。Abot Fivmonths.1. Whatdo weknowbou th a? A. e co s from T ai and。 He od o hi ing. C。 Heli es traveling by t in 。请听第 10 段材料 , 回答第 17 至 2题。1. Wi job was icuded in the spakers job list hen he wa i oll g? A. Dot r 。 dge. .Writer.1。 far did speakycl in the U wth h s sn?。 300 miles. B。 ,500 ile . C 。25,000m es。9。Whatdo e knowabo hspeker ?A。 He etired in 203B。 has a sxteen yaold son C He aised m nyfo childe。0. Wht d s th a want tote us? A acice akeser ect. B It eai raid than do 。 Where t rei a w ll, here i ay。第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40 分)第一节(共 15 小题; 每小题 2 分,满分 0 分)阅读下面短文 , 从每题所给的四个选项(A,B,C 和 D)中, 选出最佳选项 , 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑 .Aue Y a i devote tosrvin th y ga c mm nit in As andeyond, ffe ing wi e varietyo las su hs Hatha Yoga,Hot Yoga,Yin Yga and VinyasaYoga,e 。Ouryoga cl sssar o ere ?ad t ughtby nearly200rfessional ygateachers.ivate Yogais a so available o l r ers of ll vel 。Pur Yo a constan ly invites wrl knowt achers l d ges te cheworshop.ClassBoking Cass b okngs canbemad 2 daysin dvce ofthe as. Itis im ortant ht you o your class in advance nce sme cla se a mor he vily at nddthan oth rs.W ourcass siz so that tey are not oercrowded 。 If e lass ou wshto akefu l ,we wil placeouonth wa t listand inf m youof a o ening as s n s po si le 。 cr e th be t xperienceor yours lf n other , leas f llow thesui elin s:N alk ngTheyogau o i si room.lea edo nott lk whie in t stu iond studio crridors。Noeatin Do not eat n thestu i 。No shoesemov y ur shoes be oreenerin thepactice room Kep orhoes i yurlocke (寄存柜 ) 。 Sh e loc er are a so available forenta .Nooble phonesTu y u bi ephones of r to “vibrat”(震动) mode. Doot takephnes into the ctice roms.PesonalBel ngin sDlyl ckes are not foroenh se.Lck fromn d i y lockers that re ept ov rni ht ill be ct.21。 Who willte ch eeral lar es yoga ?A。 Fvri e gaeacers。? ? ? B。Professional yogat achrs C.orld knwnygate hrs ? ? . Pri at yoga teachers 。 When oul ou bo k ourclass ?A.One onh ahe d oftime ? ? B. wo months head of me 。C. Twdasaheadoftime. ? ? ? 。 ne day ahea o time 2.Inhe pra ti e roo , yo 。A。 t your mo le hones to “ bra e mdeBwearashoes youl e。C。 tal wi hyor friens o the phone 。 some nacks i you re h ngry.BCdogs nd cats live n perfe tar on the ae hom ? epl woare thinkn a outaopting a dog as a fried for heir cats are o rie t at he wi l figh。ecent resarchhasfou danw ipe f success ccording to the study, th cat is pte bfore the dog, nd i ey arein rod when s ill youg ( lessthan 6 monthfor ats, ye r odgs ),t is higly p obable ta t wo pets willget along s i ly. -th ds f hhomes i te vie ed rep rted a pos ive reai nsh bet eetheircat a d dog 。Hwee, i wa nt all swet esandl ght. There ws are or ed odn s etween t e cat and ogin 25% o the ho es,while aggression an f ghin w r serve i 10 of the ho es。 Onerea on or hs is obabl thatsme of hi od sign l were jst opposit。 For xample, e a catt n it ead away it?gnal ggresion, whie a dog d ing thesam signals sbm sion(服从).In hom s wi cats andogl in p aceful , researcher serv d a urp isi g behavi r。 eyre lea ni g how totalk each er l nguage.Itis a surpris th tcas alearn ow to tl “ og, an d gs c nlea n how o t lk “cat ”.Wha int resting ith tot cats and dogs hve ap erd todevlop er intell en。 They a earn ow t r d eachohes b yi nals, sugesti gthat thet o ave more n ommon than p iouslyupect d. O ceam l ar i h h erpr sence andbodyla gae, ca s nd dogs can ytogether,gr eteachth r noe tono,ad enjoy sl pi gtogethe onhe sof .They can easilyshr he
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