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写作园地正反观点类议论文写作感悟范文假如你是Tm ,请你根据表格中的信息,给一家英文报社编辑写一封信,告诉他你们班同学对克隆的不同观点,并表达自己的看法。注意:词数 120150。精彩范文 cently in c s, heres a heateddbateabout“To l ne o no to clone ” Thtudent f r c oning say tcl ni g can elp th wldlifi dange , s we anavemorend m ewildlif n theor d.Moroer, it a hel the o and thei . Forexam le , ome clo edorganscnb t ans ate i their? ies wver, the t ents ag instit s t at clonig can spe d up he te of gr ngol and eath. hats worse , clonin ca mke o oc t conf d。 heewo l be two o more ofyou,w o morefou are sa so on 。n y opinin, l ning is anew tec nology, so si ntists old do t ebest to ma f ll us f ittohlp human be ns.亮点分析 :1文中the stdnt r/againstcl sa th t .。是陈述讨论双方观点的典型句式。2 e a mo, mo eor, r e ampl, hat worse,in m opiio 等句式或词汇的运用非常灵活,增强了各方的论证力度,使行文更加流畅。3. evr 表示转折 , 鲜明地表示出双方的不同观点。 技法讨论 正反观点类议论文通常给出图表或提纲,学生需将所给的信息表达准确、完整、无遗漏,然后按照要求阐述自己的看法。正反观点类议论文写作一直是高考写作常考的体裁。此类文章一般结构如下:1. 开头提出一种论点或一个问题。2主体论点提出后 , 我们就要根据汉语提示部分提供的事实,摆出正反双方的论据进行分析、论证,使论点得到足够的支持。因此, 正反双方时常用ome . 。owever( hle,ut )som 。. ; 引入论据时常用表示递进关系的过渡词besi s,lso, even, what s mor ,too , ad iti等 , 也用表示列举的f stl , s cndly , thirly, oth ne and, the othr and 等。结尾对正反双方的观点及理由进行陈述后, 在结尾部分我们就要得出结论并发表自己的观点这部分常用的词语有:t s y opi i ntha 。 , iy op ion, n a r ,as ha b said, finlly , hrefore等。 类文演练 ?克隆人这一话题在世界上引起了激烈的争论。请你根据以下提示,用英语写一篇题为 Hman Cnin ,词数为 1左右的短文。参考词汇 :干扰 i terfere wi ; 干细胞 em s 联想词汇 _ _ 科学突破答案: snif cbr akthr uh2._ _ _ _ 干扰自然答案: in erfer with ture._ _ 依我看答案: in m opini4 _ _ 聚焦于;重点放在 答案: ocuso单句写作1克隆人这一话题在世界上引起了激烈的争论。Human clonin has ca e _.Ther ar d fferentopini nsaong peple _ _ _hul ni g.答案: muc eate/h iscussion s t abo2. 对于那些没孩子的人来说也是个好消息。It is als g od news f rt oe_.eole w o can t vebabies _ _the es.答案: w o cann thave babie ill belad o hear?3如果我们干扰自然会造成许多麻烦.If we _g agai s ure, wem gh cr te ole s。In ord _ _ _ob s, we shou dnt terferwih nature 。答案: inter erewihnot oceae/ rin bout连句成章 精彩范文 On Huma Coningloni g i pr duci g nexac opyof a l nt oran an ma si it ll 。 Heve, h m n clonig has ause ch debate 。omebeliev it is a wonderulscent f brea ugh。 Itcould proue valuabletissues ndorganst at cou besed to savhuma vs。And it is als goodnews forhoe wcanot hav bab es, whileothe th k cloninhumansstotaly immoal nagains natu e, d sholdb mdeilleg。 We hve no igh to experiet i h hu n life. If we nterfere wiatu , w mghcreat p blems. Someday, we coulprod ce a upehracet could re ace u 。nm oin on, lonin is rellya wonderful cientifc b akthr uh. W should ous ou ef ort onl ning ni als d em c ls be usedin medi al reeach。 ny thisay n we kei eneficial o mannd.课外拓展阅读 中国优秀传统文化专题练阅读下面短文 , 在空白处填入1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。In clos g ceremony f th ly pi Wnteram s Pye ghag20 8,Chi a put on “See You in Beijinin 2022 ” , diect d _1 _ Z ngYimou sho cetered on tet l nt of a tem of 24 oller.ska n 2_(pe om) fr m Beijig SprtUnivrsity woof _3_(they) dressd a “Panda Capai s”led he p rf r ance. The erormance review d Chi a ancient imes,_ ( ow) the counts rch cultual erit e ( 遗产)andsging a outt e prese t, as wellst e fu r that lie a e。 Indd ion t _5_ (trad ion) sym olsnludin theGrea Wal d lucky animl like the Chnsedrago and the Chinesephonix, theeformance alo sho Chinas r cet gin eri gand techn logic l a hie eents , su has it w e h h。speed ail net k _6_itsspace p ogram. owads h ndof thepeformanc , the ly icrin s_7_(rise) on the s ge, swel simaes of a goblvillag,childrens miing fces, o i e (橄榄 ) branche a d pum blosso s (梅花 ),_sto d or Ch na promise to pr ote glbal peac an uild a etterf tu e for ma kn nally, th sk t rs trvlled apath onc _ 9_ ( raw) t e “Wint r Dream” s n o he Oympic W nter Ga s Bei in 2 22. he per ormanc _10_ ( ucc s) s n Chinese peol s go dwil andnitations to tewrdfor eijig 2022.1_ 2._ _ 3 _4。 _ _5_ 6. _ . _ 8._ _10. _答案: 1。 y.erfo me s 3.the 4。so ng 。trad tion l6。and 7.rose 8 。wh ht drawdag 0sucesfu ly?
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