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山西省永济中学学年高一英语上学期期末考试试题(无答案)高一英语 (外研版 )试題第一节 (15 小题 ; 毎小駆 3 企溝分 45阅读下列短文从每题斥翳的Kelra 臂岂 15A $和 D 四个选顼中 选出最徒选顼 AI am vrry fwwionalc A IM) MI duncjjig. hcn (hrice. il light* A spark inside M m 巴 I gL a burst nfftopney, and h mo iht* pnwr lo 的 nn and mm dorj really know haw toxpUirt Jrty L AW 亦 r ihric 勺 like I was boni k dance.1 luve my uiiLhuizirTi. Whrtn I m in tli r rnomtnl vf somclhin annming. I takr il fi ) r pvunlhing it Rwnrth wiT shnr* 1 it irilh whoever wiH interesi EB !CJara 輛 e 1(Art and 昏 Ticy make me (cd cunflJcui and happy, 1 Jove aeeing thing fmm ?n of nariiflon paper und th? fMin in th ” watr nr wliik and trying to be my vtry beat.Isabelle Ag?When I pr&w up, 1 wraut tn he a trarher bpcuusw 1 I &m 阿叶 otn h 安 Ipilk 耳 i? ip|e and loveplaying wiih licfa! At achonL 【 hrlp take the hide kids to the bus and sit with them, and fiay witk th 】对 grader* bre&k.Kring nicr also benefit me because if Iwo friends are in a Gght* I can tn hath- 1 - / 11si 血 9 flf ih 卍 story wiik 虹 nHt 比浊罷 it nw the peaceinak?r. Being ni 取色 makg me fecigQ4x know ing thul I put a a-milc on swneflnes iket*第 1 臥 4-2 - / 11Dr An artTPFi5C” ijmbellexD. Kathleen. B. Clara.21. Who Jjk? dancing most?22, Wrhics Isatwlk wain tn bp?& ? An urttni- B, K. JflrltrT. C. A tew-hr.23 Whjit can vff infer mm th passuv?A. . Thwy Rm iriteftuld in art.B? Thj pcrkrpi flCTivrk on Rta 芹 HC, 17ipy lwalcL their firHiim rorrn - Irur.D. TI IBV have a positive allitude towaid life.Why JDCR Clec Ictep crying! My nrwm Ar&t unxioii#, u think ilre * hurl- But I Jon h t上 now vhal BTunpl* Turns out my dng Cleo had B cul on her w that wt ibund days later.hftt if we could llpjrr mH a way fnr hr tft belter eominunicalr writh u 町 *nd rut (Hit all ihflforkfuAion fceliev KomMlay, w* will.Most tnlk tn 帕卅 othr though noisefuiurvi huEiuui vriLL discover v&ys to imrnld竄 Eh) 型 hark pigs tnort ; hors 粉 neigh. J think j? thv幡 nx 桩 specifically wh-at thew noim mean.We knnw 加睜 understand wme of our hiitnan aoiset bul really jus! ertaJh .Thf*r*5 a great pilrntijil Lo 尸划迪顺 1 nn tlut vocabulary t and I briievc chirripaTuy will Jnad lhe wayflrnT* I MTC 蛍 use they HET best 叫 nipped to med our mind Ive had opportunity lo meti fthimpa thatwere nailed by hiimnn in a mo, Unlike olhera, these animak wdkffti bipedaJky Jusi Like the hiHnainswhv them. They alsn 总 Eed very huiriandik a* they interacted withnarhy ebjeebu Orw也: cniigliL a. sioccvr Lail, and used it aa 4 曹亡触 hang 或 ut and rtflt fbi a vfhilAninwJ ure ? Iflt AitiHivr than mosl wf ua ralic turd hapefirliy in the future hunw!? wiU makt?rtinir riTbrl to Sntsrprrl their jitguak AS we conunuc trying fo teach them num. 【 L not reasonable to ihink-3 - / 11that a horse or pig will pesk Enii$h t bui if w& c-nn sun t? uhdntmd thirs, I august-, who tnnws blia仪皿制 happen, Maybe wmedEty my tk 塔 Clev will be able 询 hi? r-4 - / 11创心序 * in¥isi|ani to lheIh future
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