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湖南省湘潭市县锦石乡锦石中学2022年高三英语下学期期末试卷含解析一、 选择题1. -Shall I give you a ride to the Capital Airport? -Thank you_ AIf you like BIt couldnt be better COf course, you can DIts up to you参考答案:B略2. The most important thing for Lucy is to find a proper job, _ in which she can bring her ability and potential into full playAthis Bthat Cone Dthe one参考答案:C略3. He is difficult to make friends with, but the friendship of his, _,is more true than any others.A once gained B when to gain C after gained D while gaining参考答案:A略4. You need to start exercising again, I guess Well, I _to eat lsss recentlyBut as you know, my mother is such a good cook Ahave been attempting Bhad attempted Cwas attempting Dattempted参考答案:A略5. _ should be responsible for the unexpected result. A. Who do you think B. Do you think whomC. Who you think D. Whom do you think参考答案:A略6. Ive become good friends with some of the students in my school _ I met in the English speech contest last year. A. whoB. whereC. whenD. which参考答案:A试题分析:考查定语从句关系代词的用法。本题句意为“我已经与去年我在英语竞赛中遇见的我们学校的几个学生成为了好朋友”。A选项应在定语从句中作主语或宾语,指人;B选项应指代前面的地点名词,在从句中作地点状语;C选项应指代前面时间名词,在从句中作时间状语;而D选项在从句中作主语或宾语,指代前面的事物。此句是定语从句中缺少宾语且指人,故答案选A。此题选项没有给出whom。7. The bullet _the soldier in the head.A. wounded B. injured C. hurt D. destroyed参考答案:A8. Hardly _ he got out of the court _ the reporters raised a lot of questions to him Ahad when Bhadthan Cdidwhen Dhasthan参考答案:A略9. When it comes to the majority of the latest technologies in the next 20 years, _ has greater potential than the technology being developed in these young peoples company, _ in my eyes will lead to a revolution.A. nothing; which B. none; where C. nothing; where D. none; which参考答案:D10. The reason _ he refused to accept the offer is _ the salary failed to live up to his expectation. A. that; that B. why; because C. for which; because D. why; that参考答案:D略11. Our English teacher as well as we students _ not _ Chinese in the English Corner.A. are; allowed to speak B. is; allowed speakingC. is; allowed to speak D. are; allowed speaking参考答案:C【详解】考查主谓一致。主语由as well as、together with,along with,including,连接时,主语和前面的主语一致,此处主语是Our English teacher所以后面的谓语动词用单数形式;be allowed to do sth.被允许做某事,故选C。【点睛】主谓一致1.四大就近原则:not only but also;neithernor;eitheror;notbut例句:Not only I but also he is happy.2.四大就远原则:as well as;with ;but/beside/except;rather than例句:I as well as he am happy.12. How do you understand the saying “It is the soldier, not the poet, _ has given us freedom of speech?” A. who B. which C. whom D. what参考答案:A13. If only he quietly as the doctor instructed, he would not suffer so much now. Alay Bhad lied Chad lain Dshould lie参考答案:C略14. Only if the examination be allowed to go on holiday with your friends. A. you have passed; you can B. have you passed; can you C. you have passed; can you D. have you passed; you can参考答案:C略15. No one helped me . I did it all myself . Afor Bby Cfrom Dto 参考答案:B 解析:此题考查了介词短语在语境中的表达方法。(all) by oneself意思为alone“单独;靠自己”;for oneself 意为“为自己”;to oneself 意为“自私的”;“为.所独有”。 16. The high building is one of the most challenging engineering projects they have ever _.A. undergone B. overtaken C. undertaken D. experienced参考答案:C17. Next week I will go to a job interview. Will you give me some suggestions? Smiling is a great way to make yourself _.Astand out Bturn out Cwork out Dpick out参考答案:A考查动词短语辨析。stand out 脱颖而出,突出。句意为:-下周我要参加工作面试,能给点建议?- 微笑是让你退颖而出的最好的方法18. -An Indian or a Chinese meal?-_-whatever you want.A. Its up to youB. Its a dealC. No problemD. Help yourself参考答案:A略19. When everyone except me offered to_the fund, I felt very cheap and hung my head in shame. A. adapt toB. apply toC. appeal toD. contribute to参考答案:D二、 新的题型20. Disposing (处理) of waste has been a problem since humans started producing it. As more and more people choose to live close together in cities, the waste disposal problem becomes _41_ (increase) difficult.During th
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