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第二章第二章 国际法的渊源和编纂国际法的渊源和编纂 Sources and Codification of International LawSources and Codification of International Law第一节第一节 国际法的渊源国际法的渊源一、什么是国际法的渊源?一、什么是国际法的渊源? the concept of sources, what gives law authority or legitimacy 国际际法的实质实质 渊源与形式渊源 国际社会的宪政化? general consent of states: ways of expressing this 表现形式 硬法和软法 正式渊源和非正式渊源 国际际法的渊源和证证据二、为什么要了解国际法的渊源?二、为什么要了解国际法的渊源? 实证分析: 我们想要了解的国际法规则在哪里? 规范判断 行为、观点合法性与违法性的根据在哪里? 国家首脑、外交部门的决策 国际司法、准司法机构 学术界 价值分析 国际关系的现实与国际关系的制度理想 法律的现实与法律的理想三、国际法有哪些渊源?三、国际法有哪些渊源?Article 38 of the Statute of Article 38 of the Statute of International Court of JusticeInternational Court of Justice1.The Court, whose function is to decide in accordance with international law such disputes as are submitted to it, shall apply:(a) International conventions, whether general or particular, establishing rules expressly recognized by the contesting state;(b) International custom, as evidence of a general practice accepted as law(c) The general principles of law recognized by civilized nations;(d) Subject to Article 59, judicial decisions and the teaching of the most highly qualified publicists of the various nations, as subsidiary means for the determination of rules of law. 2.This provisions shall not prejudice the power or the Court to decide a case ex aequo et bono, If the parties agree thereto. 第三十八条第三十八条 一、法院对于陈诉各项争端,应依国际法裁判之,裁判时应适用: (子)不论普通或特别国际协约,确立诉讼当事国明白承认之规条者。 (丑)国际习惯,作为通例之证明而经接受为法律者。 (寅)一般法律原则为文明各国所承认者。 (卯)在第五十九条规定之下,司法判例及各国权威最高之公法学家学说,作为确定法律原则之补助资料者。 二、前项规定不妨碍法院经当事国同意本“公允及善良”原则裁判案件之权。 第五十九条法院之裁判除对于当事国及本案外,无拘束力。Article 38 Article 38 Primary Sources (A) International Conventions (B) International Customs (C) The General Principles of Law Subsidiary Sources Judicial Decisions The Teaching of Publicists Q: :国际法院规约国际法院规约3838条与国际法渊源的条与国际法渊源的关系是什么?关系是什么?条约条约 作为国际法的渊源作为国际法的渊源 现代国际法的主要渊源 国际法的基石:约定必须信守 Pacta sunt Servanda (kelsen, Hart) 约定 信守 为什么信守? 条约的发展 从要式到不要式 从不平等到平等(至少形式上)条约:名称与内容条约:名称与内容 Name of treaties Convention Treaty Charter Protocol Declaration Pact Act Agreement Arrangement Joint Declaration Joint Communique Exchange of Note Letter Memorandum of Understanding Modus Vivendi Modus Operendi Affairs covered by treaties Military security Political allies Economic transaction Cultural arrangement Civil and judicial cooperation Law-making v. contracts习惯习惯习惯习惯 作作为为为为国国际际际际法的渊源法的渊源 International Customs 传统传统 上的主要渊源 Element of International Customs General practice (physical element) Ratione Material Ratione Temporis Accepted as law (psychological element) Opinio Juris sive necessitatisPhysical Element: practicePhysical Element: practice 时间 上 Precedent; Consistenceextensive (1969, extensive (1969, NS)NS)Instant CIL? 状态上 uniformuniformFisheries (United Kingdom v. Norway), 1951Asylum (Colombia v. Peru), 1950Lotus (1927) general acquiescence 范围上 General Practice ; Unanimity; Universality most affected states (1969, NS)most affected states (1969, NS)Fisheries Jurisdiction (United Kingdom v. Iceland), 1974Fisheries Jurisdiction (Germany v. Iceland), 1974 Regional and Bilateral: Right of Passage over Indian Territory (Portugal v. India), 1960 Difficulties: identification; prohibitionPsychological ElementPsychological Element Opinio Juris (Sive Necessitatis) The Lotus (France v. Turkey), 1927 The North Sea Continental Shelf (Federal Republic of Germany v. The Netherlands and Denmark), 1969 Doctrine of persistent objectors Fisheries (United Kingdom v. Norway), 1951 不应当仅仅是一个国家国际条约与习惯之间的相互关系国际条约与习惯之间的相互关系 并存对立 特别国际法/普遍国际法补充 条约补充习惯的实施体制;习惯补 充条约的范围 动态转 化习惯条约(即使演变为条约,习惯仍然存在)条约习惯:North Sea Continental Shelf Case 宣示习惯:海洋法、外交法、条约法 固定习惯:现行法和未来法lex lata lex ferenda :政治犯不引渡、死刑不引渡 形成习惯:公平与公正待遇标准问题问题 习惯是一般国际法吗? Lex specialis derogat lex generalis 在国际法中有没有真正意义的一般国际法? 所有国家都遵守某种习惯? 全球/区域/双边 Jus cogens? 参见教材51页,系列专门论文Anthony DAmato, “Its A Bird, Its A Plane, Its Jus Cogens!”, 6 Connecticut Journal of International Law 1(1990)Ulf Linderfalk, “The Effect of Jus Cogens Norms: Whoever Opened Pandoras Box, Did You Ever Think About the Consequences?”, 18 The European Journal of International Law 853 (2007). Andrea Bianchi, “Human Rights and the Magic of Jus Cogens”, 19 The European Journal of International Law 491 (2008). Evan J. Criddle & Evan Fox-Decent, “A Fiduciary Theory of Jus Cogens”, 34 The Yale Journal of International Law 331 (2009).Ulf Linderfalk, “The Creation of Jus Cogens Making Sense of Article 53 of the Vienna Convention”, ZaRV 71 (2011), 359-378.Mary Ellen OConnell, “Jus Cogens: International Laws Higher Ethical Norms”, in Donald Earl Childress, III, ed., The Role of Ethics in International Law, Cambridge University Press, 2012Jean Allain, “The Jus Cogens Nature of Non-refoulement”, 13 International Journal of Refugee Law 533 (2001).法律原则法律原则The General Principles of LawThe General Principles of Law自然法争论内容约定必须信守;公允及善良Res judicataGood Faith (Bona Fide)EstoppelNullu Crimen, Nulla Poena Sine lege问题问题 2011年,北约对利比亚实施空袭,此种行为是否符合国际法?根据是什么?国际组织的法律文件国际组织的法律文件 有约束力的文件 安理会决议 联大的某些决议 欧盟次级立法 没有约束力的文件国国际组织际组织际组织际组织 决决议议议议Intern
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