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语法填空 新冠病毒对商业的影响 2022届高考英语二轮复习:语法填空-新冠病毒对商业的影响 训练(一) Most bosses and workers have been through_1_ (economy)crisis before. They know that each time agony is different and that each time entrepreneurs and firms adapt and bounce back.Even_2_, the shock ripping through the business world is daunting. With countries accounting _3_ over 50% of the world GDP _4_ lockdown, the collapse in commercial _5_(active) is far _6_ (severe) than in previous recessions. The exit path _7_ lockdowns will be precarious, with _8_(easy) consumers, a stop-start rhythm that inhibits efficiency ,and _9_(trick) new health protocols. And _10_ the long run, the firms that survive will have to master a new environment. 1. economic 2. so 3.for 4.in 5.activity 6.more severe 7.from 8.uneasy 9.tricky 10.in 训练(二) Many firms _1_(put) a brave face on it. Pumped with adrenalin, bosses are broadcasting rousing messages _2_ their staff. Normally ruthless corporate giants _3_(sign ) up for public service. LVMH , the Parisian purveyor of Dior perfume , is distilling hand-sanitizer, General Motors wants to make ventilators as well as pickups, and Alibabas _4_(found) is distributing masks worldwide . Cut-throat _5_(rival) in the retail trade are co-operating _6_(ensure)supermarkets are stocked. Few listed _7_(firm)have made public their _8_(calculate) of the financial damage from the freeze in business._9_ a result, Wall Street analysts _10_(expect) only a slight dip in profits in 2020. 1. are putting 2.to 3.are signing 4.founder 5.rivals 6.to ensure 7.firms 8.calculations 9.As 10.expect 训练(三) Dont _1_(fool) by all this. In the last recession two-thirds of big American firms suffered _2_ fall in sales. In the worst quarter the median drop was 15%year-on-year.In this downturn falls of over50%_3_(be) common, as high streets become ghost towns and _4_(factory) are shut._5_(number) indicators suggest _6_(extreme) stress. _7_(globe) oil demand has dropped by up to a third; the volume of cars and parts shipped _8_ Americas railways has dropped by70%.Many firms have only enough inventories and cash_9_(survive) for three to six months. As a result they _10_(start) to fire or idle workers. 1.be fooled 2.a 3. will be 4. factories 5.Numerous 6.extreme 7.Global 8.on 9.to survive 10.have started 训练(四) The pain will deepen as defaults cascade _1_ domestic payment chains. H&M ,a retailer, _2_(ask) for rent holidays ,hurting commercial-property firms. Some supply chains _3_(link) many countries are stalling because of factory closures and border controls. Italys lockdown _4_(disrupt) the global flow of everything _5_cheese to jet-turbine components. Chinas factories are cranking back _6_ action. Apples _7_(supply) bravely insist that new 5Gphones will appear _8_(late) this year, but they are part of an intricate system that is only _9_ strong as its weakest _10_(link).1. through 2.is asking 3.linking 4.has disrupted 5.from 6.into 7.suppliers 8.later 9.as 10.link 训练(五) In the last two recessions, about a_1_(ten) of firms with credit ratings defaulted worldwide. Which survive now _2_(depend) on their industry, their balance-sheets and how easily they can tap government loans, guarantees and aid, _3_ amount to 8trn dollars _4_ big Western economies alone. If your firm _5_(sell) confectionery or detergent ,_6_ outlook is good. Many tech _7_(company) are seeing surging demand. Small firms _8_(suffer) most:54% in America are _9_(close) or expect _10_(be) in the next tendays. 1.tenth 2.depends 3.which 4.in 5.sells 6.the panies 8.will suffer 9.closed 10.to be 5
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