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贵州省贵阳市远洋中学 2021年高一英语上学期期末试题含解析一、 选择题1. Are you in favour of Toms suggestion_we work around the clock to meet the deadline? No. But _ Jimmy suggested to me sounds practical.A. that; what B. that; thatC. which; thatD. which; what参考答案:A2. After staying in room for weeks, the lady was advised to go to the outside world to _ her confidence as well as health. A. take up B. make up C. carry up D. pick up 参考答案:D3. Studying in groups is necessary _ you want to do well in school A. if B. until C. unless D. though参考答案:A略4. Kate has collected_ old coins.Aa series of Bseries ofCa series of Da series参考答案:Ca series of.一系列的;一连串的。句意为:Kate已经收集了一系列的古币。5. -I hear that youre going to join the school football club.- . Football is just not my cup of tea.A. Dont pull my legB. Dont give me the cold shoulderC. Dont be a wet blanketD. Dont put the cart before the horse参考答案:A6. Cassettes or Mp3 in the examination must be prepared with great care to make sure nothing goes wrong in operation A having used Bbeing used Cto use Dto be used参考答案:D略7. He was not equipped _ enough ability for the job.A. with B. inC. on D. of 参考答案:A 解析:本题考察动词equip的搭配。8. We can be thankful every day, not just _ Thanksgiving Day. A. in B. on C. to D. by参考答案:B略9. Every people in the village likes Jack because he is good at jokes.A. turning up B. putting up C. making up D. showing up参考答案:C10. Jane has been working hard day and night for months ,shes sick nowAIn return BAs a result C,In away DAs well参考答案:B11. Yesterday, I was walking downtown when I missed my foot and had a bad fall, nothing serious, _. A. howeverB. thoughC. butD. yet参考答案:B12. In the south of China, there is of rain every year. A. numbersB. a great manyC. a numberD. plenty参考答案:D13. The book tells stories of the earthquake through the eyes of those lives were affected.A.whoseB.thatC.whoD.which参考答案:A考查定语从句。句意:这本书通过那些生活受到影响的人的视角讲述了那场地震的故事。其中 those为先行词,定语从句中缺少 lives 的定语,故用 whose。14. Everybody in our class admires Lily, for she has a _ for playing the piano. A. present B. gift C. ability D. power参考答案:B略15. If we sit near _ front of the bus, well have _ better view.A. / ; theB. / ; aC the; aD. the; the参考答案:C16. When father was young, he _ from morning till night. Awas made work Bwas made working Cmade to work Dwas made to work 参考答案:D略17. _what friendships are based on, they are one of the important needs in our life.A. No matter B. Since C. Once D. Although 参考答案:A18. To be honest, I would agree with her, though not _.A. widely B. frequently C. entirely D. gradually参考答案:C19. The living room is clean and tidy, with a dining table _in the middle of it .A. lain B. lying C. lay D. being lain参考答案:B二、 新的题型20. 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。“Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished.” -Lao Tzu If you are in a city where everyone rushes, realize that you dont have to be like everyone else. You can be different. You can walk instead of driving in rush hour traffic. You can be on your iPhone or Blackberry less, and disconnected sometimes. Your environment doesnt control your life-you do. Im not going to tell you how to give you a step-by-step guide to moving slower. 71 1. Do less.Cut back on your projects, on your task list, on how much you try to do each day. Focus not on quantity but on quality. 72 Save smaller, routine tasks for later in the day, but give yourself time to focus.2. Have fewer meetings.73 And they eat into your day, forcing you to squeeze the things you really need to do into small windows, and making you rush.3. 74 When you do the important things with focus, without rush, there will be things that get pushed back, and that dont get done. And you need to ask yourself: how necessary are these things? What would happen if I stopped doing them?4. Practice mindfulness. Simply learn to live in the present, rather than things so much about future or the past. When you eat, fully appreciate your food. When you are with someone, be with them fully. When you are walking, appreciate your surroundings, no matter where you are. Try these things out. Life is better when unrushed. 75 A. Start to put off or cancel the unnecessary.B. Meetings are usually a “big waste of time”.C. The world likely wont end if y
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