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贵州省遵义市乐山镇乐山中学高一英语测试题含解析一、 选择题1. Instead of simply trying to defeat the other team or set a new record, many e_ sports are about beauty, harmony and trills.参考答案:extreme2. When will you come to see me, Dad? I will go to see you when you _ the training course.A. will have finished B. will finishC. are finishing D. finish参考答案:D在时间、条件、让步状语从句中,不能用将来时态,要表示将来时,要用一般现在时代替一般将来时态,现在完成时态代替将来完成时态。3. people in western countries think we Muslim women are oppressed and controlled by men is wrong and it makes me sad people wont learn the truth by asking us how we feel.A. Thatwhy B. /.why C. /what D. Thatthat参考答案:D4. Not until several years ago _ how serious the pollution was.A. people did realize B. people realizeC. didnt people realize D. did people realize参考答案:D5. We used to see each other _, but I havent heard from him since last year.A. especiallyB. regularlyC. particularly D. approximately参考答案:B略6. Caroline _ staying at home, doing nothing at all. So she has made up her mind to find a job for herself. A. is fond of B. is tired of C. is proud of D. is aware of 参考答案:B7. Father went to his doctor for_ about his heart trouble. A. an advice B. advice C. advices D. the advices 参考答案:B8. The_ was horrible, because in a short time, thousands of soldiers _ fell into the sea,_.A. scene; aboard;dead. B. scene; aboard;diedC. scenery; aboard;dead. D .scene, abroad, dead.参考答案:A9. - Its nice. Never before _ such a special drink. - Im glad you like it.A. I have hadB. I hadC. have I hadD. had I 参考答案:CC 考查倒装句。never, seldom, hardly, rarely等表示否定意义的副词放于句首时,句子应该部分倒装。语序是never+助动词/be/情态动词+主语+谓语+其它。故答案为C。10. Mary insisted she _ right and that Jack _to her. A. be; said sorry B. was; say sorry C. be; say sorry D. was; said sorry参考答案:B11. Even though they are not doubtful at all _ John will pass the exam, I still wonder _ he is fully prepared.A. whether; that B. that; whether C. that; that D. whether; whether参考答案:B12. This is a very special flower and it can _ a strong sweet perfume(香味) at night. A. give in B. give up C. give out D. give away参考答案:C13. In front of the famous big trees _ a family, _ the parents treat their child like a friend.A. stays; whose B. are; of which C. settle; where D. lives; where参考答案:D【详解】考查倒装句、主谓一致和定语从句。原题第一句是一个全部倒装句,把表示地点的介词短语放在句中,表示强调,后面使用全部倒装。第二空考查了定语从句,先行词是a family,定语从句结构很完整,所以使用关系副词where引导定语从句。当集体名词family强调整体做主语的时候,谓语动词要使用单数形式。句意:一家人生活在那棵著名的大树前面,在这个家庭里父母把孩子像朋友一样对待。故D正确。【点睛】定语从句的引导词是考查的重点。主要考查的知识点:引导定语从句的关系代词和关系副词的选择,非限制性定语从句,由whose,where,when,that,as和“介词+关系代词”引导的定语从句是高考的热点。复习重点:when引导的定语从句。where引导的定语从句和地点状语从句、表语从句的区别。which引导非限制性定语从句时(句子作先行词)和并列句的区别。as引导的定语从句“suchas、thesameas”,以及和目的结果状语从句的辨别。分隔式定语从句的识别。能够区别定语从句和同位语从句。【例10】Illneverforgetthedays_Ilivedinthefactorywiththeworkers,_isagreathelptomyarticle.A.that;which B.when;which C.which;thatD.when;who【答案】B第一空后的分句中的谓语动词是不及物动词live,其后不需要宾语,只需要作状语的关系副词,故第一空用when;而第二个句子是对前面整个句子进行说明,因此用which。故答案为B。必须根据定语从句的信息和先行词进行推断,从而补出引导词,这本身就是考查逻辑思维能力。14. The possible way to survive in the fierce competition is to _ the cost of production. A. cut up B. cut down C. cut in D. cut off参考答案:B15. Who is the scientist _ is going to give us a talk on space this Sunday?A. that B. who C. which D. whom参考答案:A16. To my great joy,my classroom has a computer with a special screen._ and it provides more information.ASo do I BSo mine doesCSo does mine DSo I do参考答案:C考查句型。表示前面肯定的情况也适用于后者的时候,用so系动词/情态动词/助动词主语,可排除B和D项。选项C意思是“我的教室也是如此”,mine是名词性物主代词,在这里相当于my classroom。17. Riding my bike to school on morning, _ as I went across the main street. A. I was struck by a car B. a car struck me C. I was struck with a car D. I was struck by a car参考答案:D18. According to a recent research, the number of people who take the adult college entrance examination is _ reducing.A. frequentlyB. entirelyC. extremelyD. gradually参考答案:D19. _ is no wonder that the building is _ now; it was so big a fire last night.A. It; in ruins B. That; in ruins C. There; in ruins D. It; in ruin 参考答案:A二、 新的题型20. Traveling to all corners of the world gets easier and easier. We live in a global village ,but this doesnt mean that we all behave in the same way.How should you behave when you meet someone for the first time? 36 In Japan, you should bow, and the more respect you want to show, the deeper you should bow. In Thailand, people greet each other by pressi
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