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高一英语第十九单元Jobs (工作) 科目 英语 年级 高一 文件high1 unit19.1.doc 标题 Jobs (工作) 章节 第十九单元 关键词 内容 一、教法建议 【抛砖引玉】 本单元围绕男女同等这一题材,让同学们通过阅读课文“The Secret Is Out !”来了解妇女受蔑视的状况以及带来的社会后果。众所周知,妇女在社会历史开展的过程中起到了重要作用。 单元双基学习目标 . 词汇学习 四会单词和词组:offer , fair , pick up , army , handtruck , careless , carelessly , remove , to ones surprise , refuse , call at , cross , look down upon , promise , support 三会单词和词组:engineer , design , pretend , boss , department , designer , gently . 交际英语 Offers and responses 供应协助等和应答 1 . Can / Could / Shall I help you ? 2. Would you like me to ? 3. Is there anything ( else ) I can do for you ? / What can I do for you ? 4. Do you want me to ? 5. Would you like some ? 6. Thanks . That would be nice/fine . / Thats very kind your help . / Thank you for your help . 7. Yes , please . / Here , take this/my 8 . No , thanks/thank you . / No , thanks/thank you . I can manage it myself . 9. Thank you all the same . 10. Thats very kind of you , but 交际示范 ( 1 ) Jack : Im going shopping this afternoon . Is there anything I can do for you ? Tom : Let me think . Yes , if it isnt too much trouble , could you get me a dozen of eggs ? Jack : No trouble ( Ill be glad to ) . Anything else ? Tom : I cant think of anything at the moment . ( 2 ) George : Hello , Alice . Nice to see you again . Alice : Hello , George . Youre looking very well . George : Here , let me carry these boxes for you . Alice : I can manage ( 设法应对 ) it myself , but thank you all the same . George : This is my car . Let me help you put away these boxes . Alice : Thank you . ( After driving for some time ) This city seems to be a beautiful one . Im sure Ill have a good time during my stay here . George : Im sure you will . By the way , would you like me to show you around ( 领你参观 ) the city this afternoon ? Alice : Oh , thats very nice of you . Im looking forward to ( 渴望 ) it . Thank you , George . . 语法学习 学习由whose引导的定语从句。 【指引迷津】 单元重点词汇点拨 1. refuse拒绝;不愿 His request was refused politely . The door refused to open . = The door wont open . She refused his gift . 点拨refuse to do拒绝干 。refuse the invitation拒绝邀请。refuse sb to不许某人干 。 2. design设计;绘制;图案 This engineer is designing a new teaching building for our school . The theatre is poor in design . 这戏院设计欠佳。 I dont like the wall-paper design . 我不喜爱这壁纸的把戏。 点拨by design存心地,有打算地。design for为设计。 3. pretend假装;装作 Dont pretend to know what you dont know . 点拨pretend后可以跟不定式、名词、从句、不定式的完成式和不定式的进展式。 He didnt want to go to school , so he pretended illness . He pretended to be an expert . He pretended that he was working hard . Lets pretend to be soldiers . = Lets pretend that we are soldiers . 留意否认构造常用pretend not to do 。如:She pretended not to see me in the street . 4. promise许诺;容许 I cant lend you the book ; Ive promised it to Mr Chen . He promised me to be more careful next time . 点拨promise后可以接不定式,也可以接从句。promise sb to do主语容许某人做。promise sb sth = promise sth to sb容许给某人 。promise sb that 容许。 She promised her early return . Promise me never to trouble me again . I promised Nick my old car . = I promised my old car to Nick . She promises to be a good wife . 单元词组思维运用 1. women police officers女警官 There are women police officers , women doctors , teachers , engineers , farmers and so on . 2. the top of 的最高地位;领先地位 Hes got to the top of the company because of his hard work . He is at the top of his class .他的成果在班上领先。 3. in politics在政界 There are more men than women in politics . When did he go in politics ? He is a good example for the young men in politics to learn from . 4. have an accident出了事故 Ive never had an accident driving a car . One day he had a bicycle accident . 5. be badly hurt紧要受伤 His legs were 123456下一页本文来源:网络收集与整理,如有侵权,请联系作者删除,谢谢!第6页 共6页第 6 页 共 6 页第 6 页 共 6 页第 6 页 共 6 页第 6 页 共 6 页第 6 页 共 6 页第 6 页 共 6 页第 6 页 共 6 页第 6 页 共 6 页第 6 页 共 6 页第 6 页 共 6 页
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