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如何写好英文自我介绍1300字 怎样写好英文自我介绍在现在的社会,越来越多的机会让我们接触到了写英文自我介绍。那么,我们怎么去写好一篇英文自我介绍?以下会为你介绍写英文自我介绍的“法宝”:一、一个好的题目。一篇文章重要的一部分就是题目,而英文自我介绍更是如此。我们可以通过形象的比喻,避免一些过于平凡的题目。例句:My Self-portrait/Ones Self-portrait。(的自画像)。二、开头。用简短的两句话带过。要有新意,主要为文章总起。可以体现以下内容:问候、姓名、年龄三、必要的信息。如年龄、身高、住所,必要的信息体现在文中有助于读者可以更直观地了解一个人。但也不要把信息过于集中地放在文章某一段,有疏有密,秩序地排放必要信息会让文章显得有条理性、明了。此段要重点写。四、看法。可以由自己的一方面引出,从自身到社会,最好穿插在必要的信息中,显得文章有深度、充实。初学者建议不要过多描写此段。五、连接。提纲列好了,内容想好了,可是段、句、词直接摆放显得会很生硬。这是可以在不影响语法结构的情况下,加入一些词,使得文章更加连贯。六、结尾。主要是文章总结,体现个人风貌,要短小精炼、直切主题。注:可以灵活变换人称。例文:In 1999,a girl was born.She called Amy.She is a polite girl. She has long hair, big eyes and long chestnut hair. She is a beautiful girl. So someone says she is like a princess.She is not very tall and she is very slim. But she is very brave! She is braver than many boys.She has many hobbies. She loves dancing ballet. She has learn ballet for seven years. She loves classical Art. For example she likes listen to classical music best, and she has played piano for six years.She likes studying foreign languages. She likes English and Russian very much. She is learning Spanish these months. She learns Maths very well, and she is one of the committees in her class.She often says ”Studying is just like a false tiger, we can do it well!”Do you want to see her? To tell you the truth, this girl is me!第二篇:怎样用英文做自我介绍 6300字自我介绍之介绍些什么?姓名 年龄 籍贯 职业 性格 兴趣爱好 家庭情况 专业 .谈籍贯:I am from .; I come from.; My native place is.; I am a native of.; My hometown is. 谈职业:Im a .; My occupation/profession/vocation is.专业名词:谈性格:Im a XXX person/boy/girl; Im XXX性格形容词:adaptable 适应性强的;active 主动的,活跃的;candid 正直的;cooperative 有合作精神的; creative 富创造力的;dedicated 有奉献精神的;dependable 可靠的diplomatic 老练的,有策略的; frank 直率的,真industrious 勤奋的; ingenious 诚的; gentle 有礼貌的;humorous 幽默的; independent 有主见的;有独创性的;logical 条理分明的;modest 谦虚的;objective 客观的;punctual 严守时刻的;realistic 实事求是的; responsible 负责的;sweet-tempered 性情温和的;temperate 稳健的;voluble健谈的;bad-tempered 脾气暴燥的;brilliant 有才气的;cheerful 开朗的;confident 自信的; creative 富创造力的;dedicated 有奉献精神的;enthusiastic 充满热情的;frank 直率的,真诚的;friendly 友好的;frugal 俭朴的;happy 开心的;independent 有主见的;lazy 懒惰的,懒散的;mean 吝啬的;modest 谦虚的;obedient 听话孝顺的;romantic 浪漫的;sensible 明白事理的;sociable 好交际的;spirited 生气勃勃的;straightforward 老实的;sympathetic确有同情心的;thoughtful 体贴人的;warm-hearted 热心肠的 谈兴趣:I am interested in .; Im fond of.; My hobbies are.; Enjoy; love; like; have deep love forHobby: 爱好,尤其指业余爱好Spare time: 空闲时间,业余时间Be good at: 擅长Favorite: 最喜欢的,特别喜欢的,中意的谈家庭:I have a happy family.There are four people in my family.They are my father ,mother,sister and I.there are four people in my family,my parents,sister and i.my family is very warm.i feel happy.father likes to eat potato,so he is fat.mother likes watching tv,she was tall and thin.and my sister is lovly.i love them.开头句: 1.Its my great honor to introduce myself to you here.很荣幸在这儿向大家作自我介绍。2.Its my pleasure to introduce myself to you here.我很高兴在这儿向大家作自我介绍。3.Im very happy to introduce myself to you here.我很高兴在这儿向大家作自我介绍。4.Im very glad to introduce myself to you here.我很高兴在这儿向大家作自我介绍。5.I feel very honored to introduce myself to you here.我感到很荣幸在这儿向大家作自我介绍。6.It is a great pleasure for me to introduce myself to you here.我是如此的高兴在这儿向大家作自我介绍。7.It is a privilege to be speaking to you today.今天能跟你谈话真是我三生有幸。8.Let me introduce myself. / Let me do some introduction. 让我来介绍一下自己亮点句:1.I am willing to work under pressure.我乐于在压力下工作。2.Im a full of energetic and fashion-minded person.我是一个精力充沛、思维新颖的人。3.I have the ability to work well with others.我能够很好的与他人工作。(具有团队精神)4.Be willing to learn and progress, and have good analytical capability.于不断学习进取,并具有很好的分析能力。第一部分:面试英语自我介绍模板1. Good morning/afternoon/evening, my name is . It is really a great honor to have this opportunity/chance to introduce myself. I would like to answer whatever you may raise, and I hope I can make a good performance today.上午好/下午好/晚上好!我的名字叫。今天有机会进行自我介绍深感荣幸。我乐意回答你们所提出来的任何问题。我希望我今天能表现的非常出色。2.I am years old, born in province/Beijing, northeast/southeast/southwest of china, and I am currently a freshman(大一新生)/sophomore(大二学生)/junior(大三学生)/senior(大四学生) student at Capital Institute of Physical Education.我今年岁,出生在省/北京,它位于中国的东北/东南/西南等部。我目前是首都体育学院大一/大二/大三/大四的学生。3.My major is sports training of basketball/voellyball/football/badminton/pingbang/tennis/我主修篮球/排球/足球/羽毛球/乒乓球/网球/田径/游泳/跆拳道等运动训练专业。在我毕业以后,我将会获得学士学位。4.In the past 1/2/3 years, I spend most of my time on study. I have passed CET3/4/6 and I have acquired basic knowledge of sports training both in theory and in practice.在过去的1/2/3年中,我把大量的时间用在学习上。我已经通过了大学英语2/3/4/6级。而且,我已经从理论和实践二方面对运动训练专业的基础知识有了一个大致的了解。5.Besides, I have attended several sports meetings held in Beijing. I am also the volunteers of China Tennis Open, Chinese Badminton Masters . Through these I have a deeply understanding of my majorsports training.除此以外,我
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