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慢速生活英语口语广播74:社区派对英语情景对话 Mike: Thanks a lot for agreeing to help me plan the block party. 男:感谢你同意帮我来筹备社区的派对Susan: Oh, Im happy to help. Im surprised you didnt ask Bree. Shes so good at planning parties.女:我愿意效劳。我有点惊奇你为什么没让布瑞来帮你,她可是筹办派对的高手Mike: I thought about it, but I was afraid she would turn it into a cocktail party or something.男:我倒是想过,但我很担忧她将派对开成了个鸡尾酒会或类似的什么派对Susan: Yeah, I see what you mean. Well, I made a guest list to see how many people may be attending. We can put the invitations in their mailboxes this weekend. It will be a potluck so Im asking people to RSVP and to let me know what they plan to bring.女:我理解你的担忧。好吧,我们先列个客人清单看多少人能来参与。这个周末我们可以将邀请函放到他们的邮箱中。由于这个社区派对是大家都带食品来的那种,所以我们确认谁会来参与,又预备带什么好吃的来。Mike: What kind of things do we need?男:那我们需要什么呢Susan: Well, Im asking people to bring a main dish, chips and dip, or dessert. It wont be a BYOB like last year, so Lynette and Edie are bringing some soda. I can supply the paper plates and cups, and the plastic utensils.女:我会让人们带一个主菜、薯条或甜点。这回我们不搞去年那种谁想喝什么就自带什么的方式,这回让列内和艾迪预备些苏打水。我能供应纸盘子与杯子,还有塑料用户。Mike: Thats great. It sounds like you have everything under control.男:那好呀,感觉一切尽在把握了Susan: I really cant believe it. Theres a first time for everything!女:简直难以置信。人人都有第一次吗。
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