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英语面试中五大典型问题及其回答技巧这个问题是把双刃剑,它也许会让你显得考虑周全也可能带来出其不意的反效果,让用人单位觉得你根本没有事先做好对公司的研究、也丝毫不重视这次面试来自CareerTrend网站的Jacqui Barrett-Poindexter说道。在问出任何一个问题前,请先自问:这个问题我能不能自己用google找到答案?如果能,那么,请1)千万别问这个问题2)面试前先用google搜一搜!Following are some typical questions that an interviewer may ask during a job interview, and some typical responses:I feel that my qualifications match your job description. I have a proven track record in resolving problems, multitasking, and dealing with customers, as you can see from my resume.(5)围巾。一条漂亮的围巾有画龙点睛的妙用。一些女士喜欢蓝灰色服装,但穿蓝灰色衣服往往会使面部发暗,如果配上一条色彩浓郁、风格热烈的尼龙围巾,就能达到生气勃勃的效果。如果穿一套藏青色的西服,应围一条纯白的围巾,既能显托红唇黑眸,又能保持藏青色清爽如水的气质,衬托出女性的敏捷和果断。另有一些女青年,喜欢穿银灰色的衣服。银灰色是高雅大方的色彩,但若围巾搭配不当,便会显得呆板平淡。Can you tell me a little more about the Canto project that you did at ABC Incorporated?Oh, that was a very exciting project. We had to increase sales by 40% during the 2nd quarter, and our results exceeded expectations,even though we were under a lot of pressure.Why should I hire you?Review your assessment and highlight areas that demonstrate skills you enjoy using. Write down verbs that show you in action and nouns that show qualities that you exhibit. Next, write down three adjectives that describe you. Then, think of a time when you solved a problem. Employers like to hire people who show initiative. Then organize these items into a 30-second commercial.“Looking at your website, and comparing it with those of your competitors, I think you should streamline the site and emphasis the recent upgrades to your products”I feel that my qualifications match your job description. I have a proven track record in resolving problems, multitasking, and dealing with customers, as you can see from my resume.What can you offer this company?In addition to the skills and experience we discussed, Im an extremely hard worker, Im very thorough and methodical, I get along great with people, and Im a quick learner.Can you tell me some of your strengths and weaknesses?Im loyal, honest, I manage my time effectively, I always follow through on my work, and I have great computer skills. Umm, I cant really say I have any major weakness that affects my performance at work. I believe in continual learning and on-the-job training so that I can perform even better. Sometimes, I think Im too hard-working, but I really love my work.Great! So when can you start?I have to give two weeks notice, which is just enough time to complete my current project. I can start any time after that.从今以后5年内你想做些什么?你要清楚你实际上能胜任什么。你可以事先和他人交流一番。问问他们在某公司的头5年都做了些什么。
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