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新概念英语第三册Lesson10惯用语整理1.only 要是就好了(表示愿望)(=I wish, 虚拟语气特别句型)(it would be better if.)1.If only we had”t spent so much money on our vacation this year.要是我们今年度假时没有花这么多钱就好了!2.lf only, had”t caused so much trouble to the dean!要是我没给主任添这么多麻烦就好了!3.A:I wish my hair was longer.A:我盼望头发长一些。B:Yes, pity you had it cut. If only you had listened to me.B:确实,真惋惜你已经剪短了。要是你当时能听我的话就好了。2.in time 准时,准时赶上做例句:1.Shouldn”t we call now if we are going to get a taxi in time?假如我们想准时叫辆出租的话,我们不该现在就打电话吗?2.You won”t be able to get to the airport in time to catch that plane at four o”clock.你不会准时赶到机场去赶四点的那班飞机的。3.I saw the pitcher of water about to fall. but I couldn”t reach it in time.我观察那水罐就要倒了,可是没来得及抓住。3.miss v. 未击中,未抓住;错过,未赶上;未理解;惦念,惦念;逃脱,遗漏,省掉miss by (time)差.没赶上(miss sth.with a delay of.)1.You just misssd the nine-thirty bus by five minutes.你差5分钟没赶上9:30的公共汽车。2.I missed the flight by half an hour.我晚了半小时没赶上飞机。4.regard v./n. 1.把看作;认为2.对待;对待regard as(consider, think ofas, accept as, take as)看作,认为,当作例句:Many of us tend to regard emotions as interfering with rational thought.我们中的许多人往往认为感情会干扰人的理性思索。with regard to (in regard to, concerning, as to)例句:With regard to your request to retire, we have discussed it with the manager.关于你退休的恳求,我们已经和经理争论过了。
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