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新概念英语第三册Lesson6惯用语整理1.back Prep. 在后面行,背部,后部 adv.回来支持back out 退出A:Wasn”t Bert supposed to sing tonight?A:伯特今日晚上不是要唱歌吗?B:Yes, but he backed out at the last minute.B:是的,可是他在最终一刻退出了。in the back 在后面A:I”m Looking for a lightweight jacket.navy blue.medium.A:我想买一件轻巧夹克海军蓝的中号的。B:Let”s see. Have you checked the sales rack in the back? There were still a few there yesterday.B:嗯。你有没有看看后面的货架?昨天那儿还有几件。on one”s way back from work 下班回来的路上例句:He”d better stop at the grocery store on the way back from work.下班回来的路上,他去一趟杂货店。2.furniture n.家具polish the furniture 给家具打蜡例句:He vacuumed the rug and polished the furiture.他将地毯吸了尘,给家具打了蜡。3.opening n. 开张,通道 adj.开头的,开场的job opening (offer)工作时机(job opportunity; vacancy)1.How did the woman learn about the job opening?这个女士是怎样得知这个工作时机的?2.job offers are up 16 percent from Iast year.工作时机比去年增加了16%。
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