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2022年自学考试考试真题卷九(本卷共分为2大题50小题,作答时间为180分钟,总分100分,60分及格。)单位: 姓名: 考号: 题号单选题多项选择判断题综合题总分分值 得分 一、单项选择题(共25题,每题2分。每题的备选项中,只有一个最符合题意) 1.在同一控制下通过发行股票方式控股合并的会计处理中,不会涉及到的账户是_A商誉B长期股权投资C资本公积D股本2.甲公司拥有乙公司、丙公司和丁公司表决权资本的比例分别为50%、51%和40%:乙公司拥有戊公司和丁公司表决权资本的比例分别为60%和10%。若不考虑其他影响因素,则应纳入甲公司合并财务报表范围的是_A乙公司B丙公司C丁公司D戊公司3.甲公司为乙公司的子公司,2010年12月,甲公司将成本为160000元的存货以190000元的价格销售给乙公司,乙公司将其作为管理用固定资产。2010年12月31日,甲公司个别资产负债表中“固定资产项目金额为600000元,乙公司个别资产负债表中“固定资产”项目金额为300000元,则2010年年末编制的合并资产负债表中“固定资产”项目应列示的金额是_A600000元B870000元C900000元D930000元4.2006年12月31日某企业购置一项固定资产,成本为350000元,当时的物价指数是150,该固定资产采用年限平均法按10年计提折旧,预计净残值为0。2010年12月31日一般物价指数为240,编制2010年一般物价水平资产负债表时,该固定资产净值调整后的金额是_A210000元B224000元C336000元D560000元5.下列关于编制合并现金流量表的表述中,正确的是_A子公司向母公司支付现金股利影响集团的现金流量B子公司向少数股东支付现金股利不影响合并现金流量表C子公司的少数股东以现金购买子公司股票作为集团投资活动现金流入D母公司在证券市场出售子公司债券取得现金收入作为集团投资活动现金流入6.下列不属于现时成本会计特征的是_A以名义货币为计价单位B以等值货币为计价单位C建立现时成本账户体系D以资产现时成本和个别物价变动为计价基准7.下列不属于通货膨胀会计对会计核算基本方法应用发展的是_A会计科目的设置B账簿体系的建立C会计报表的编制D以货币为计量单位8.在一般物价水平会计模式下,属于货币性权益性质项目的是_A资本公积B盈余公积C股本普通股D股本收取固定红利的优先股9.清算会计与传统财务会计相一致的会计假设是_A会计主体B持续经营C会计分期D货币计量10.在现时成本会计模式下,按年末现时成本计提的累计折旧额是指_A按年末现时成本的预计使用年限平均计算的折旧额B按年末现时成本低于历史成本部分计提的累计折旧额C按年末现时成本高于历史成本部分计提的累计折旧额D按年末现时成本计提的年折旧额乘以已使用年限计算的折旧额11.企业破产清算时,破产财产应最先偿付的是_A共益债务B破产费用C欠缴税款D应付职工薪酬12.阅读下面的新闻并按题号顺序做出选择。 2008年11月6日消息:周二()举行了全国大选,民主党总统候选人()当选为下一届总统,选举结果揭晓后共和党候选人麦凯恩承认失败,并致电当选者表示祝贺。这一天同时还进行了国会选举,全国各地的选民投票选举了国会两院的议员,其中众议院议员全部改选,每个国会选区选举产生()议员,参议院议员改选()。2008年11月6日消息:周二()举行了全国大选。A日本B俄罗斯C美国D法国13.阅读下面的新闻并按题号顺序做出选择。 2008年11月6日消息:周二()举行了全国大选,民主党总统候选人()当选为下一届总统,选举结果揭晓后共和党候选人麦凯恩承认失败,并致电当选者表示祝贺。这一天同时还进行了国会选举,全国各地的选民投票选举了国会两院的议员,其中众议院议员全部改选,每个国会选区选举产生()议员,参议院议员改选()。民主党总统候选人()当选为下一届总统。A奥巴马B布什C克林顿D萨科齐14.阅读下面的新闻并按题号顺序做出选择。 2008年11月6日消息:周二()举行了全国大选,民主党总统候选人()当选为下一届总统,选举结果揭晓后共和党候选人麦凯恩承认失败,并致电当选者表示祝贺。这一天同时还进行了国会选举,全国各地的选民投票选举了国会两院的议员,其中众议院议员全部改选,每个国会选区选举产生()议员,参议院议员改选()。每个国会选区选举产生()议员A一名B两名C三名D多名15.阅读下面的新闻并按题号顺序做出选择。 2008年11月6日消息:周二()举行了全国大选,民主党总统候选人()当选为下一届总统,选举结果揭晓后共和党候选人麦凯恩承认失败,并致电当选者表示祝贺。这一天同时还进行了国会选举,全国各地的选民投票选举了国会两院的议员,其中众议院议员全部改选,每个国会选区选举产生()议员,参议院议员改选()。参议院议员改选()A二分之一B三分之二C三分之一D五分之三16.Passage 1 Friendship and friends continue to remain central to our lives. The relationship that we share with our friends is grounded in a mutual concern as our friends help us in shaping up our personalities as well. Even in this age of online social networking, the need of expanding the network of friends, whether online or offline remains a primary concern for people. We may have a very vague understanding of what makes a friend but we all want to have a good many friends around us. Research has shown that the quality and nature of your friends are one of the key influencing factors in achieving happiness and satisfaction. Friends often affect the health and energy of a person as well. More and more people are increasingly turning towards their friends for support and mutual sharing rather than communicating to their relatives; this sociological phenomenon has escalated the desire to make more friends. Though friendship is a relationship developed between two individuals marked by a voluntary, emotional and mutual concern, there are certain steps, which, if followed, can win you friends or at least help you get close to those whom you want to make friends with. The first step to make friends with someone is to make them like you. If they dont like you in the first place, it is unlikely that theyll be eager to become your friends. To let someone know that you are genuinely interested in them, simple gestures like a little smile and calling him by his first name can lay the basic foundation. To make the other person feel important you need to be a good listener and encourage the other person to talk. Give your honest and sincere opinion but do not overtly criticize or make fun of him or her. The second step of making someone your friend is to develop a mutual consideration between each other. You need to share his or her perspective and for that it is necessary for you to develop a tendency to see things from the other persons point of view. To become best of friends you must show a genuine concern and consideration for your friends desires and opinions. The third and final step towards friendship is to show your unconditional support and encouragement towards your friend. Moreover, you also need to be very clear about your expectations from your friend. If what you expect from the person you want to befriend matches with what that person can and want to contribute in friendship, the developing friendship between you and your friend is assured to grow, making both of you gratified with mutua
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