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2022年江苏公共英语考试考前冲刺卷(本卷共分为1大题50小题,作答时间为180分钟,总分100分,60分及格。)单位: 姓名: 考号: 题号单选题多项选择判断题综合题总分分值 得分 一、单项选择题(共50题,每题2分。每题的备选项中,只有一个最符合题意) 1.W: Good morning, sir May I help youM: Good morning. My family and I are visiting Boston for a few days. Do you have any roomsW: How many are there in your familyM: Four. My wife and I, and two children.W: Well, we can let you have two rooms, Or we can give you one large room with two double beds.M: What are the pricesW: The two rooms would be 100 dollars a day. The large room would be 80 dollars a day.M: We’ll take the two rooms.W: Very good. sir. Would you please register Write your name and address on this card. Thank you. Is this your luggageM: Yes. We have four suitcases.W: All right. The bellboy will bring them up for you. You will be in rooms 403 and 405. How long do you plan to stay in BostonM: Four days. We’ll leave on Friday. I understand that you can give us some information about tours of the city.W: Yes, sir. I’ll be glad to help you arrange a tour.M: We’ll come back here after we get settled in our rooms. Let’s go. The elevators are this way.The man has to().Aregister by writing his name and addressBregister for his suitcasesCregister for the tour arrangementDregister for the sake of security2.M: Dear audiences, today we’ll talk about divorce and its effect on children. Our guest is Jennifer Benzes. Thank you for coming, Jennifer. Do you mind saying something about your divorceW: No. I got divorced years ago. Even worse, I got divorced when I had small children.M: Have you thought of the effect divorce may have on your children Their needs can be forgotten as parents are struggling to re-establish their lives.W: Of course, we have. We are definitely more aware of the impact on children. After all we are not famous people who trade spouses like shoes. For most of us divorce is not entered into lightly. We all suffer. Anyway, we try to comfort our children.M: HowW: We tell them we love them and will always do.M: You haven’t thought of saving the marriageW: Yes, we have. We would do anything to spare our children pain. But you know, fixing a marriage is not like changing a tire. Family conflicts may take hold like a cancer.M: Then divorce is the only way to get rid of it.W: It’s true with me. Others may succeed in fixing.M: Yet most people believe a had marriage is better for children than a divorce. According to a recent poll, more people today think parents should stay together for the sake of the children What do you thinkW: I think the cost of staying together is worse than the benefits. Parents quarrelling and fighting all day may do more harm to their children.M: What do you want society to do for youW: Understand us, not curse us. More importantly, they should help us share the loss and build a better future.According to the woman, which of the following statements is true ()ADivorce is to be entered into seriously.BChildren’s needs are ignored after parents get divorcedCMost famous people look on divorce as a serious matter.DA bad marriage is better for children than a divorce.3.A person becomes part of the Christian community through baptism — it is a matter of choice (21) birth. The Christian community is a gathered community (22) who believe that Jesus is the Christ and that they have salvation (23) . It is open to males and females of any age, race, or (24) . A Christian is normally affiliated with a particular parish or congregation that is (25) the care of a particular clergy-person A baptized person is usually (26) a Christian by all Christians everywhere: however, there may be some additional requirements to meet if a person (27) to a church of a different tradition.Giving money and goods needed by others (28) a part of Christian living. Some Christians engage in tithing, the (29) of 10 percent of their income to support the work of the church, (30) includes charitable services of those in need. Other Christians give smaller (31) of their income to the church but contribute either directly to those in need or to organizations that serve human beings or lower animals.Although some Christians believe the world will continue to become more evil until Christ returns to earth, (32) think that they (33) improve the world. Christian service to God means, (34) , not only charity to meet current needs but also altering institutions and structures of society in order to (35) poverty, illness, and injustices, For some Christians, the social implications of the gospel are almost as important as the religion. John Woolman visited the slaveholders in the United States to (36) them to free their slaves. Henry Ward Beecher openly supported a campaign to free all the slaves. Walter Rauschenbusch labored to improve living and working condition
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