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外研社八年级上册英语知识点 1. What are you upto? =what are you doing?你正在做什么? up to忙于做某事 2.just now刚刚(一般过去时) the latest news最新消息 3. Dont panic!不要慌张 4.on the news在新闻上 5.in space在太空 6.on business出差 7. show sth. tosb.=show sb. sth. 8. borrow sth.from sb. lend sth. to sb. 9.millions of 数以百万计的 详细数字+million 10.none of+可数名词复数+V单数 11.be called被叫做。 12.also用于句中 too 用于句末,但有逗号 as well用于句末,但没有逗号 13.grow up长大 14.alone无感情颜色be alone lonely有感情颜色feel lonely 15.prefer A to B prefer doing A todoing B prefer to do Arather than do B 16.so far迄今为止(现在完成时) 17.feel like doingsth.喜爱做某事 18.as adj.(原级) as 像。一样 19.so that如此。以至于 20.现在完成时的构造 主语+have/has动词的过去分词 just/already一般用于确定句 yet一般用于否认句和疑问句 for+一段时间(for five years) since+一个时间点(since 8 oclock yesterday) since+详细的年份(since 1990) since+一段时间+ago(since five years ago) 当有一段时间存在时,终止性动词必需变成连续性动词 die be dead begin/start be on buy have borrow keep come/go be 外研社八年级上册英语学问2 travel around theworld环球旅行 invite sb. to dosth.邀请某人去做某事 stay with sb.跟某人呆在一起 one day总有一天 1.put on take off穿上,脱下 land in 着陆 take off起飞 2. the price of 的价钱 3.dream of/aboutsth.梦到某物 4. What do youreckon? What do you thinkof? How do you like? 5.have been to 去了回来了 have gone to 去了没回来 6.fly to sw.飞到某地 because+(句子) because of +n./名词(短语) 7.western food西方食物 8.more than=over 超过 9.sell out卖光 e true实现 外研社八年级上册英语学问3 1.how long多久 2.get on well withsb.与某人相处融洽 3. learn a foreignlanguage 4. the Hope School 5.Project Hope盼望工程 6.poor children贫困(儿童) 7.in fact事实上 8.tell me more说的更多点 9.how long用for+一段时间/since+时间点答复 how often用频度副词来答复 how soon用in+一段时间提问(一般是一般将来时) how far多远,提问路程多远 10.take part 参与 11.aneight-year-old boy 12.drop out ofschool辍学 13.on the farm在农场上 14.be ill生病 15.have to do sth.不得不去做某事 16.get aneducation得到(训练) 17.with the help of在。的帮忙下 18.people in Chinaand abroad国内外的人们 19.because of由于 luck (n.)lucky (adj.)luckily (adv.) care (n.)careful(adj.) carefully (adv.) 20.反意疑问句:前肯后否、前否后肯 反意疑问句必需换成主语的代词 谓语动词在时态和人称上要保持全都 表示否认意义的词:never/hardly/few/little/nothing/seldom/no there bebe there? Youd betterhadnt you? Letsshall we? Let uswill you? 祈使句will you? 一般现在时do/does 主语? 现在进展时am/is/are 主语? 一般过去时did 主语? 过去进展时was/were 主语? 现在完成时have/has 主语? 情态动词情态动词主语? 若句子里含有否认的意义,那么yes翻译成“不”,no翻译成“是” 外研社八年级上册英语学问4 1.study plan(学习打算) 2.a number of +可数名词复数+V(复数):很多、大量 the number of+可数名词复数+V(单数):。的数量 3.advice不行数名词 a piece of advice一条建议 give sb. someadvice给某人一些建议 advise sb. to dosth.建议某人去做某事 4.write it/themdown把它写下来 5. what else?还有什么其他的? 6. It is adj. forsb. to do sth. 7. It is a goodidea to do sth. 8.meet sb.接某人 9.this term这学期 last term上学期 next term下学期 10. help sb. dosth. help sb. with sth. 11.ask for advice征求意见 12.basic questions根本问题 13.spend on sth. spend (in) doingsth.花费时间做某事 sth cost sb some money It takes sb. sometime to do sth. pay for 14.the meaning of.的意思 15.speak to sb.与某人谈话 16.take a deepbreath深呼吸 17.start aconversation开头一段谈话 18.talk about sth.with sb.跟某人谈论某事 19.表示建议的句子 What about doing=How about doing? Why not do=Why dont you do.? Try (not) to do sth. should do Its a good idea to do sth. Would you like to do sth. Let sb do sth. Remember to do sth.=Dont forget to do sth. youd better do sth. 其他学问点: 1.give up放弃 2. ask sb. to dosth.让某人去做某事 3.improve oneself提高某人 4.information消息信息,不行数名词 5.leave sth.落下什么东西 6.as作为 7.like 喜爱、像 8.at the age of在。岁时 9.experience(阅历)(不行数名词) experience经受(可数名词) work工作(不行数名词) 着作(可数名词) Job工作(可数名词) 10.once/twice/threetimes提到次数的时候,用现在完成时 11.finish doingsth.完成做某事 12.go off灯熄灭 13.so far 迄今为止(现在完成时) 14.lose onesway=lose oneself迷路 15.be away from远离 16. be sorry to dosth. 17.listen to theradio听收音机 18.write to sb.写给某人 19.would like todo sth.情愿去做某事 20. want to dosth. 21. adj enough todo sth. 22.try ones bestto do sth.尽某人最大力量去做某事 23. everyday (adj.)every day(adv.) 24.teacher withglasses戴眼镜的教师 外研社八年级上册英语学问5 1. How is it going?过的怎么样? 2. send sb. sth.=send sth. to s
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