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英语(基础模块)下册Unit 10 Telling Chinas StoriesWarming-upListening & SpeakingPronunciationHaving Fun01020304目录Reading05目录Grammar FocusWritingReview060708Culture Corner09Warming-upPART 1. Read, watch and talk. 读下列观点,看视频,谈谈你对文化多样性及文化自信的认识。点击上方图片观看视频. Read, watch and talk. 读下列观点,看视频,谈谈你对文化多样性及文化自信的认识。. Read, watch and talk. 读下列观点,看视频,谈谈你对工匠精神的认识。. Read, watch and talk. 读下列观点,看视频,谈谈你对工匠精神的认识。. Watch and discuss. 看视频,两人一组讨论下列问题。1. What is your attitude towards Western culture?2. What is your attitude towards our culture? 3. What do you think is the foundation of our countrys cultural self-confidence?4. What should we do to enhancing our cultural self-confidence and promote traditional culture?点击上方图片观看视频Listening & SpeakingPART 2Dialogue 1 The Cultural differences impressed me most. Listen and decide true (T) or false (F). 听录音,判断对错。1. Kyle is in America now. ( )2. Kyle thought Chinese and Americans think similarly. ( )3. When Americans feel ill, they like to take the advice from those who show care to them. ( )4. Helping others isnt always regarded being kind in America. ( )FFFTDialogue 1 The Cultural differences impressed me most. Listen and follow. 听录音,跟读对话。Paige:Hows your time spent in the United States?Kyle:Well, pretty good.Paige:Im glad to hear that. What impressed you most?Kyle:Well, the cultural differences impressed me most.Paige:You mean we Chinese think differently from the Americans? Kyle:Thats right, quite different. One day one of my American friends looked pale, so I asked him whether he was sick or not. But he was reluctant to answer my question.Paige:Thats weird.Kyle:And whats more, when he told me he had caught a cold for several days, I suggested that he should go to the hospital as soon as possible.Paige:You really cared about your friend.Kyle:Sure I am. But he responded by saying “what do you mean?”.Paige:Im confused. Why did he say that?Kyle:I felt the same at first. Later he told me that Id better not give him any suggestions when he was sick. Offering unsolicited help or advice is like showing sympathy to the weak or the poor. Back in China, helping others is always regarded as being kind.Paige:Absolutely. Now I understand why he responded that way.Dialogue 1 The Cultural differences impressed me most.Notesimpress/mpres/v.给留下深刻的好印象pale/pel/adj.苍白的reluctant/rlktnt/adj.不情愿的weird/wd/adj.奇怪的respond/rspnd/v.回答;回应confused/knfjuzd/adj.迷惑的unsolicited/nslstd/adj.未经要求的Dialogue 1 The Cultural differences impressed me most. Listen and complete. 听录音,完成对话。A: Have you adapted to the _ in China?B: Yeah, almost. But I still wonder why some of my Chinese colleagues share their personal stories _ others.A: Dont you do that in your country?B: No. We never do that in a _.A: Perhaps thats because we _ different ideas about privacy.lifestyle in front of public office holdDialogue 1 The Cultural differences impressed me most. Group discussion. 小组讨论。Discuss: How to deal with the culture shock?A: Many students studying abroad experience the culture shock.B: So what is culture shock exactly?A: Culture shock isB: What can we do to deal with the culture shock?A: I think we canDialogue 2 Its very interesting to learn about different cultures. Listen and choose. 听录音,选择合适的答案。A1. What impressed Mark the most?ABDialogue 2 Its very interesting to learn about different cultures. Listen and choose. 听录音,选择合适的答案。2. What do Marks friends enjoy to watch?ABBDialogue 2 Its very interesting to learn about different cultures. Listen and fill. 听录音,补全对话。Mark:I have been in China for a year. Its so beautiful! I like China very much. I particularly like the tourist attractions in China, such as the Forbidden City and _. What impressed me most is the traditional Chinese medicine. It is really miraculous!Jane: Thanks, the culture of China is indeed extensive and profound. Mark: The 5000-year-long civilization is the source of pride for every Chinese.Jane: _. Are there many people learning Chinese in your country?Mark: Yes. There are many Confucius Institutes in our country, and even many _ offer Chinese language courses.Jane: With the development of globalization, more and more people are learning Chinese, and enjoying Chinese culture.Mark: Yes. A lot of my friends enjoy _ and watching Beijing Opera. Jane: Sounds wonderful. Mark: Both Chinese culture and Western culture have their special characters, languages and customs. If we absorb the advantages of each other, it will be easy to make the cultures more various and globalized.Jane:_. Its very interesting to learn about different cultures.Mark:Exactly.the Great WallSure it isprimary schoolswearing QipaoI cant agree moreDialogue 2 Its very interesting to learn about different cultures.Notestourist attraction/trst/ /trkn/旅游胜地miraculous/mrkjls/adj.奇迹般的;不可思议的extensive/kstensv/adj.广泛的profound/prfand/adj.意义深远的civilization/svlazen/n.文明source /ss/ n.根源Confucius Institute/nsttjut/孔子学院globalization/glblazen/n.全球化absorb /bsb/v.吸收Dialogue 2 Its very interesting to learn about different cultures. Role play.
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