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本文格式为Word版,下载可编辑2022考研英语阅读抵抗毒瘾 Combating addiction 反抗毒瘾 Can a vaccine stop drug abuse? 有抗毒品的疫苗么? It may be possible to vaccinate people againstaddictive drugs 或许通过接种疫苗关心人们摆脱毒瘾将成为可能 THE idea of vaccinating drug addicts against their affliction is an intriguing one. 给瘾君子注射疫苗以关心他们摆脱苦痛是一个特别好玩得想法。 In principle, it should not be too hard. 原则上,这并不难。 The immune system works, in part, by making antibodies that are specific to particularsorts of hostile molecule. 在某种程度上,免疫系统针对某些有害分子产生抗体来实现运作。 Such antibodies recognise and attach themselves to these molecules, rendering themharmless. 抗体可以识别这些分子并将自己与它们粘附在一起使得它们无害化。 Vaccines work by presenting the immune system with novel targets, so that it can learn toreact to them if it comes across them again. 接种疫苗就是通过向免疫系统供应新的目标,这样当免疫系统下次遇到这些目标时就会知道如何应对。 The problem is that the moleculesantibodies recognise and react to are the big ones, 问题在于抗体能够识别并作出反应的分子都是像蛋白质这样的大分子, such as proteins, that are characteristic of bacteria, viruses and other infectious agents. 这些分子是细菌,病毒以及其他传染介质的特性。 Small molecules, such as drugs, go unnoticed. 而像药品这样的小分子却不会被留意到。 But not for much longer, if Kim Janda of the Scripps Research Institute in San Diego has hisway. 但是假如来自圣地亚哥,斯克里布斯讨论所的吉姆简达的讨论工作一帆风顺的话,这种状况将不会持续太久。 In a paper just published in the Journal of the American Chemical Society, Dr Janda and hiscolleagues suggest how a vaccine against methamphetamine, a popular street drug, mightbe made. 在刚刚发表在美国化学协会期刊上的论文中,简达博士指出一种针对甲基苯丙胺的疫苗将消失。 If their method works, it would open the possibility of vaccinating people against other drugs,too. 假如他们的方法可行,开发针对其他毒品的疫苗将成为可能。 The idea of a methamphetamine vaccine is not new. 甲基苯丙胺疫苗不算出新。 Combating addiction 反抗毒瘾 Can a vaccine stop drug abuse? 有抗毒品的疫苗么? It may be possible to vaccinate people againstaddictive drugs 或许通过接种疫苗关心人们摆脱毒瘾将成为可能 THE idea of vaccinating drug addicts against their affliction is an intriguing one. 给瘾君子注射疫苗以关心他们摆脱苦痛是一个特别好玩得想法。 In principle, it should not be too hard. 原则上,这并不难。 The immune system works, in part, by making antibodies that are specific to particularsorts of hostile molecule. 在某种程度上,免疫系统针对某些有害分子产生抗体来实现运作。 Such antibodies recognise and attach themselves to these molecules, rendering themharmless. 抗体可以识别这些分子并将自己与它们粘附在一起使得它们无害化。 Vaccines work by presenting the immune system with novel targets, so that it can learn toreact to them if it comes across them again. 接种疫苗就是通过向免疫系统供应新的目标,这样当免疫系统下次遇到这些目标时就会知道如何应对。 The problem is that the moleculesantibodies recognise and react to are the big ones, The problem is getting the immune system to pay attention to a molecule that is such asmall target. 问题是让免疫系统留意到这么小的一个目标。 The way that has been tried in the past is to build the vaccine from several components. 过去所尝试过的方法是让疫苗的组成成分多样化。 First, there is a large carrier protein that forms a platform for the target. 首先,需要建立一个大型蛋白质载体以作为目标平台。 Then there is the target itself, a set of smaller molecules called haptens that are attached tothe carrier. 在有了目标之后,再将一系列叫做半抗原的小分子附属在载体上。 These may either be the drug in question or some analogue of it that, for one reason oranother, is reckoned to have a better chance of training the immune system. 这些半抗原既可以是毒品本身也可以是毒品的类似物质从而更好地引起免疫系统的留意。 Finally, there is a chemical cocktail called an adjuvant that helps get the immune system topay attention to the carrier protein and the haptens. 最终,一个叫做帮助剂的化学品混合体可以关心免疫系统留意到蛋白质载体和这些半抗原。 Dr Janda noticed that past experiments on methamphetamine vaccines had all revolvedaround tweaking either the carrier protein or the adjuvant, 6 / 6
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