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本文格式为Word版,下载可编辑2022年6月六级作文范文:课外阅读 Directions: Write a composition entitled The Benefit of Extracurricular Reading. You should write at least 120 words according to the outline given below in Chinese. 1.目前高校生的课外阅读削减; 2.课外阅读有许多好处; 3.你对高校生课外阅读所持的看法。 参考范文 The Benefit of Extracurricular Reading With the advent of television, computers, and the Internet, reading has become more and more of a rarity. However, reading books in ones spare time has many benefits. First of all, unlike television or movies, books alIow you to use your imagination to picture the setting, the characters, and their lives. Secondly, reading can be done anywhere there is enough light. It doesnt require electricity, expensive gadgets, or access to the Internet. Thirdly, while reading can be entertaining, it can also help to expand your knowledge on any number of subjects. Although fewer people now partake in reading outside the college curriculum, there are plenty of sound reasons for this fact to change. I only hope that we will see an increase in reading outside the college curriculum in the future.(131 words) 2 / 2
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