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本文格式为Word版,下载可编辑2022年12月英语六级作文答案:试卷二社区责任 For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on the importance of having a sense of community responsibility. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words. It is time, at last, to speak the truth about the sense of community responsibility, and the truth is this. Appealing for a sense of community responsibility is really not such a tedious clich. The sense of community responsibilities is important in two aspects. First, from an individual standpoint, it is crucial to cultivate ones belonging to the community. Every individual shall have an affinity for a specified group or a place; otherwise, he/she will lose empathy and easily be isolated, which may do harm to his/her self-recognition. Second, it would help make a community a better place for people to live in. Every community has its own rules and regulations, and the purpose of these conventions is to guarantee the sustainability of the community. Such conventions are more likely to be obeyed by those with a sense of community responsibilities. Theres a stimulative effect that kicks in when people have a better sense of community responsibility: Greater social stability. Fewer conflicts in neighborhoods. By harnessing the sense of community responsibility of all individuals, we boost happiness for all people. 2 / 2
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