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本文格式为Word版,下载可编辑2022考研英语阅读比哈尔的利商改革 Bihar s pro-business reforms 比哈尔的利商改革 Paper tiger 雷声大,雨点小 There is more talk about reform than action inIndia s poorest state 印度的贫困之邦,改革都是浮云 It s difficult to stir up business 刺激商业谈何简单 IT IS surely no coincidence that Bihar, besides being India s poorest state, has also been itsleast inviting for entrepreneurs. 比哈尔既挂着印度贫困邦的名头,那它的招商引资做得最差,自然是情理之中的事。 That is supposed to be changing. Nitish Kumar, Bihar s chief minister, has spent his fiveyears in office fixing the roads and other infrastructure. 这种现象本应得到改善,比哈尔邦首席部长Nitish Kumar于其任上的5年中,都在大兴土木,改善基础设施。 Crime has fallen, so the bright and wealthy are no longer frightened off by the threat ofkidnapping, extortion and murder. 犯罪率降低了,显贵们不会再被绑架、勒索和谋杀的威逼吓跑。 Stability has allowed local trade to flourish. 稳定带来地区经济富强。 A state official reels off animpressive-sounding list of 398 approved investment proposalsfrom sugar mills to powerplantsworth $4.8 billion. 当地官员甩出398份华丽丽的投资意向书,总值48亿美元,内容从糖厂掩盖到能源。 That all sounds rosy, until you look for success on the ground. 看上去很美,实际都是浮云。 India s tycoons have visited, and left. 连一个大型工业投资的案例都拿不出来, There is not one example of a big industrial investment to show for it. 无怪乎印度的商业大亨们在此地来去匆忙不留银了。 Perhaps local officials are failing to spot the brightest entrepreneursthose deft enough toavoid the bureaucrats. 或许当局没有淘金的眼光,他们需要的是对避开官僚主义驾轻就熟的企业。 Take the case of Husk Power Systems, formed in 20xx by three young Biharis and anAmerican friend. 拿米糠发电系统为例,20xx年,3个年轻的哈比尔人和一位美国伴侣将该方案成形。 It runs 50 micro power plants in rural areas fired by burning otherwise useless rice husks. 仅仅靠燃烧无用的米糠,他们在农村地区经营起50家小型发电厂。 Now employing more than 250 people, the firm sells cheap electricity to 200,000 rural folk,who previously relied on kerosene lamps or candles. Bihar s pro-business reforms 比哈尔的利商改革 Paper tiger 雷声大,雨点小 There is more talk about reform than action inIndia s poorest state 印度的贫困之邦,改革都是浮云 It s difficult to stir up business 刺激商业谈何简单 IT IS surely no coincidence that Bihar, besides being India s poorest state, has also been itsleast inviting for entrepreneurs. 比哈尔既挂着印度贫困邦的名头,那它的招商引资做得最差,自然是情理之中的事。 That is supposed to be changing. Nitish Kumar, Bihar s chief minister, has spent his fiveyears in office fixing the roads and other infrastructure. 这种现象本应得到改善,比哈尔邦首席部长Nitish Kumar于其任上的5年中,都在大兴土木,改善基础设施。 Crime has fallen, so the bright and wealthy are no longer frightened off by the threat ofkidnapping, extortion and murder. 犯罪率降低了,显贵们不会再被绑架、勒索和谋杀的威逼吓跑。 Stability has allowed local trade to flourish. 稳定带来地区经济富强。 A state official reels off animpressive-sounding list of 398 approved investment proposalsfrom sugar mills to powerplantsworth $4.8 billion. 现在,这家拥有250多名员工的公司,为20多万农村人口供应低价电,此前人们离不开的煤油灯和蜡烛,都退出了历史舞台。 Each power plant turns a profit in a few months, and Husk plans to build hundreds more in thenext two years. 几个月后,每个发电厂都开头盈利,稻壳公司方案在将来两年增建100多个发电厂。 But that is no thanks to Bihar s pen-pushers. 然而,比哈尔的官员们对这些成果毫无关心。 Scientific advisers in Delhi were very helpful with permits and business contacts. 德里的科学顾问们在办许可证和业务往来上称得上是砖家, But the entrepreneurs try to avoid contact with the Bihar government as much as possible. 但要和比哈尔政府打交道,企业家们都是生怕避之不及。 An early brush-off from one of Mr Kumar s deputies set the standard for their treatment. 一个前车之鉴就是,他们曾被Kumar先生的众多副手之一不友好地拒绝过。 Ratnesh Yadav, one of Husk s founders, describes constant struggles with local corruption. 与地方腐败的斗争已是家常便饭,稻壳公司的创始人之一Ratnesh Yadav,有着如下叙述。 6 / 6
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