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平塘县2022年寒假教师“继续教育学习暨岗位 大练兵”集体备课个人主备初案科 目英语时 间2022.02.22内容(版本、年级)Pep人教版六年级下册unit4 Then and now B lets learn主备教师郁文莉教学目标1. 能听、说、认读“go cycling”“ice skate”“play badminton”。2. 能听懂“Lets learn”部分 Wu Yifan 和Mike的对话。3.能运用句型能运用句型:“Before,couldnt Now,”来对比描述。4.能完成“Listen,match and say”。教学重难点能听、说、认读“ go cycling, ice-skate, play badminton” ,并能运用过去时和现在时对比描述不同时间段所会和不会的活动。教学流程Step1:Warm-up小组汇报课前预习情况。小组代表汇报。1.用思维导图完成所go+V-ing的短语的学习情况。2.用思维导图完成所play+球类/乐器等类的短语的学习情况。3.看图说句子任务完成情况。Step2:Presentation1.检查预习情况,引出新词,学习新词。学习中遵循“词不离句”, “句不离时态”的原则突破重难点。(1)教师展示Wu Yifan骑自行车的图片,并问What is he doing? S:He is riding a bike. T:Yes,you are right. Also,you can say“go cycling”. Do you often go cycling?S:Yes,I do. I didnt like to ride a bike before,because I couldnt ride a bike. 如: WuYifan usually likes going cycling in spring .(学生预习可能写下的句子)(2)T:Do you like winter? S1:Yes, I do. T: Why? S1:I love to ice-skate and make a snowman .教师展示 ice skate 图片。如: WuYifan usually likes going skating in winter . 学生预习可能写下的句子)(3)T:Do you like sports? S2: Yes,I do. T:What sports do you like? S2:I like to play football, table 。如: WuYifan usually likes playing badminton in summer . 学生预习可能写下的句子)(4)板书“go cycling”“ice-skate”“play badminton”,新词学习:go cycling ice-skate play adminton. 该环节注重培养学生学习语音语调习惯和能力。2.呈现WuYifan 从三年级到六年级的人物头饰图片对比,在句子中加一词“before”,改变句子中的动词,也就是时态,引出I didnt before .I couldnt 讨论关于WuYifan的变化 ,运用句型“Before,Now,”。如:Before,I didnt like going cycling. Now,I like going cycling very much. Before,I had short hair. Now,I have long hair. 3.听“ Lets learn ”部分,跟读“ Let s learn”,学习正确的语音语调,并完成听力任务。Step3:Consolidation and extension1.看着已学习的单词和句子,运用句型“ Before,I couldnt .Now,”小组内说说changes in WuYifan,上台展示,比一比哪个小组做得最好。2. 说说WuYifan的朋友, Allen ,Diana and Joe 的变化。changes in Allen ,Diana and Joe .完成listen ,match and say. (1)首先学生观察图片,听听力,并将人和相关的物品进行连线,最后写出相关的动作。(2)词组,如:“go swimming, go cycling, cook dinner, play the pipa,ice-skate,play the piano,play badminton”,运用句型“ Before,I couldnt .Now,”来巩固所学的动词短语或句子。 3.课堂检查巩固before 和 now的预习和学习情况。4.课堂小结。Step 4:Homework1.整理本课笔记,朗读和抄写本课生词和句子。2.以Changes in me 为题,写一篇作文,介绍自己的变化,不少于50词。教师的建议(用红色笔手写)平塘县2022年寒假教师“继续教育学习暨岗位 大练兵”集体备课个性教案科 目英语时 间2022.02.22内容(版本、年级)Pep人教版六年级下册unit4 Then and now B lets learn主备教师郁文莉教学目标1.能听、说、认读“go cycling”“ice skate”“play badminton”。2. 能听懂“Lets learn”部分 Wu Yifan 和Mike的对话。3.能运用句型能运用句型:“Before,couldnt Now,”来对比描述。4.能完成“Listen,match and say”。教学重难点能听、说、认读“ go cycling, ice-skate, play badminton” ,并能运用过去时和现在时对比描述不同时间段所会和不会的活动。教学流程Step1:Warm-up小组汇报课前预习情况。小组代表汇报。1.用思维导图完成所go+V-ing的短语的学习情况。2.用思维导图完成所play+球类/乐器等类的短语的学习情况。Step2:Presentation1.检查预习情况,看图说句子任务完成情况。引出新词,学习新词。学习中遵循“词不离句”, “句不离时态”的原则突破重难点。(1)教师展示Wu Yifan骑自行车的图片,并问What is he doing? S:He is riding a bike. T:Yes,you are right. Also,you can say“go cycling”. Do you often go cycling?S:Yes,I do. I didnt like to ride a bike before,because I couldnt ride a bike.(2)T:Do you like winter? S1:Yes, I do. T: Why? S1:I love to ice-skate and make a snowman .教师展示 ice skate 图片。(3)T:Do you like sports? S2: Yes,I do. T:What sports do you like? S2:I like to play football, table 。(4)板书“go cycling”“ice-skate”“play badminton”,新词学习:go cycling ice-skate play adminton. 该环节注重培养学生学习语音语调习惯和能力。2.听“ Lets learn ”部分,跟读“ Let s learn”,学习正确的语音语调,并完成听力任务。Step3:Consolidation and extension1.看着已学习的单词和句子,运用句型“ Before,I couldnt .Now,”小组内说说changes in WuYifan,上台展示,比一比哪个小组做得最好。2. 说说WuYifan的朋友, Allen ,Diana and Joe 的变化。changes in Allen ,Diana and Joe .完成listen ,match and say. (1)首先学生观察图片,听听力,并将人和相关的物品进行连线,最后写出相关的动作。(2)词组,如:“go swimming, go cycling, cook dinner, play the pipa,ice-skate,play the piano,play badminton”,运用句型“ Before,I couldnt .Now,”来巩固所学的动词短语或句子。3.课堂小结。Changes in WuYifanStep 4:Homework1.整理本课笔记,朗读和抄写本课生词和句子。2.以Changes in me 为题,写一篇作文,介绍自己的变化,不少于50词。
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