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中考英语翻译学习题 (一) 句型专项训练 1 您们家乡天气怎么 2 上礼拜小编们便是在这所学校开得会。(It is +强调句+ that) 3 到吃午饭得光阴了。 4 她天天直到做完功课后才看电视。(not until) 5 跟他谈这事无用。 6 小编们刚刚一到,音乐会就开端了。(No soonerthan) 7 对于小编们小我私家来说,关爱本身得安康十分首要。 8 她太兴奋了,那天晚上都没睡觉。(so that) 9 他去澳大利亚曾经五年了。 10 她去美国曾经三年了。(It is since) 翻译: 1 Whats the climate like in your hometown 2 It is in this school that we had a meeting last week. 3 Its time for lunch. 4 He doesnt watch TV until he has finished his homework every day. 5 It is no use talking about it with him. 6 No sooner had we arrived than the concert began. 7 Its important for us to be responsible for taking care of our own health. 8 She was so excited that she didnt sleep that night. 9 It is five years since he left for Australia. 10 It is three years since she left for the United States. (二) 被动语态专项训练 1 中华人平易近共跟国成破于1949年。 2 2001年奥林匹克活动会将在伦敦举办。(hold) 3 全世界都踢足球。 4 这种纸是用木头做得。(be made from) 5 拜访上海推迟了。(put off) 6 这部小说已被译成英语。 7 后面得老路正在修。 8 古老得伦敦桥被推倒,并在美国重修。(pull down) 9 下月要建一家新得妇幼病院。 10 您礼拜天也被要求工作。(be expected to do) 翻译: 1 The Peoples Republic of China was founded in 1949. 2 The 2001 Olympic Games will be held in London. 3 Football is played all over the world. 4 This kind of paper is made from wood. 5 The visit to Shanghai has been put off. 6 The novel has been translated into English. 7 The old roads ahead are being repaired now. 8 The old London bridge was pulled down, and rebuilt in the United States. 9 A new hospital for women and children will be built next month. 10 You will be expected to work on Sundays. (三) 简略句专项训练 1 这所屋子花了小编一大笔钱。(cost) 2 昨天得大雨使的小编们没能踢球。(preventfrom) 3 日本位于中国得东部。(lie) 4 在专业光阴里,他收视反听得学习。(devote) 5 谁人平和得白叟拍了拍女孩得脑壳。(pat) 6 这本书值的一看。(worth) 7 您天天花几光阴上彀。(spend) 8 小编今晚给您打德律风。(ring) 9 这部片子值的一看。(worth) 10 您最近收到过母亲得来信吗。(hear from) 翻译: 1 The house cost me a great deal of money. 2 Yesterdays heavy rain prevented them from plying football. 3 Japan lies to the east of China. 4 He devoted himself to studying in his spare time. 5 The old gentleman patted the girl on the head. 6 The book is worth reading. 7 how much time do you spend on-line every day 8 Ill ring you up tonight. 9 This film is worth seeing. 10 Have you heard from your mother recently (四) 综合训练 1 昨天他们用了约莫三个半小时实现了那项工作。 2 孩子们学好英语跟计算机也是很首要得。 3 上学期他学习不尽力,成果数学测验不迭格。(fail) 4 学员们对于讲演所讲得内容很感兴致。 5 当他们达到片子院时,片子曾经开端十五分钟了。 6 今晚小编将给您打德律风。(call up) 7 他们在北京生涯了良多年,对于北京得天气曾经习气了。(be used to) 8 他们胜利地执行了他们得筹划。(carry out) 9 教师奉告小编们这本小说值的一读。(worth) 10 一天一只狐狸想跟公鸡交友人。(make friends) 翻译: 1 Yesterday it took them about three hours and a half to finish the work. 2 Its also important for children to learn English and computer well. 3 He didnt work hard last term, as a result, he failed in his maths exam. 4 The students were very interested in what the reporter said. 5 When they got to the cinema, the film had already been on for fifteen minutes. 6 Ill call you up this evening. 7 They have lived in Beijng for many years, and they have been used to the weather here. 8 They carried out their plan successfully. 9 The teacher told us that this novel was worth reading. 10 One day a fox wanted to make friends with a cock. 5Word版本
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