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酒店鲜花预订服务标准操作Why is this task important for you and our guests?为什么此项任务对您和客人如此重要?Answers: 回答:1. I know what flowers mean to our guest.我知道鲜花对于客人的意义?2. I appreciate that flowers have a positive impact on the comfort of the guest especially if he/she wants to order directly in the hotel.我知道客人直接在酒店订鲜花能够让他感觉舒适、方便。3. I am able to increase the GSTS score.能够增加客人的满意指数.WHAT/ STEPS步骤HOW/ STANDARDS如何做/标准1) Flower arrangement album准备鲜花像册A minimum of 10 different types of flower arrangements and bouquets are available for sale from the Flower room. 花房内应准备至少10种以上的捧花以备选择An album is set up with photos of the individual pieces and the prices. 捧花应拍成像片并注明价格PHOTO#12) Availability of the album鲜花像册的实用性The albums will be distributed to the Concierge, Lobby Shop, Business Center, Hotel Shop and Sales and Marketing 鲜花像册将会被摆放在行李部,大厅购物店,商务中心和市场销售部3) When guest orders flowers当客人预订鲜花时The staff concerned raises a Flower Request Form with the following information;员工应知道鲜花申请单包括了以下几方面的内容- Type of flower鲜花样式- Type of arrangement鲜花的安排- Date and time of delivery什么时间或日期需要- Send to whom送给谁- Message 是否需要留言- Price.价格Staff concerned raises a Miscellaneous voucher, gives the original copy to the guest and sends the 2nd and 3rd copy together with the Request form to the Flower room.相关员工应填写杂项收费单,将原件给客人,将第二联和第三联交予花房4) Preparation准备The Request form is delivered to the Flower room. 鲜花申请单将会送到花房The Florist must check the Request form carefully and prepare the flower arrangement requested.花工应仔细检查鲜花申请单,然后根据鲜花申请单的要求准备鲜花After preparation send flowers to Concierge for delivery.然后将准备好的鲜花交与行李部去传送鲜花Summary questions: 问题概述:1. Who are Flower albums distributed to? 谁负责鲜花样式的分布?2. Why is it important to have a Flower purchasing possibility in the hotel? 为什么在酒店里使用鲜花采购单如此重要?3. What is important when a guest orders flowers?在客人预订鲜花时重要的是什么?4. Who will deliver flowers?谁来传送鲜花?5. Who will post the charges?谁来输账单?
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