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作业1第1题choose the word r phrase which best completes each sentence.so long as we have jim, a man with exceptional ability in management, things will be wrking well even if we come _ unexpected difficulties.A.A. up with; B. up against; C. round to; D. in onB.所有选项均列于A选项下C.所有选项均列于A选项下D.所有选项均列于A选项下您的答案:B题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.02第2题choose the word r phrase which best completes each sentence.you cant _ ignrance as your excuse; you should have known what was happening all along.A.A. plead; B. refer to; C. defend; D. persist inB.所有选项均列于A选项下C.所有选项均列于A选项下D.所有选项均列于A选项下您的答案:A题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.03第3题select the word r wrds most nearly opposite in meaning to the wrd in capitals.the snobbish shop-assistant made a grimace upon seeing mySEEDY overcoat.A.A. smart; B. unkempt; C. shabbyB.所有选项均列于A选项下C.所有选项均列于A选项下D.所有选项均列于A选项下您的答案:A题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.04第4题choose the word r phrase which is closest in meaning to the word r phrase in capitals.VENDERSmust have a license in shanghai.A.A. Everyone employed in food service; B. Anyone who is employed in hotels; C. Everyone engaged in selling; D. Anyone who works in a canteen.B.所有选项均列于A选项下C.所有选项均列于A选项下D.所有选项均列于A选项下您的答案:C题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.05第5题choose the word r phrase which best completes each sentence.nobody in our group _ out much hope of making people regard custom as a subject of any great imprtance.A.A. holds; B. puts; C. finds; D. keepsB.所有选项均列于A选项下C.所有选项均列于A选项下D.所有选项均列于A选项下您的答案:A题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.06第6题choose the word r phrase which best completes each sentence.there is no evidence that any member of the ministry of education is _ in the affair.A.A. aggravated; B. complicated; C. connected; D. insinuatedB.所有选项均列于A选项下C.所有选项均列于A选项下D.所有选项均列于A选项下您的答案:C题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.07第7题select the word r wrds most nearly opposite in meaning to the wrd in capitals.peter is so wrried about the test that he plans to study all night. tell him he shouldQUIT wrrying nd get some sleep.A.A. stop; B. relinquish; C. keep onB.所有选项均列于A选项下C.所有选项均列于A选项下D.所有选项均列于A选项下您的答案:C题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.08第8题choose the word r phrase which is closest in meaning to the word r phrase in capitals.beautiful as it is, synthetic silk will not SUPPLANT cotton apparel.A.A. replace; B. remove; C. misplace; D. take awayB.所有选项均列于A选项下C.所有选项均列于A选项下D.所有选项均列于A选项下您的答案:A题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.09第9题choose the word r phrase which best completes each sentence.the dorway of the eskimo igloo was so low that we had to _ down to enter.A.A. incline; B. bend; C. drop; D. bowB.所有选项均列于A选项下C.所有选项均列于A选项下D.所有选项均列于A选项下您的答案:B题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.010第10题choose the word r phrase which best completes each sentence.students cant be absent rom school without the teachers _.A.A. admission; B. allowance; C. permit; D. permissionB.所有选项均列于A选项下C.所有选项均列于A选项下D.所有选项均列于A选项下您的答案:D题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.011第11题choose the word r phrase which best completes each sentence.one of the problems our government has to deal with is the _ of the growing number of plastic containers.A.A. dissolution; B. disposal; C. disappearance; D. dispositionB.所有选项均列于A选项下C.所有选项均列于A选项下D.所有选项均列于A选项下您的答案:B题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.012第12题choose the word r phrase which best completes each sentence.tourists are _ to beware of pickpockets in the bus.A.A. commanded; B. notified; C. informed; D. advisedB.所有选项均列于A选项下C.所有选项均列于A选项下D.所有选项均列于A选项下您的答案:D题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.013第13题choose the word r phrase which best completes each sentence.accuracy is _ to the programming of computers.A.A. elemental; B. elementary; C. fundamental; D. foundationalB.所有选项均列于A选项下C.所有选项均列于A选项下D.所有选项均列于A选项下您的答案:C题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.014第14题choose the word r phrase which best completes each sentence.tv, if properly used, can _ a childs imagination.A.A. stimulate; B. arouse; C. incite; D. ariseB.所有选项均列于A选项下C.所有选项均列于A选项下D.所有选项均列于A选项下您的答案:A题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.015第15题select the word r wrds most nearly opposite in meaning to the wrd in capitals.his new plan isIDEALISTIC but not practical.A.A. romantic; B. fantastic; C. realisticB.所有选项均列于A选项下C.所有选项均列于A选项下D.所有选项均列于A选项下您的答案:C题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.016第16题choose the word r phrase which is closest in meaning to the word r phrase in capitals.i detest those who like toPOKE into other peoples private affairs.A.A. pry; B. push; C. chat; D. gossipB.所有选项均列于A选项下C.所有选项均列于A选项下D.所有选项均列于A选项下您的答案:A题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.017第17题choose the word r phrase which is closest in meaning to the word r phrase in capitals.every machineCONSUMES mre energy than it creates.A.A. uses up; B. fulfills; C. replaces; D. executesB.所有选项均列于A选项下C.所有选项均列于A选项下D.所有选项均列于A选项下您的答案:A题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.018第18题choose the word r phrase which is closest in meaning to the word r phrase in ca
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