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雅高集团奢华品牌索菲特人力资源战略-建设我们的文化人力资源是一个酒店最重要的资产,在酒店行业竞争日趋竞争激烈的今天,酒店的竞争可以理解为人才的竞争,本文为雅高酒店集团奢华品牌索菲特的人力资源战略-建设我们的文化1. Enhanced Learning 加强学习Training Calendar: 培训日历Training by the Training Department through their implementation, organization and scheduling of training for the month. This includes special training from security, corporate office, training focus and the GM/Ambassador Gatherings. 培训部门组织的培训,每月实行,组织,制定计划。这包括来自保卫部和总部的特殊培训,主题培训及总经理/大使聚会。Training Focus: 培训主题4 separate months each focusing on a special subject that is important to our hotel and Ambassadors. The training focus months are: Health and Hygiene, French Culture, Appearance & Attitude and Emergency Preparedness. Each month will have varied activities and information.每年四个主题月分别强调一个对酒店及大使们重要的主题。培训主题分别为:健康与卫生,法国文化,仪容仪表和态度及应急准备。每个月都有缤纷的活动和丰富的信息。Online University网络大学: This Accor wide initiative is an online learning program which allows executives to flexibly schedule their own training. There is several 100 different training sessions on many hospitality related topics. Each person has approximately 17 different recommended training sessions. Executives can complete any other sessions they wish after they finish the initial 17.这个项目为雅高集团开展的在线学习项目,使管理团队可以灵活安排培训时间。其中有几百项培训课程,研究多种酒店管理相关课题。每人会被分配到17个不同的推荐培训课程。管理团队可在完成此17项后继续学习其他项目。Hotel Cross Exposure: 酒店交叉培训 To build Sofitel spirit and learning, we organize cross exposure between the 4 Wanda Sofitel properties each quarter. Each hotel exchanges 6-8 Ambassadors with another property in the same positions hence, lack of staff does not become an issue. Ambassadors learn how their sister hotels do things and both learn and share Best Practices as well as build up their own Sofitel network.为建立索菲特精神和相互学习,酒店在每个季度组织4家万达酒店之间的交叉培训。每家酒店与其他酒店互换6-10名相同职位的大使,这样缺少人手也不会造成问题。大使们会从姊妹酒店那里学习并分享最佳实践,同时建立起他们自己的索菲特关系网。2. Career Development 事业发展Ambassador Journey Graduates大使毕业生: Continuous training for our Ambassadors and continued development is crucial to their self actualization, commitment and loyalty. All Ambassadors that have been with the hotel for over 2 years should graduate by July at the “Be Ready Step”. This is important to creating the link to the future for our Ambassadors.为大使创造持续的培训及职业发展对于大使们自我实现,对酒店的承诺和忠诚度都非常重要。所有的在酒店工作2年以上的大使应在7月份之前结业进入“做好准备”阶段。这对于把握大使未来非常重要。Job Description Review 职位描述:To review and update all job descriptions, and detail and ensure our Ambassadors understand their minimum job scope and responsibility. On this we can clearly build training and career development. 检查和更新所有的工作描述,和细节,确保我们的大使了解他们的最低工作范围和职责。通过这个,我们可以清楚地安排培训和推进工作发展。Succession Planning 继任计划: To build on our job descriptions, the promotion plans for our Ambassadors. Identification of learning steps for our team members so they know what competencies they need to achieve in to drive their own development plans.基于工作描述,推动大使们意识到自己的任务,已经作为团队成员,如何推动团队继承发展。3. Recognition & Communication 认可与沟通Ambassadors Table 大使午餐会: This is in the form of a monthly lunch with the GM, HM, DHR and DGM with Ambassadors from each department. The Ambassadors have direct access to the senior management and are encouraged to make suggestions on how to improve our hotel. This is a good engagement and communication tool. Minutes are posted on the notice board within a week on all points discussed.此会议每月开展,来自各个部门的大使与总经理,人力资源总监,副总经理共进午餐。大使们与高管团队有直接的交流,并鼓励他们提出建议和意见完善酒店。这是一个非常好的鼓励和沟通的工具。会议记录将会在一周之内张贴在员工区域的公告栏上。Monthly Honors Party 大使月度荣誉大会: This is held monthly to honor and celebrate the success and special occasions of our Ambassadors. We celebrate Magnifique moments, Ambassador of the Month along with any special awards and of course birthdays. Learning games are also part of the fun to reinforce team buidling and our Magnifique spirit.此会议的举办是为了庆祝大使们的成绩和特殊节日。其中包括美妙绝伦的瞬间,月度大使奖项,生日及其他特殊奖励。丰富知识的小游戏也是娱乐的一部分,以此来巩固团队建设及美妙绝伦的精神。Ambassador of Month/Yr 月度/年度大使: Recognition for outstanding performance as set out against our Sofitel Ambassador characteristics. Awards are given for Front and Heart of House, Supervisor and Casual/Trainee. Department Heads must deliver a prepared speech detailing working history and recognizing outstanding performance.针对不同职位的大使其突出表现作出认可。奖项奖颁发给前厅及后区大使,主管,临时工/实习生。部门总监必须准备一个小的演讲内容,包括详细的工作经历及对其突出表现的认可。GM/Ambassador Gathering 总经理/大使聚会: Held quarterly to communicate hotel performance, direction and improvement areas required with all hotel Ambassadors. A PPT presentation is delivered by the GM and translated by DHR.每个季度针对酒店表现、方向及需要完善的方面与所有酒店大使展开交流。总经理会准备幻灯片为大家讲说,人力资源部总监翻译。We Feel Magnifique 我们感到美妙绝伦: Emphasizing communication, reward and recognition for our Ambassadors on a daily basis which will enhance our well being & team spirit at work. 强调沟通奖励和认可我们的大使每天将增强我们的福祉和团队精神.4. Improved Well Being & Spirit 完善福利振奋精神Ambassador Restaurant & Sofitel Kiosk Project 大使餐厅和用索菲特休息室项目: Both projects are targeting to improve our Ambassadors experience and well being in the hotel. 1. To enjoy their meals/break time in
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