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SHANGRI-LA PAZHOUHUMAN RESOURCES POLICY & PROCEDURE MANUALSUBJECT Shift Dormitory 员工倒班宿舍PREPARED BY:FRANK ZHANGREVIEWED BY:N/ADATE PREPARED:Sept. 01, 2006EFFECTIVE DATE:Nov. 01, 2006 APPROVED BY:ROBERT A. BORMESPOLICY NO.:HR / P / 019DISTRIBUTION:DIVISION HEADSPAGE NO.:1 OF 2Purpose- To define the operating standard for employee shift dormitory. 为明确员工倒班宿舍运作标准。Policy1. Only employees who are off duty after 11:00PM or taking early morning shift (must be on duty before 6:00AM) can use the Employee Dormitory. 只有晚上11:00以后下班或早上7:00前上班的员工可使用宿舍。2. Priority will be given to those staff whose homes are very remote or where no public transportation is available after 11 PM. 优先考虑家远的员工及晚上11:00下班后没有公交车可乘的员工。3. Employees who need to sleep overnight in the Employee Dormitory must obtain approval from Department Head and complete the Dormitory Registration Form which should be submitted to Human Resources Division by 4 PM one day before the use of the dormitory. 需在员工倒班宿舍过夜的员工应填写宿舍登记表并经部门经理批准。该表应在当日下午4时前交至人力资源部。4. The Dormitory Registration Form is for one person only. 宿舍使用申请表一表只供一人使用。5. Dormitory Supervisor will assign the room and bed for authorized employees. 宿舍主管将为已被批准的员工分配房间和床位。6. When employee checks into the Employee Dormitory, he/she must show his/her ID card to the Dormitory Supervisor on duty. 当员工入住宿舍时,员工必须向值班的宿舍主管出示员工证。SHANGRI-LA PAZHOUHUMAN RESOURCES POLICY & PROCEDURE MANUALSUBJECT Shift Dormitory 员工倒班宿舍PREPARED BY:FRANK ZHANGREVIEWED BY:DATE PREPARED:Sept. 01, 2006EFFECTIVE DATE:Nov. 01, 2006 APPROVED BY:ROBERT A. BORMESPOLICY NO.:HR / P / 019DISTRIBUTION:DIVISION HEADSPAGE NO.:2 OF 27. When employee checks out of the Employee Dormitory, he/she must return the used bed sheets and pillow case to the Dormitory Supervisor. Any missing or damage items will be charged to employee at the cost price.员工退宿舍时,应将用过的 床单和枕头套还回宿舍主管。若有任何损坏或丢失,则由员工按照成本价格赔偿。8. Employees must carry all their personal effect out when leaving the Employee Dormitory.员工在离开员工宿舍时必须清理完毕个人物品。9. Employees who stay in the Employee Dormitory must keep it tidy and avoid disturbing others who are sleeping.员工在宿舍入住及休息时必须避免影响他人休息。10. Disciplinary action will be taken if any employee is found to stay in the Employee Dormitory without authorization. 员工如被发现未经许可在宿舍入住将受到纪律处分。
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