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SHANGRI-LA PAZHOUHUMAN RESOURCES POLICY & PROCEDURE MANUALSUBJECT In-house Clinic Management 店内医务室管理PREPARED BY:FRANK ZHANGREVIEWED BY:N/ADATE PREPARED:Sept. 01, 2006EFFECTIVE DATE:Nov. 01, 2006 APPROVED BY:ROBERT A. BORMESPOLICY NO.:HR / P / 015DISTRIBUTION:DIVISION HEADSPAGE NO.:1 OF 2Purpose- To ensure that clinic staff understands and maintains medical service standard. 确保医务室的员工理解并保持医疗服务的水准。Policy1. All employees are entitled to medical treatment at the in-house clinic in the event of illness or injury.所有员工若生病或受伤均可在医务室就诊。2. Employee must fill in the “Medical Request Form” and obtain approval from his/her department head before attending the medical consultation.员工在去医务室就诊前应先填写就诊申请单,并经部门经理批准。3. In the event of serious illness or injury, the doctor shall provide whatever first aid possible and immediately make arrangement to take the patient to the designated hospitals.若病情严重或伤势严重,医生应提供尽可能有的急救并立即安排病人前往指定医院。Procedures1. The procedure of sick leave will also apply to the in-house medical consultation.病假程序同样适用于医务室就诊程序。2. The doctor and the nurse should take good care of the daily operation of the clinic and provide equal and fair treatment to each employee.医生和护士应确保医务室的日常运转,并对员工一视同仁。3. The doctor should take record of daily consultation and summarize that in form of Monthly Clinic Report indicating the covers and sick leave initiated by departments.医生应对每日就诊情况做好记录,并在医务室月报里总结各部就诊人数及病假人数。4. The clinic should establish the employees medical file to trace employees illness history and to present the Hotel care to the employees.医务室应建立员工医疗档案以追踪了解员工病史,体现酒店对员工的关怀。5. When writing down the prescription, the doctor should also take record on her own working diary to file to the employees medical file.开处方时,医生也应将员工就诊情况在工作日志中做好记录以便存入员工医疗档案。SHANGRI-LA PAZHOUHUMAN RESOURCES POLICY & PROCEDURE MANUALSUBJECT In-house Clinic Management 店内医务室管理PREPARED BY:FRANK ZHANGREVIEWED BY:DATE PREPARED:Sept. 01, 2006EFFECTIVE DATE:Nov. 01, 2006 APPROVED BY:ROBERT A. BORMESPOLICY NO.:HR / P / 015DISTRIBUTION:DIVISION HEADSPAGE NO.:2 OF 26. The doctor and the nurse should also post the regulations on the wall of the clinic and update the medical knowledge part on staff notice board.7. 医生和护士应在墙上张贴医务室规章制度,并在员工布告栏中及时更新医疗保健知识。Its doctor/nurses responsibility to provide proper and equal medical service to all employees without personal favors.医生和护士有责任向员工提供无偏见的正确公平的医疗服务。8. Nurse must strictly follow the service standard of medicine issuing, injection, check patient name vs prescription, medicine vs dosage, specification and expiration date and avoid misusing expired or false medicine.护士必须严格遵守药品发放、注射等的服务标准,核对处方姓名、药品和剂量、规格以及有效期防止错用失效药或误用药品。9. In case patients need to be observed in the Clinic, the doctor should check timely and pay close attention throughout the observation.若有病人需医务室进行观察,医生应及时检查并在整个观察过程中密切关注病人状况。10. Doctors should issue to patient the sick leave for maximum 2 days each time based on the actual need instead of personal requirement.医生应根据病人实际需要而非个人要求给病人签发一次最多2天的病假。11. For medicine taken, employees should be informed before taking the medicine that employees should pay at the cost price or the amount will be deducted from the payment of the current month. Employees should sign for acknowledgement and the doctor should collate the whole and submit to the Human Resources Division by 27th of each month.在给员工开药时,应告知员工需按成本价付费。费用将从当月工资中扣除。员工应签字认可所购药品,医生应汇总并于每月的27日交至人力资源部。12. Doctors/Nurse shall check and replenish the first-aid kit twice a month.医生/护士应每月两次检查并补充急救箱内的药品。13. Patients suffering from epidemic or contagious disease in Hotel should be immediately handled and reported to Human Resources Division once it is found.一旦发现员工患有流行性或接触性传染病,应立即通知人力资源部并作相应处理。14. Individual medical records shall be maintained for all employees by the nurse and shall be kept confidentially.员工个人医疗记录应由护士妥善保管,并应严格保密。
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