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六一儿童节英语作文:谢谢你,我的第十个“六一”六一,是每个孩子最憧憬和最快乐的节日。到今年我已经度过十一个六一了。但是我十岁的那个六一是我最犯难忘的,由于在那一天我收获了人生中的一个重要经受通过自己的努力我得到“第一袋金”。Six one, is each child the most yearning and happiest Festival. I”ve had six one eleven this year. But I was six one years old that ten is my most memorable, because in that day I harvested one important experience in life - through their own efforts I get the first bag of gold “.我们学校的每一个“六一”的上午都会有精彩的文艺演出,而下午就是我们自己参加的“跳蚤市场”了。何为“跳蚤市场”呢?就是作为儿童节的主角的我们可以自己买卖商品,你可别小看我们的这个市场哦,那可是吃的喝的样样俱全,“只有你想不到的,没有你买不到的”。今年我也预备在市场上做做买卖,好好的小赚一把。Each of our school “six one“ in the morning have a wonderful theatrical performances, and afternoon is our own participation in the flea market. What is the “flea market“? is the protagonist as a children”s day we can own buying and selling of goods, you can not underestimate the market Oh, that but to eat and drink and taste everything, “only you can not think of, no you can not buy“. I am also ready to do business in the market this year, a good little earn a handful of.我提着爸爸妈妈辛苦熬了六个小时的“老火绿豆汤”放到了我预定的摊位上。看着香浓的绿豆汤我暗喜:“我家的老火绿豆汤是天下无敌的!它肯定能让我大赚一笔的!”最终等到了市场开卖的时间,我迫不及待的翻开了我装绿豆汤的大锅盖。我家的绿豆汤有股子香味,所以我认为顾客只要路过就可以闻到香味,而一闻到香味,他们就会主动的过来了,根本不需要叫卖,因此我所要做的就是等着顾客自动自发的蜂拥而至了。My mom and dad hard boil for six hours “old gourmet bean soup“ in my reserved booth. Watching the fragrant bean soup I feel pleased: “my ”old gourmet mung bean soup“ is invincible! It must be able to let me make a lot of money! “Finally wait until the sale of time, I can”t wait opened my mung bean soup pot. My mung bean soup is a subsidiary of fragrance, so I think customer as long as passing will be able to smell the fragrance, smell the smell, they will be active over, don”t need crying, so I have to do is waiting for customer spontaneous throng.这时耳边传来了隔壁小摊卖凉粉的叫卖声“凉粉咯,冰凉的凉粉咯,喝下一碗透心凉哦,再喝一碗全身爽哦”“切!东西不好卖果真要叫卖,还凉快,真够夸大到时你就等着艳羡我吧”我的心里这样想着。可是等了好一会我的摊位前都没有一个顾客,而前面的小凉粉摊却排起了长队。怎么会这样?我傻眼了,问题出在哪里呢?肯定不会是由于我的绿豆汤不好喝,那么就是顾客们还没有留意到我的绿豆汤,就被隔壁的凉粉给叫卖去了,好吧,酒香不怕巷子深的时代已经过去了,好东西也要靠宣传的。于是我扯开嗓子叫卖起来:“绿豆汤!祖传秘方熬制的绿豆汤!早来的有份,晚来的闻香!”果真有几个排队买凉粉的同学掉转了身子,朝我这走来,看着他们的到来,我叫卖得更加起劲了。渐渐的,我的小摊也有了排队的顾客,我快乐的舀着一碗碗的绿豆汤,快乐地收钱找钱,忙里偷闲的功夫,我还不忘又大声的叫卖:“绿豆汤!祖传秘方熬制的绿豆汤”排队的顾客再加上我的卖命叫卖,40分钟后我的绿豆汤就卖了个底朝天,而我用来装钱的布袋全装得鼓鼓的,看着那我第一次做买卖的所得,我心里甭提有多快乐了,我迫不及待地数钱,哈哈哈,一共收获了38.5。除掉本钱,我还净赚了18.5块,哇塞!太胜利了,我在我十岁的这一年的“六一”收获了我的第一袋金!Then ears heard the next stall selling Mesona applauses “jelly slightly, slightly cold jelly, drink a bowl of bitterly cold Oh, drink a bowl of whole body cool Oh.“ “Cut! Do not sell things really want to yell, but also cool, very exaggerated. You”ll wait for me, “I thought. But for a long time I stalls are not a customer, and in front of the small bean stalls are lined up. How so? I was dumbfounded, where is the problem? no, definitely not is because I mung bean soup is not good to drink, then is the customers haven”t noticed my mung bean soup, it was next door to the jelly to yell to the, well, the wine is not afraid of deep alley Era has passed, good things will also have to rely on propaganda. So I screeching voice shouting: “best green bean soup! A secret recipe handed down from generation to generation of mung bean soup boil! Early a, smelling of late.“ and several queuing to buy jelly classmates swung body, toward me coming, looking at their arrival, I shout more energetic. Slowly, I stalls have customers lining up, I am happy scoop a bowl of bean soup, happy to change money, sneak in Kung Fu, I also did not forget to and shouts: “best green bean soup! A secret recipe handed down from generation to generation of mung bean soup boil.“ Customer queuing yell together with my work oneslf to the bone, 40 minutes later I mung bean soup sold at the end of the overturned, and I used to hold money bag full dress to the drum, looked at the first time I do business income, my heart don”t mention how happy. I can”t wait to count the money, ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha, a total harvest 38.5. Get rid of the cost, I also netted 18.5. WOW! What a great success, I in my ten years old this year, “61“ harvest of my first bag of gold!由于有和其他“六一”不一样的收获,这个“六一”,我特殊的快乐。”感谢你,我的第十个六一儿童节!”Because there are other “six one“ not the same harvest, this “six one“, I am particularly happy.“ Thank you, my six one children”s day.!“
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