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中秋节简单英语作文-每年的中秋节Remembering how much my grandmother was in her lifetime! Learn to care about, care for life. Think of the grandmother has what delicious, they always want to taste, but it is left to me. Once, grandma got a big orange, know that I love to eat, so I have been hiding and waiting for me, until orange rotten. What I want, my grandmother always generous pay. However, this is all gone. Grandmother due to illness, and finally left us in the two and a half months ago, the relentless.Think of grandma, tears blurred my eyes. Remember in my five year old that year, once I saw a pile of a pile of others, a lot of snacks, jealous to be, so I cried to my parents. Dad said: “Ke Jianwen, not the father and mother not to buy you, but the child eat snacks is not good.“ I only know that some people listen to there, I also want to, then cried even more loudly. Dad didn”t use in reasoning, finally lost his temper. He dragged me, and raised his hand. At this time, grandma just come in, quickly open the father, put a picked me up and asked: “little darling, what”s the matter, and grandmother said.“ I cried to relate in detail told grandma. Grandmother to coax me, said: no problem, grandma to buy you!“ Father reluctantly said: “Mom, you don”t spoil him, don”t go to buy.“ Grandmother said: “how do you do parents, now a child, a little also to meet him.“ Grandmother took me to buy a lot of good fun, then, I am very happy, I only know that said: “my grandmother is very good, have a good grandmother.“When I received the news of my grandmother, my heart suddenly become cold, like ice and snow in December. I know, I can no longer see my grandmother”s amiable face, no longer listen to the voice of my grandmother”s passion, never get my grandmother”s love. Finally tears off the line like pearls, splashing down.Grandma, Nakaaki Masakotoko, how do you do? Grandma, your group to walk, I will for every time I think about you, think of your love for me; in every Mid Autumn Festival, I will think of you to my care! 中秋节,我想起了外婆“每逢佳节倍思亲”,每年的中秋节,我们全家都要团聚在一起,其乐融融。可是今年的中秋节,独独少了外婆。 想起了外婆在生前是多么地疼我啊!学习上的关怀,生活上的照看。想起了外婆有什么好吃的,自己总舍不得尝,偏偏都留给我。有一次,外婆得了一个大橘子,知道我爱吃,于是始终藏着等我,直到橘子烂了。我要什么,外婆总是毫不吝啬地掏钱。可是,这一切都是过往烟云了。外婆由于疾病缠身,最终在两个半月前丢下我们无情地走了。想起了外婆,泪水模糊了我的双眼。记得在我五岁那年,有一次我观察别人有一堆一堆,好多的零食,眼红得不得了,于是我哭着向父母要。爸爸说:“柯荐文,不是爸爸妈妈不给你买,而是小孩子多吃零食不好。”那时的我那里肯依,只知道别人有的我也想要,于是哭得更大声了。爸爸在说理没用之下,最终发火了。他拖过我,扬起了巴掌。这时,外婆正好进来,赶忙推开爸爸,一把抱起我,问道:“当心肝,有什么事,和外婆说。”我边哭边把事情一五一十地告知了外婆。外婆哄着我,说:“没问题,外婆给你去买!”爸爸无奈地说:“妈,你不要太宠着他,不用去买了。”外婆说:“你们怎么做爸妈的,现在就一个孩子,略微也要满意一下他么。”外婆带着我买了好多好吃好玩的,那时候,我快乐极了,只知道说:“外婆真好,有外婆真好。”当我接到外婆走的消息时,心里一下子变得冰冷的,就似乎十二月里的冰雪一样。我知道,我再也见不到外婆和气可亲的脸,再也听不到外婆热忱溺爱的声音,永久也得不到外婆的爱了。泪水最终像断了线的珍宝,扑扑往下掉。外婆,中秋将至,您好吗?外婆,您一路走好,我会每时每刻想起您,想起您对我的爱;在每个中秋节,我都会想起您对我的关怀!
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