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外研版一年级英语上学期训练题 英语训练第一解决了面对应试教育的问题,叫你多方位学习和学会英语种类题的解决办法,第二,做英语训练题可以叫你增加做题量,积累更多英语要点,对以后的进步也有非常大有哪些用途。以下是智学网收拾的资料,期望有帮到您。一. 写出下列英文字母的左右邻居,注意大小写要一致1. _D_ 2. _K_ 3. _Q_ 4. _H_ 5. _S_6. _u_ 7. _m_ 8. _w_ 9. _x_ 10. _g_二. 补全单词1. _i_s 2. af_er_oon 3. n_ _e4.t_r_e 5.f_m_ly 6.c_u_in 7.h_ _se 8.b_a_tiful 9. m_ _se 10.b_ _y11._le_hant 12.b_ _thday三.单词归类one, uncle, aunt, hand, nine, cat, mother , sister, hair, cow, brother, neck, seven, monkey, three, face, panda,nose, eight, tiger数字类: _人物类:_身体类:_动物类:_四、选出不一样类别的单词,将其编号填在括号内。 1、A、 ear B、 eye C 、 dog 2、A、 I B 、 how C 、 you 3、A、 touch B、 name C、 raise 4、A、 schoolbag B、ruler C、foot 5、A、 class B、 what C、 who 6、A、 morning B、one C 、 afternoon 7、A、 five B、 four C、 duck 8、A、 cake B、 happy C 、good 9、A、 feet B、 cows C、 gift 10、A 、your B 、his C 、she 五、在B栏中找出A栏的正确答语。A B 1. Whats that ? a. They are cows 2. Nice to meet you. b. Thats a pen. 3 . How are you ? c.Yes, it is. 4. How old are you ? d. Thank you very much . 5.Good morning. e. My name is Happy.6. Who are you? f. Im fine,thank you.7. What is your name? g. Nice to meet you, too8. What are they? h. Im ten9.Is this a dog ? i. I am Peter.10.Happy birthday! j. Good morning.七、单项选择。从A、B两项中选出最恰当的一项,将序号填入括号内。 1、Whats your name? A、My name is Chen Ling. B、Im nine. 2、Good morning, Peter. A、Hello! Im Anne. B、Good morning,Anne. 3、Nice to meet you! A、Who are you? B、Nice to meet you,too! 4、How old are you? A、Im fine. B、Im eight. 5、Whos he? A、He is my brother . B、She is my cousin.八、依据所给情景选句子,再将其编号填在括号内。1、李明向其他人介绍自身时,应该说:A、Im Wang Gang. B、Im Li Ming.2、假如你想要向其他人表示感谢,应该说:A、Excuse me ! B、Thank you.3、第一次见面,问其他人姓名时,应该说:A、How are you? B、Whats your name?4、跟其他人介绍你的爷爷,应该说:A、This is my grandfather. B、This is my grandmother.5、询问其他人的年龄的时候,应该说:A、Whats your name? B、How old are you?1、有一天,你在街上遇到一位很长时间没见面的同学,你应该怎么样问候。A.Who are you? B.How are you? C.How old are you?A.Sit down. B.Good morning. C.Stand up.3、你首次认识Dinosaur,感到十分开心,你应该如此说:A.Good afternoon. B.Nice to meet you. C.Whats your name?4、Dirk的过生日到了,你应对他说:A.Happy birthday! B.Happy Teachers day! C.Goodbye.5、你想了解他们的年龄,你应该怎么样询问:A.How old are you? B.Whos he? C.Whats this?二、找出每组单词中不是同一类的项,将其序号填在括号里。10分1、A.mouth B.cat C.mouse2、A.one B.milk C.four3、A.my B.you C.I4、A.nose B.arm C.touch5、A.good B.hi C.nice三、依据汉语选择对应的英语单词。10分1、举起 A.raise B.touch C.meet2、快乐 A.good B.happy C.morning3、头 A.foot B.hand C.head4、老虎 A.cat B.tiger C.lion5、母亲 A.grandma B.duck C.mother四、把下面的句子翻译成中文意思。15分1、I like the monkey.2、I love it very much.3、How are you?Im fine.4、Whats your name?5、Happy birthday!五、把下面数字按从大到小的顺序排列,只填序号。10分three five ten two nine seven one six four eight 六、在右栏中找出正确的答语,连一连。15分Nice to meet you. Im Dongle.Whats this? He is Tim.How are you? Nice to meet you,too.Whos he? Its a pencil.Who are you? Im fine.标签:小学一年级
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