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城市花园住户手册简介中英文版 简介 首先,我们欢迎您成为xx城市花园尊贵业主。为便利各业主/住户了解入伙事宜、日常管理运作及邻近设施资料,xx策划管理有限公司特编制这份家居锦囊,为各业主/住户供应日常所需资料。 xx策划管理有限公司很荣幸获委聘为xx城市花园供应管理服务,为避开业主/住户擅自改装或加建而影响本小区的(来自:.)美丽环境及其细心的设计,家居锦囊内已详尽列明管理公约有关屋内装修及行为守则等条文以供参考,恳请各业主/住户衷诚合作,共同制造一个美妙居住环境。 敬请各业主/住户能细心阅读我们为您印制的家居锦囊,如有任何疑问,请向管理中心职员查询,我们的职员定当尽力予以讲解及帮助。祝各位生活开心,家庭幸福! xx策划管理有限公司 Introduction First of all, we would like to welcome you to be the owner of Xx CitiGarden. This home-tips booklet is prepared for all owners/ residents of Xx CitiGarden. It contains useful information including neighboring facilities and interesting home tips to facilitate owners/residents to have more understanding in moving-in matter, daily management operation and neighboring facilities. Xx Property Management Ltd. has much honour to be appointed as the Manager of Xx CitiGarden. In order that the pleasant environment and beautifully designed outlook of the buildings will not be affected, the Deed of Mutual Covenants and Estate Rules are therefore made. Owners/Residents cooperation is solicited to make Xx CitiGarden a proud place to live in. Should you require any clarification or assistance, please feel free to contact our staff members of the Management Center who are always pleased to help. We take this opportunity to thank you for your cooperation and wish you many years of happy living at Xx CitiGarden. Xx Property Management Ltd. 第 2 页 共 2 页
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