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托业口语词汇练习:sweltering和suspicious用法41.Many visitors were_ to the sufferings of early Chinese miners in San Francisco.A. sweltering B. suspicious C. sympathetic D. swollen 42.In the past, there seemed no reason to ban children from watching TV.In _ times, however, there has been an increase in the amount of violence on TV. A.rough B.recent C.scenic D.royal 43.Computers have taken the place of manpower in _years. A.rough B.recent C.scenic D.royal 44.Some teen-aged boys are _ , always looking for a fight to solve problem A.rough B.recent C.scenic D.royal 45.Without substantial power in hand, the _1 members of Britain still enjoy a lot of prestige as well as privileges. A.scenic B.royal C.sheer D.sharp 46.Renting National Park is noted for its_beauty. A.sharp B.scenic C.sore D.sheer 47.The clock strikes three, so it is three o”clock_ now. A.sharp B.scenic C.sore D.sheer 48.I think the boy won the first prize by_ luck, not by his ability. A.sharp B.scenic C.sore D.sheer 49.I have a _ throat.I guess I have a cold. A.sharp B.scenic C.sore D.sheer 50.The residents left their homes _ when ordered to get on the bus to go to a quarantine hospital. A. seem B. reluctantly C. smoothly D. skillfully41. 许多游客都很怜悯早期在旧金山的中国矿工的苦难。答案 : C sympathetic 42. 过去好像没有理由制止孩子看电视;但近来电视上的暴力镜头增加了。 答案 : B recent 43. 近年来,计算机已取代了人力。 答案 : B recent 44. 一些青少年性情粗暴,总是寻求暴力解决问题。 答案 : A rough 45. 英国皇室的成员手中没有实质的大权,却仍享有许多的声望与特权。 答案 : B royal 46. 垦丁国家公园以其风光美丽而着名。 答案 : B scenic 47. 钟敲三下,所以现在是三点整。 答案 : A sharp 48. 我认为那位男孩得到第一名全靠运气而不是靠力量。 答案 : D sheer 49. 我喉咙痛。我想我感冒了。 答案 : C sore 50. 被命令上公车前往隔离医院时,那些居民很不甘愿地离开家园。 答案 : B reluctantly
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