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精品学习资源Teaching Plan of Unit9Do you want to go to a movie.Text Book: Go for it.七年级 上册Period: The fourth period of Unit9 Section B:3a 3b 4 Aims and requirements (教案目标) :1. 能够结合 “你最喜爱哪一副海报 ”这一情形进一步复习和巩固以前所学句型: I likeThey areI like because they areI like I think2. 学会用句型: My favorite actor is He has a new movie, . It s欢迎下载精品学习资源a/an .movie. It.来介绍s .自.己喜爱的电影演员及其主演的电影名欢迎下载精品学习资源称和电影类型,以及给出喜爱的理由;3. 学习but 的用法;(区分课文中的两个 but )4. 通过图表来复述课文的大意;5. 能依据所给信息写影评; Visual Aids: PPT, picturesTeaching Procedures in Detail: Step1: Greeting and revisionT: Good morning, boys and girls.欢迎下载精品学习资源Ss: Good morning, Miss Lao. T: How are you today.Ss: Fine. Thank you. And you.T: Im fine, too. 老师拿出四幅出名的海报分别贴在黑板上,一幅是杨幂主演的恐惧电影孤岛惊魂,一幅是周星驰主演的喜剧功 夫,一幅是甄子丹主演的动作片叶问,仍有纪录片Michael Jackson;T: Now, look at the blackboard, there are some kinds of movies here.Which one do you like.Ss: 孤岛惊魂 ,功夫 ,叶问 .T: Ok, very good. Can you tell me the reason why you like it. How can you say. PPT呈现上节课的三个句型 欢迎下载精品学习资源T: Any volunteer.Ss: Let me try. Let me try.T: Ok. You please. 叫 同学 S1起来回答疑题 S1:I like thriller movie Gu Dao Jing Hun. I think its great.T: Oh, you like Gu Dao Jing Hun . Its English name is Far Cry . Thank you, sit down please. Anyone else.Ss: Let me try. Let me try.T: Ok. S2please. 叫 同学 S2 起来回答疑题 S2: I like action movie Ye Wen, because it is exciting. T: Very good. Sit down please.Step2 Pre-reading activity1) Lead-in and presenting the new words and sentencesT: Well. Do you have some other reasons when you say you like this movie.中文:当你喜爱一部电影时,除了由于它是某种类型的电影,仍有其它缘由吗? Ss:电影里的音乐,景色,故事情节,导演,演员;T: Well, we like a movie because we like the music, the scenery, the plot,欢迎下载精品学习资源the directors and the actors in the movie. Now, look at the poster. T:(指着周星驰的海报) Who is he.Ss:周星驰;T: Yes, he is Chow SingChi.欢迎下载精品学习资源T: What does he do. 中 Ss:演员T: Yes, he is an acto(r.文:他的职业是什么? PPT 呈现actor单词)欢迎下载精品学习资源Now, please read after me. a-/./, or-./, actor. A-c-t-o-r, actor. Ss: a-/./, or-/./, actor. A-c-t-o-r, actor.欢迎下载精品学习资源T: Very good. And who is she. 指Ss: 杨幂;着杨幂的海报问)欢迎下载精品学习资源T: Yes, she is Yang Mi. What does she do. Ss: She is an actor.T: You should say sheis an actress.( PPT 呈现 actress单词 Payattention.“anactor” isaman,and“anactress” isa women .Understand.Ss: Yes.T: Ok. Now please read after me. A-/./,e-/i/, actress. A-c-t-r-e-s-s, actress.Ss: A-/./, e-/i/, actress. A-c-t-r-e-s-s, actress.T: Actor.Ss: Actor.欢迎下载精品学习资源T: Actress.Ss: Actress.T: Very good. Do you know some other words like actor and actress.Ss: Waiter, waitress .T: Very good. PPT呈现 waiter 和waitress T: Now, read after me. Waiter,waitress.Ss: Waiter, waitress.T: Actor, actress. Waiter,waitress(. 中文说明 a,an这冠词的用法)Ss: Actor, actress. Waiter, waitress.T: Very good. I like the movie Kung Fubecause I likeChow SingChi very much. 中文说明:老师为什么喜爱功夫呢?由于我喜爱周星驰这个演员,所以喜爱他演的片子 Some people like a movie because they like the actor or the actress in the movie. Do you think so.Ss: Yes.T: So I can say: “I like Chow SingChi very much.He is my favorite actor.”(板书: favorite)T: Now, please read after me. a-/ei/,or-/./,i-/i/, favorite. f-a-v-o-r-i-t-e, favorite.Ss: A-/ei/,o-/ ./,i-/i/, favorite. F-a-v-o-r-i-t-e, favorite.(老师检查并订正同学发音)欢迎下载精品学习资源T: Pay attention to the word favorite./v/ ,当我们在发这个辅音时,上齿要对着下唇;Read after me,/v/-/v ./-/feiv .rit/S:/v/-/v ./-/feiv .rit/T: ,/v/-/v ./-/feiv .rit/S: ,/v/-/v ./-/feiv .rit/ Ss: favoriteT: Can you guess the meaning of the word“ favorite” .t Wdoheas it mean.S3: 最喜爱的T: Yes. You are so clever最. 喜爱的 .T: Answer my question. Who is your favorite actor or actress. 中文:你们最喜爱哪个演员呢 .Ss: Let me try.Let me try.T: Ok. You please.叫同学 S4 起来回答疑题 S4:T: Yes. You can say:“My favorite actor is Chow XingChi ”.S5.叫多几个同学 T: Ok. Do you remember my favorite actor. Ss: Chow XingChi.T: Yes.My favorite actor is Chow XingChi 周星驰 .欢迎下载精品学习资源Ss: Oh .Wow .T: Do you like him. Ss: Yes.T: 老师拿出长江七号的海报He has a new movie, Chang Jiang sevencj7. It is a comedy. Its very interesting.板书句型: My favorite actor isHe has a new movie, .It s a/an .movie. It s .2) Practicing the new sentencesT: Now you know about my favorite actor and the actors new movie. I want you to use the sentenceson the blackboard to talk about yourfavorite actor or actress and one of his or her movies withyour欢迎下载精品学习资源partner.中文说明一下 T: For example, you can say like this:My favorite actor is Chow XingChi. He has a new movie,
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