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.我国高校辅导员专业化问题探究45 / 45.研 究 生:陈亮年级:2005 级.导专师:吴国萍 教授业:马克思主义理论与思想政治教育.研究方向:思想政治教育与现代管理论文摘要我国高校辅导员制度具有鲜明的中国特色。在不同的社会发展阶段,这一制度呈现出不同的时代特点。在过去很长一段时间里,我国高校辅导员只是从属于学生工作队伍而存在,其价值没有得到体现。随着社会发展变化,面对新的形势,今天高校辅导员工作已受到了党和国家的高度重视。在中央 16 号文件即关于进一步加强和改进大学生思想政治教育的意见颁布之后,我国高校辅导员队伍建设发展已进入快速发展的新时期,高校辅导员队伍已出现许多可喜的新变化。但是,当前,高校辅导员队伍建设还存在着从业人员定位难以明确、流动过快、从业素质偏低、管理体制不健全等一些问题。这些问题的存在直接影响了高等教育的质量,值得我们认真反思。近些年来,对于高校辅导员队伍建设问题的思考与研究不断丰富,成果亦层出不穷。本文站在从根本上解决高校辅导员队伍建设问题、不断促进高等教育质量提高的视角,在总结已有研究成果和个人经验的基础上,通过运用调查研究、系统分析、比较借鉴等方式方法,提出高校辅导员专业化建设发展的命题。这一研究紧扣社会热点问题,具有鲜明的时代性,对于丰富高校辅导员队伍建设研究的内容和促进辅导员队伍建设具有一定的理论价值和实践意义。文章共分为引言、正文、结语三大部分。引言部分主要介绍研究的对象、研究的背景、研究的意义、国内外研究的现状及研究的方案。正文部分共分为五章,按照研究的内在逻辑,先后对我国高校辅导员专业化的内涵、高校辅导员队伍专业化发展的定位以及必要性、高校辅导员专业化的现况、现阶段推进高校辅导员专业化的对策以及高校辅导员专业化的前景等进行了系统而深入地分析。第一章,主要是对文章所涉及的基本概念进行界定。本章通过分析专业、专业化、专业标准等基本概念的内涵,对什么是高校辅导员专业化进行界定,并比照专业化的一般定义,概括高校辅导员专业化所具备的本质特征。第二章,主要论述我国高校辅导员专业化发展的定位以及专业化发展的必要性问题。本章首先通过简单回顾我国高校辅导员的发展历程,指出高校辅导员专业化发展的历史定.-I.位的事实。本章第二部分从社会形势的发展变化、高等教育改革发展、现代大学生的新特点、辅导员自身发展要求以及辅导员的职业成长等五个方面详细分析高校辅导员专业化发展这一定位的必然性。第三章,主要分析我国高校辅导员队伍专业化建设存在的问题。本章从高校辅导员职业的专业培养、职业的入口、职业的专业训练与发展、职业的专业管理、职业的专业发展方向指引等五个方面详细剖析目前高校辅导员所存在的诸多问题,指出这些问题的存在导致目前辅导员发展过程中所呈现出的非专业化状态,直接削弱辅导员工作的效果,最终降低高等教育的质量。第四章,主要论述现阶段如何又好又快地推进我国高校辅导员专业化的问题,是全文的重点。本章从政府、高校、辅导员三者在推进辅导员专业化建设方面各自所肩负的责任的角度,指出现阶段推进高校辅导员专业化的对策在于三个大的方面:一是政府是高校辅导员专业化建设过程中的主导者,必须要为辅导员专业化发展积极打造更有利的外围环境。二是高校是辅导员专业化建设过程中的直接推动者,是现阶段推进辅导员专业化的关键因素,必须要为辅导员专业化发展积极创造有效的平台。三是辅导员是高校辅导员专业化建设过程中主体实践者,必须要坚定专业化发展意识,并为此而锻造扎实的专业素质。政府、高校、辅导员三者的共同努力才能最终实现辅导员专业化。第五章,主要论述我国高校辅导员专业化前景问题。本章从政策层面、理论层面、实践层面、经验层面、主体层面等五个方面分析辅导员专业化建设现阶段所具备的有利条件,在此基础上展望辅导员专业化建设的未来。结语部分总结了本文研究的内容、困难以及不足,提出要正确审视辅导员专业化发展的重要意义,以现有条件为基础,努力开拓,不断推动辅导员专业化发展。.-关键词:高校辅导员专业化II.The Research on Chinas College CounsellorsProfessionalization.Graduate: Chen LiangGrade: 2005.Supervisor: Professor WU GuopingMajor: Marxist Theory and Ideological and Political EducationResearch Direction: Ideological and Political Education and Modern AdministrationAbstractOur college counsellor system has distinct Chinese characteristics, and it appears differentin different periods of social development.During a long period of time, the value of college counsellors has not been embodied onaccount of its subordination to the working teams of student affairs. With social developmentsand changes, college counsellors work is highly valued by the party and the state. With thepromulgation of No.16 Document issued by the Central Committee of the Communist Party ofChina, which is entitled On Further Strengthening and Improving the Ideological and PoliticalEducation of College Students, college counsellors work in China has entered a new era of rapiddevelopment. At present, the existence of a series of problems in the construction of collegecounsellors staff such as excessive turnover rate of practitioners and low quality of employmentas well as poor treatment directly affects the quality of higher education, worthy of ourreflection.In recent years, with the deepening of understanding the value of college counsellors workand widening of studying the construction, there has been an outpouring of research.This paper,from the perspective of the fundamental solution to the current problems of building thecontingent of college counsellors, by employing such methods as investigation, system analysis,comparison and reference and summarizing existing research results and personal experience,has put forward the proposition of the specialized construction and development of collegecounsellors. The proposition of the specialized construction and development of collegecounsellors proposed in this paper follows the hot spots of society and has its own distinctivecharacteristics of times, and it is of great significance in enriching its research contents andproviding the beneficial reference for development of college counsellors.The article is divided into three parts including introduction, body and conclusion.Introduction of this paper provides a good definition of the research object, background andsignificance of the study, review of the research status and a research on the scheme.The body consists of six chapters. According to the intrinsic logic of the research, it makes a.-III.systematic and deep analysis of many problems relevant to the professionalization of collegecounsellors, for instance, its connotation, necessity of its building, current situation, strategies ofpropelling its construction at present as well as the prospects.Chaptermakes a precise definition for some basic concepts involved in this paper. Basedon analyzing the connotations of some concepts such as speciality, professionalization,professional standards and so on, Chapter II mainly focuses on having a good analysis of thecharacteristics and the connotation of professional colleg
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