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.Classified Index:U.D.C.:CODE: 10075NO: 2010005743 / 43.A Dissertation for the Degree of M. LawResearch of organizing minors crimeviolating public security andmanagementCandidate: Wang ShuoSupervisor: Feng HuiminAcademic Degree Applied for: Master of LawSpecialty: Criminal LawUniversity: Hebei UniversityDate of Oral Examination: June ,2013II.摘摘要要.组织未成年人进行违反治安管理活动罪是中华人民XX国刑法修正案七第八条增设的一项罪名。该罪名作为一项侵犯公民人身权利的犯罪,是公安部为维护社会安定秩序而提出的。该罪名的增设,不仅在打击犯罪方面起到重要作用,而且也有效的弥补了我国立法空白。同时也是我国贯彻国际公约保护儿童权利原则的重要体现。该罪名的制定虽然顺应了实践的需要,但是作为一个新增罪名,在司法实践中仍存在许多争议性的问题。因此我们有必要对此罪进行较为全面的分析研究,对司法实践中可能出现的问题进行探讨,以期对今后之立法及司法实践有所裨益。首先,本文探讨了刑法增设本罪的立法依据;其次,分析了本罪的犯罪构成,本罪侵犯的客体是复杂客体,其中未成年人的合法权益为主要客体。本文认为本罪中组织行为的方式既包括强制性手段,也包括非强制性手段。犯罪对象应当包括所有未满 18 周岁的未成年人,犯罪对象的年龄界限不应设下限,犯罪对象的数量应限定在 3 人或 3 人以上。本罪所指违反治安管理活动的范围应不仅仅是条文中所列的四种行为,而是包括治安管理处罚法中所规定的全部行为。本罪的犯罪主体为一般主体,单位不能成为本罪主体,但未成年人的监护人可以成为本罪的犯罪主体。本罪的主观方面为故意,并且要求行为人应当明知被组织者的是不满 18 周岁的未成年人。在此基础上,本文进一步探析了本罪在司法认定中的问题。对于罪与非罪的界限,认为应当以行为人着手实施其组织行为为认定本罪的标准。对于本罪的既遂标准,本文认为应以行为人实施了组织未成年人的行为,并且被组织未成年人对社会治安管理秩序的侵害行为实施完毕为既遂标志。此外,本文还探究了本罪与组织残疾人、儿童乞讨罪的界限,本罪与聚众哄抢罪的界限。以期对司法实践中存在的相关问题提供有效的解决路径。.关键词组织未成年人进行违反治安管理活动罪依据构成要件司法认定.I.AbstractAbstractOrganizing minors crime violating public security and management activities is anadditional accusation in the Criminal Law Amendment . As a violation of civil rights, thecount is proposed by the Ministry of Public Security for the maintenance of social stabilityand order. The creation of this count not only plays an important role in the fight againstcrime, but also makes up our legislative gaps. Meanwhile, it is an important manifestationimplementing the International Convention protection of the rights of children by ourcountry. Although the formulation of the count conforms to the needs of practice, it stillremains many controversial issues in judicial practice as a new count. Therefore, we need toanalyze this count more comprehensively and explore the issues that may arise in the judicialpractice in order to be beneficial to the legislative and judicial practice in the future. At first,this article discussed the legislative basis of adding this count to the Criminal Law. Then, theconstitution of this crime was analyzed. The object of this crime is a complex object, in whichthe legitimate rights and interests of minors is the main object. This article argues that theorganizational behavior in this crime includes both mandatory means and non-mandatorymeans. The target of a crime should include all minors under 18 years old and the crimeobjects lower age limit should not be set. The number of crime objects should be limited to 3or more than 3. The range within the meaning of this count violating public securitymanagement should not only be the four acts listed in the provisions, but also includes all actsstipulated in the Security Administration Punishment Law. The subject of the crime is ageneral subject and the unit cannot become the subject of the crime but guardians of minorscan become the subject of the crime. The subjective aspect of this crime is intentional andrequires that the perpetrator should have known that the victims are minors under 18 years old.Based on this, this article raised a further discussion about issues in the judicial determination.About the boundaries of crime and nonprime, the article proposed that the identified standardis that the perpetrator should be embarked on its organizational behavior. The accomplishedII.Abstractstandard of this crime should be that the perpetrator has implemented the behavior oforganizing minors and the minors have completed the behavior of violating social securityand administrative order. Furthermore, the article discusses the boundaries between this crimeand organizing persons with disabilities crimes, organizing child begging crimes, andorganized robbery crimes. In order to provide an effective solution to related issues existing injudicial practice.Keywordsorganizing minors crime violating public security and managementconstituent elementsjudicial determinationIIIbasis.目目录录.引言 . 1.第 1 章1.1设立组织未成年人进行违反治安管理活动罪的依据 . 2设立组织未成年人进行违反治安管理活动罪的理论依据 . 2.本罪具有严重的反秩序性 . 2本罪具有严重的反伦理性 . 2.1.2设立组织未成年人进行违反治安管理活动罪的现实依据 . 3.设立本罪的国际背景 . 3设立本罪的国内需要 .
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