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.上海交通大学 MPA 学位论文行业协会和地方政府互动关系研究45 / 45.行业协会和地方政府互动关系研究以XX市地板行业协会为例.摘要.行业协会是一种介于政府、企业之间,商品生产业与经营者之间,并为其服务、咨询、沟通、监督、公正、自律、协调的社会中介组织。发达国家的行业协会通常是自发建立,能够反映本行业内大多数企业的利益和诉求,促进了行业的健康和可持续发展。它对内为企业提供生产指导、市场调研、行业管理、中介服务、贸易摩擦预警等,对外则发挥着联系企业与政府以及国内外市场之间桥梁的作用,政府一般不干预行业协会。国内的行业协会还处于初创阶段、探索时期,发展不是很规范。当前,由于我国体制的原因,行业协会与政府关系相当密切,有互利的一面,也有矛盾与冲突的一面。笔者以XX地板协会为例来分析行业协会与地方政府关系的现状及存在的问题,并提出了能使行业协会与地方政府形成良好互动,获得双方的共赢的建议。本文共分为四大部分:绪论和第二章属于理论研究部分。绪论提出了本文研究的出发点。第一章从非政府组织理论入手简要阐述了行业协会的定义、特征和作用等理论方面的问题,为下文的研究奠定了基础。第二部分是行业协会和政府的互动关系探析部分。该部分主要从我国行业协会的历史发展过程和现状来研究政府和行业协会之间的I.上海交通大学 MPA 学位论文行业协会和地方政府互动关系研究.互动关系的基础、模式、动力机制及存在的问题。为下文具体实例的分析做了一个大体分析框架,以便更好地理解下述内容。第三部分是结合具体的实例XX市地板行业协会来分析与地方政府的互动关系。从地板行业协会的发展历程看地方政府对其的作用,分析了行业协会与地方政府的互动机制,并探讨了两者存在的问题。突出了行业协会在经济和社会活动中的独特地位和重要作用,也展示了地方政府对行业协会建设的支持和管理限制作用。最后一部分通过对上述理论与实际结合的探析,提出了地方政府和行业协会之间互动机制的建议。分别从政府和行业协会两个角度,对其新的定位作出了建议。政府应该把它的工作重点放在保护行业协会的权益、提供社会公共资源、行业协会内部的民主建设及扶植行业协会自立、自治。行业协会对自身的定位则是要承担起国家微观、执行和技术性等事务,而且要实现自主、自立、自给,积极参与行业规划,承担起行业发展的重任。关键词:行业协会,地方政府,互动关系II.上海交通大学 MPA 学位论文行业协会和地方政府互动关系研究.A Study on the interaction between trade promotionassociation and local government Changzhou floor trade associationsas an exampleABSTRACTTrade promotion association is a kind of social intermediaryorganization that is among of government, business, commodity.productionandindustryoperators,includingprovideservices,.consultation, communication, supervision, justice, self-discipline andcoordination. Trade promotion association in developed countries isusually spontaneously set up. It is able to reflect the majority of ourindustrys interests and the demands of enterprises, but also in turnpromote the health of the industry and sustainable development.Comparing the functions of trade promotion association to improveinternal production guidance for enterprises, market research, businessmanagement, intermediary services, trade friction, such as early warning,externally, we should play affiliated enterprises with the government, asIII.上海交通大学 MPA 学位论文行业协会和地方政府互动关系研究.well as between domestic and foreign markets bridge role. TheGovernment generally does not interfere with trade promotionassociation.National trade promotion association is also in its infancy, explorationperiod, and the development is not very standardized. At present, becauseof Chinas system of organization, trade promotion association andgovernment are closely related in both beneficial side and conflicts side.Changzhou Flooring Association to the author as an example to analyzethe relationship between trade promotion associations and localgovernments of the current situation and problems and put forward thetrade associations and local governments can form a good interaction,access to both sides and win-win proposal.This article is divided into four major parts:Introduction and chapter II belong to theoretical research part.Introduction puts the study point of the thesis. Chapter I briefly explainedthe definition, characteristics and effect of trade promotion association,which takes the foundation of the article below.The second part is the study part of the interactive relationshipbetween the local associations and the government. This part mainlystudies the course and current status of the local government and tradepromotion association the interaction from the historical developmentabout association. For the analysis of specific examples below, it makes aIV.上海交通大学 MPA 学位论文行业协会和地方政府互动关系研究.general analytical framework in order to better understand the following.The third part is combined with specific examples - Changzhou floortrade promotion association to analysis the interaction with government.Reach the effect of the government, and an analysis the problems in thisprocess from the development of the floor trade promotion association.Highlights the industry associations in the economic and social activitiesin the unique position and important role, but also demonstrated the localgovernment building industry associations to support and limit the role ofmanagement.The last part provides the advice about the interaction between thetrade promotion association and local government though theabove-mentioned combination of theory and practice. Separately from thegovernment and trade promotion association, the positioning of its newrecommendations made. Government should put its focus on theprotection of chambers of commerce, trade promotion association and therights and interests of public resources provided by society, industryassociations within the building of democracy and trade promotionassociation to foster self-reliance and autonomy. Trade promotionassociation for its own positioning is to take up micro-country,implementation and technical and other matters, but also to achieve
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