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.中南民族大学硕士学位论文摘要行业协会是一种非营利性组织,这个组织是由单一行业的竞争者构成的,建立的目的是谋取全体会员企业的共同利益,它们主要是在工商领域有所发展。本文的主题是写行业协会的法律规制,首先论述了行业协会的基本理论以及行业协会的定义、功能、法律地位和法律性质,对行业协会作了简单的介绍。第二部分的内容主要分析了对行业协会进行法律规制的必要性。第三部分是从行业协会的法律主体资格法律制度方面入手的,因为它是行业协会法律规制的前提。第四部分的内容是政府对行业协会的监管制度。最后一部分的内容是有关行业协会的行为的法律规制。具体内容如下:第一章是行业协会的基本理论问题,在这一部分中,主要分为七个小节。第一节是行业协会在西方社会的起源,西方社会自治传统形成的原因包括市场经济学说、对政府的观念以及传统的人文精神。第二节是行业协会在中国的发展,主要分析了行业协会在我国缺乏独立性的因素,然后论述了行业协会的分类,包括政府直接办的行业协会、半官方性质的行业协会和民间行业协会。第三节是有关行业协会的定义,也就是说,行业协会首先是一种非营利性组织,这个组织是由单一行业的竞争者构成的,建立的目的是谋取全体会员企业的共同利益。第四节是行业协会的法律性质方面的问题,我国把行业协会定义为社会团体法人。第五节是行业协会的法律地位,本文是从行政法的角度进行论述,把它定位为行政主体。第六节是行业协会的功能。第二章的内容是对行业协会进行法律规制的必要性的分析。权力的特性、行业协会自身的缺陷和组织的特性这三方面的原因使得我们要加强对行业协会的法律规制。这章的内容是为下面行业协会主体资格法律制度、政府对行业协会监管以及行业协会行为的法律规制作好铺垫。第三章主要是关于行业协会主体资格法律制度。这个章节包括三部分内容,第一节的内容是行业协会法律主体资格的取得方面的内容、第二节的内容是我国关于行业协会主体资格的立法规定及问题,第三节的内容是对我国行业协会主体资格法律制度的思考,提出了三方面的意见,一是要使我国行业协会主体立法滞后的局面应该尽快得到解决,二是行业协会主体立法得到完善以后,其法律主体I47 / 47.论行业协会的法律规制资格应得到明确,最主要的是使其自主性地位确定下来,三是行业协会要通过加强自身的建设来取得合法性的地位。第四章是政府对行业协会的监管制度和法律救济。在第四章的内容中,主要论述了政府对行业协会监管的必要性和政府对行业协会的监管制度,政府对行业协会的监管制度中包括政府对行业协会的立法调控、政府对行业协会的具体行政管理、关于政府对行业协会管理的思考以及行业协会的行政法律责任。最后论述的是政府对行业协会监管中的法律救济。第五章的内容是行业协会行为的法律规制。在第四章的内容中,主要包括概要、行业协会几种主要的行为和社团罚。社团罚的主要内容又包括由法律、法规授权的惩戒权和有关社会行政事项的行业协会惩戒权。关键词:行业协会;法律规制;II.中南民族大学硕士学位论文AbstractIndustry Association is a non-profit organization, which is composed of a singleindustry competitors, to establish the purpose of seeking common interests of allmember companies, mainly in the industrial and commercial areas to develop. Subjectof this article was written legal regulation of trade associations, first discusses thebasic theory of trade associations and industry associations of the definition, functions,legal status and legal nature of the industry association made a brief introduction. Thesecond part is to analyze the associations of industry, the need for legal regulation.The third part is the principal trade association qualified legal aspects of the legalsystem, because it is the trade association of legal regulation of the premise. Thefourth part of the content is the Governments trade associations regulatory regime.The last part of the content is relevant trade associations and Legal Regulation.Details are as follows:The first chapter is the trade association of the basic theoretical issues, in thissection, divided into seven sections. Section I is the trade association the origin in theWest, the West, including reasons for the formation of autonomy traditional marketeconomics, the concept of government as well as traditional humanistic spirit. SectionII is the development of industry associations in China, the main trade association ofthe factors in the lack of independence of our country, and then discusses theclassification of industry associations, including direct government-run industryassociation, semi-official nature of the industry associations and private industryassociations . The third section is the definition of the relevant industry associations,that is, first and foremost a trade association non-profit organization, the organizationis composed of a single industry competitors, to establish the purpose of seeking thecommon interests of all member companies. Section IV is the trade association of thelegal nature of the problem, defined as the trade association of the corporate socialgroups. Section V is the trade associations legal status, the paper is discussed fromthe perspective of administrative law, positioning it as the administrative body.Section VI is the trade association functions.The second chapter is the trade association for the necessity of legal regulationanalysis. Characteristics of power, industry associations and organizations their owncharacteristics the defect three reasons allows us to strengthen the legal regulation ofIII.论行业协会的法律规制trade associations. This chapter is the principal trade association for the followingqualified legal system, government regulation of industry associations and theAssociation of Legal Regulation of the industry make good bedding.The third chapter is about the legal system of qualification of industryassociations. This chapter consists of three parts, the first section of the main contentis the trade association qualified to obtain legal aspects, the contents of section II onthe trade association of the legislative requirements and the qualification problem isthe content of the third quarter of the industry Association, the Legal System of thequalification, the views put forward three, first to make primary legislationAssociation of China lags behind the situation should be resolved as soon as possible,and second, the principal trade association after the legislation has been improved,and its legal entity status should be clear, Most important thing is to finalize the statusof autonomy and the third is thro
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