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多少人一碰到失败就放弃了多少人一遇到困难就退缩了不管机遇如何,困难多大,哪怕身处逆境,相信自己可以做到,这就是自信。如何成为一个自信的人下面是为大家收集关于TED英语演讲如何成为一个自信的人,欢迎借鉴参考。本文无中文翻译稿,特提供内容提炼自信的定义相信自己有在任何困难的情况下完成任务的能力。自信就是相信自己能够做到。自信是一种技能,是能够培育出来的。如何提升自信1、重复重复再重复。当你的技能通过不断刻意练习而变得炉火纯青之后,就容易获得自信。在反复练习的过程中,你遇到的困难是如何在失败后不气馁,如何在平台期时不急躁。实力是自信的资本。对于自己做得好的事情,我们往往会更有自信。所以,努力提高自己的实力会让自己更自信。2、自我激励。在和自己对话的时候用积极正面的想法替换掉之前消极的想法。已经有太多人认为我们做不到,认为我们不够好了,为什么我们自己也要那么想呢要相信我是自己生活的主宰。如果自己都不相信,又会有谁相信呢3、远离那些会拖你后腿的人。或许我们身边总是不乏这样的人,在我们追逐梦想的时候,总是冷嘲热讽。我们需要坚持梦想,不去听那些人的声音,等你爬的更高,那些声音也就听不到了。我们要多和志同道合、可以互相鼓励的人在一起。4、给自己写自夸信,记录生命中辉煌的时刻。写下自己的成就事件,当你意志消沉的时候就拿出来看看,就会发现其实自己也挺厉害的呢。5、改变自己的解读方式。多做正面、积极的解读。如何帮助别人建立自信恰当地夸赞别人做得好的地方,把注意力放在别人的优点上面。| 英文演讲稿 |In my past life as a soccer coach, once you won a national championship, everyone wants to come play for you.Really not true. Once you paid them $25,000 a year in scholarships, everybody wants to come play for you. And parents would always come to me and theyd say: Okay, my son or my daughter wants to come play at your university, what is it that we have to do You know, what are you looking forAnd being the Socratic professor that I am, I say, well, what does your son or daughter do What do they do really well that wed be interested in And typically their answers are, well, theyve got great vision. Theyre really good. They can see the entire field. Or, my daughter is the fastest player, theres nobody that can beat her. Or, my sons got a great left-footer. Really great in the air and can hit every ball.Im like: Yeah, not bad; but to be quite honest with you, those are the last things Im looking for. The most important thing Self-confidence.Without that skill, and I use the word skill intentionally, without that skill, we are useless as a soccer player. Because when you lose sight or belief in yourself, were done for.I use the definition of self-confidence to be the ability or the belief to believe in yourself, to accomplish any task, no matter the od党史, no matter the difficulty, no matter the adversity. The belief that you can accomplish it self-confidence.Some of you are saying, Great, I dont have it. Im so shy. Ill never do that, bla, bla, bla.And you start to drag all the way down here. But, I use the word skill because I believe it can be trained. And Ill show you a couple of ways in which we do. Hopefully I wont run out of time. I dont use any slides because my speech always goes here, or here, or here. So well see which way we get to.The easiest way to build self-confidence: theres no magic button. I cant say: Hey, this plane is going down, who can fly Put your hand up.I can, Im confident!Repetition, repetition, repetition. RightWhat does Malcom Gladwell call it, the 10,000-hour rule Theres no magic button.I recruited a goalie from Colombia, South America one year. Big, tall 63 man. You know, he had han党史 like stone. I thought he was like Flipper. Every time I threw him the ball, down, onto the ground. I was like, oh my god, were in trouble.Simple solution: get to the wall, kick a ball against the wall and catch it. Kick the ball against the wall and catch it.His goal was 350 a day for eight months. He came back, his han党史 were calloused, the moisture on his han党史 were literally gone, he is now playing in Europe. Magic No.Repetition, repetition, repetition.The problem is, we expect to be self-confident but we cant be unless the skill, or the task were doing, is not novel, is not new to us. We want to be in a situation where we have so much pressure in that and what I mean, because pressure buil党史 diamon党史, we want to be in a situation where Hey, Ive done this a thousand times.I did my speech, and I practiced in front of a mirror: bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla. Hey Im sounding good. And then I went in front of my ki党史, and my wife. I said, oh gosh, I got a little nervous.Then Id get in front of Glenn Gould, Oh my goodness, I am a little more nervous! By the time I get to the ACG, where 2,500 people, cant say anymore, right Twenty-five hundred people, where twenty-five hundred people are there, I wont have a single ounce of nervousness because of my ability to practice. RightOver, and over, and over, again.The problem with repetition is: how many of us bail after the first bit of failure How many of us bail after the first bit of adversity Edison was on that video, and it depen党史 who you ask, theres anywhere from 1,000 to 10,000 tries to build that light bulb. 1,000 to 10,000.J.K Rowling should be on that video. Do you know how many publishers she took her Harry Potter book to I believe the number was 12 or 13I am pretty confident but after two or three nos Id be like: damn it!.After six or seven, Im like: maybe not! Definitely after nine or ten, Id be looking to be a soccer coach or something else besides an author. Right I mean, twelve times somebody said no. But, practice, p
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