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艺术家Safwat从小就有口吃,但身为独立动画制作者,他决定用自己的声音,赋予视频中的角色生命。当网络评论者开始嘲笑他的巴勒斯坦口音,他受到到打击,他不再用自己的声音配音。且听这令人深思的演说中,如何找回他的声音及自信。下面是为大家收集关于TED英语演讲别人嘲笑你的英语口音时该怎么办,欢迎借鉴参考。TED演讲当别人都在嘲笑你的英语口音时,你该怎么办I used to have this recurring dream where Id walk into a roomful of people, and Id try not to make eye contact with anyone. Until someone notices me, and I just panic. And the person walks up to me, and says, Hi, my name is So-and-so. And what is your name And Im just quiet, unable to respond. After some awkward silence, he goes, Have you forgotten your name And Im still quiet. And then, slowly, all the other people in the room begin to turn toward me and ask, almost in unison,(Voice-over, several voices) Have you forgotten your name As the chant gets louder, I want to respond, but I dont.Im a visual artist. Some of my work is humorous, and some is a bit funny but in a sad way. And one thing that I really enjoy doing is making these little animations where I get to do the voice-over for all kin党史 of characters. Ive been a bear.(Video) Bear (Safwat Saleems voice): Hi.Safwat Saleem: Ive been a whale.(Video) Whale (SSs voice): Hi.SS: Ive been a greeting card.(Video) Greeting card (SSs voice): Hi.SS: And my personal favorite is Frankensteins monster.(Video) Frankensteins monster (SSs voice): (Grunts)SS: I just had to grunt a lot for that one.A few years ago, I made this educational video about the history of video games. And for that one, I got to do the voice of Space Invader.(Video) Space Invader (SSs voice): Hi.SS: A dream come true, really,(Laughter) And when that video was posted online, I just sat there on the computer, hitting refresh, excited to see the response. The first comment comes in.(Video) Comment: Great job. SS: Yes! I hit refresh.(Video) Comment: Excellent video. I look forward to the next one.SS: This was just the first of a two-part video. I was going to work on the second one next. I hit refresh.(Video) Comment: Where is part TWO WHEREEEEE I need it NO PSS: People other than my mom were saying nice things about me, on the Internet! It felt like I had finally arrived. I hit refresh.(Video) Comment: His voice is annoying. No offense.SS: OK, no offense taken. Refresh.(Video) Comment: Could you remake this without peanut butter in your mouthSS: OK, at least the feedback is somewhat constructive. Hit refresh.(Video) Comment: Please dont use this narrator again u can barely understand him.SS: Refresh.(Video) Comment: Couldnt follow because of the Indian accent.SS: OK, OK, OK, two things. Number one, I dont have an Indian accent, I have a Pakistani accent, OK And number two, I clearly have a Pakistani accent.But comments like that kept coming in, so I figured I should just ignore them and start working on the second part of the video. I recorded my audio, but every time I sat down to edit, I just could not do it. Every single time, it would take me back to my childhood, when I had a much harder time speaking.Ive stuttered for as long as I can remember. I was the kid in class who would never raise his hand when he had a question - or knew the answer. Every time the phone rang, I would run to the bathroom so I would not have to answer it. If it was for me, my parents would say Im not around. I spent a lot of time in the bathroom. And I hated introducing myself, especially in groups. Id always stutter on my name, and there was usually someone whod go, Have you forgotten your name And then everybody would laugh. That joke never got old.I spent my childhood feeling that if I spoke, it would become obvious that there was something wrong with me, that I was not normal. So I mostly stayed quiet. And so you see, eventually for me to even be able to use my voice in my work was a huge step for me. Every time I record audio, I fumble my way through saying each sentence many, many times, and then I go back in and pick the ones where I think I suck the least.(Voice-over) SS: Audio editing is like Photoshop for your voice. I can slow it down, speed it up, make it deeper, add an echo. And if I stutter along the way, and if I stutter along the way, I just go back in and fix it. Its magic.SS: Using my highly edited voice in my work was a way for me to finally sound normal to myself. But after the comments on the video, it no longer made me feel normal. And so I stopped using my voice in my work. Since then, Ive thought a lot about what it means to be normal. And Ive come to understand that normal has a lot to do with expectations.Let me give you an example. I came across this story about the Ancient Greek writer, Homer. Now, Homer mentions very few colors in his writing. And even when he does, he seems to get them quite a bit wrong. For example, the sea is described as wine red, peoples faces are sometimes green and sheep are purple.
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