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名师整理精华学问点Module 1单词表重要学问总结:Ancientin ancient time古时候Listening up !留意听!Rise升起 vi不及物动词,后面不加宾语the sun is rising.太阳正在升起;At the bottom of在底部Facein face of 面对Heightn 高度 at the height of在高度Lift电梯take a lift乘电梯Attractv 吸引 attract ones attention 吸引某人的留意课本重要学问总结:P2Do some reviews of做关于 sth 的调查Do an interview with sb采访 sb Ideas on关于 sth 的建议P3go through穿过In front of在 sth 之前(表示位置关系)Fall away消逝On the edge of 在 sth 边缘Suggest+doing 建议干Disappear into the distance 消逝在远方P9because of 由于(加名词)Module 2单词表重要学问总结:Influence影响have influence on sb对某人产生影响Respect敬重show/have respect for sb 对 sb 表示敬重In respect of 敬重 sbAs far as 就什么而言as far as I am concerned 就我而言,在我看来Not any more再也不I dont love you any more.我再也不爱你了;Run away 逃跑Deadadj 死的diev 死he is dead他死了he is dying他濒临死亡For a time临时for one time一次Talk about 谈论课本重要学问总结:P10whats up.发生什么事了? Get it right没说错Think about doing考虑干 sth Look for查找A bit一点It is a bit difficult有一点难Be known as以身份而为人所熟知P12get lost 迷路Be afraid ofBe to do with可怕与有关Module 3单词表重要学问总结:Allowallow sb to do sth答应 sb 干 sthStand for 代表X stands for unknown numberX 代表未知数Recordkeep a record 保持记录break a record 打破纪录First of all最总要的是课本重要学问总结:P1892 分比 52 分92 points to 52 points A tough match一个艰苦的竞赛Be mad at sb对 sb 发疯,生 sb 气P20be invited to do被邀请干 sthBe well known as作为而闻名All over the world全世界Be asked to do sth被要求去干 sth Make sure that 确保An overnight success一夜成名P22be defeated 被打败Be encouraged to do被勉励干P25begin doing/to do开头干Take part in 参与(活动)Module 4单词表重要学问总结:Advantage优势disadvantage 劣势take advantage of利用Favorin favor of支持Replace代替in replace of代替replace A with B用 B 代替 A See tosee to sb 照看 sbLook through浏览At a time一次By hand 手工制作At the beginning of在开头at the end of 在终止Rather than 不是而是I would choose her rather than him我宁愿选她而不是他课本重要学问总结:P26ask a favor 寻求帮忙Would like to do想做 sth Take photos拍照From now on从现在开头Mean+doing意味着干 sth See to sth 留意,留心Look after照看P28be made from由制成(看不出原材料)Learn to do 学习干As a result结果是Compare with与比较compare A with B把 A 与 B 比较So that目的是P33make great improvement取得很大改进It is said that据说Module 5单词表重要学问总结:Familiarsb be familiar with sthsb 熟识 sth Attentionpay attention to留意Work out运算出,想明白work things out把事情想明白Drop in顺道拜望you can drop in at any time你随时都可以来拜望As as与一样as good as 与一样好A is as good as B Try out试验try out ideas课本重要学问总结:P34look forward to doing期望干 sth Against the rules违反规定Kind of有点P36A way to do sth一种做的方式 Do physical experiment做物理试验Fill A with B用 B 填满 AFast enough足够快adj+enoughenough+nOn+方面在哪方面Module 6单词表重要学问总结:Wastea waste of铺张Throw away扔掉Care 照看care for=look after Instead of 而不是Do harm to对有害Make a difference to对影响很大课本重要学问总结:P42Be careful about对仔细Thousands of 成千上万的Raise money to do sth筹集钱去干 sth(rise 是升起,不及物动词)P44try to do=try doing试着干 sth The latest 最新的Turn on 打开turn off关闭turn up 声音调大turn down声音调低P45try not to do sth试图别干 sth Better than doing sth赛过干 sth Find out找出Recycled materials 循环材料Revision moduleA单词表重要学问总结:Put up 张贴Join 参与(组织)join us in doing加入我们一起干Be made up of由组成our class is made up of 40 students我们的班级是由 40 个同学组成的课本重要学问总结:P51take it seriously仔细对待他p55it takes 时间 /钱 to do sth花费时间 /钱干 sthIt takes me 2 hours to finish my homework我花了2 个小时做作业Module 7单词表重要学问总结:Have a look at看一眼Similar相像be similar to与相像Temperhave a good/bad temper有好/ 坏脾气课本重要学问总结:P56by the way顺便说下P58at the moment 此时 =nowBe surprised at 对感到诧异 At different times在不同时候Chang from to 由变为 Keep doing始终干 sthP63around the world全世界 =all over the worldBe proud to do很骄傲干 sthModule 8单词表重要学问总结:On the left在左边Troublebe in trouble处于麻烦当中Expect to do期望干Pick up 捡起,选择,接 sb Even though=though即使课本重要学问总结:P64you bet! 当然!There is something wrong with meYou are kidding !你开玩笑吧!我出了些问题P66P71be pleased with对感到中意Compared with与相比Congratulation to sb庆贺 sb Thanks to 多亏了(表示感谢) Agree to do同意干be used to doing 习惯干Take care of =look after=care for照看,照料Think of认为怎么样Module 9单词表重要学问总结Over there 在那边Have a world with sb和 sb 说话Messn乱in a mess 一片纷乱what a mess!糟透了! Win the heart of赢得的心Ever since自从 =since课本重要学问总结:p74tell story of讲的故事Play jokes 开玩笑 ( +on sb,开 sb 的玩笑) Travel to sp旅行到 spP79learn from从中学习Module 10单词表重要学问总结:Fitnessn 健康keep fit储存健康Give up doing舍弃干Bump into=run into撞见Persuade sb to do劝告 sb 干 sth Ban sb from doing禁止 sb 干课本重要学问总结:P80stay fit保持健康Be trained for为而训练Take exercise锤炼 Talk to sb 跟 sb 说话Whats up.发生了什么事?P82know about对明白Decided to do打算干 Ref
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