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九年级英语下册导学案课题Unit 8 Section B (2a2e)课型讲授课主备审核学习目标1. 掌握重点单词、短语、句型2. 能熟练运用关联词。3. 会熟练运用情态动词表推测。学习 重点1. 能熟练运用关联词。2. 会熟练运用情态动词表推测。学习难点1. 能熟练运用关联词。2. 会熟练运用情态动词表推测。预 习 案(I) 同时 (2)表达一个不同(3)不仅而且 (4)超过(5)看日出 (6)与交流(7)指出 (8)以某种方式(9)在仲夏的早上 (10)阻止某人干某事(II) 向上移动 (12) 一块墓地一(13)很长一段时期行课案1. Stonehenge, a rock circle, is not only one of Britains most famous historical places but also one of its greatest mysteries.在这句中,“not only. but also”意思是”,连接的两个部分通常必须是对称的并列成分,例如连接两个主语、连接两个状语等等。Not only Mr Lin but also his son went on the trip.不仅林先生而且他 的儿子都去旅行了。I not only play tennis but also practise shooting,我不仅打网球,还 练习射击。注意:not only - but also连接两个主语时,谓语动词要和与其最近的主 语保持人称和数的一致。如: This is my twin sister Lucy. Not only she but also I goodat drawing.This is my twin sister Lucy. Not only I but also she good atdrawing.2. Every year it receives more than 750,000 visitors.在这句中,receive意思是”还有“接到;收到”的意思。例如I was on vacation last week and dicin t receive your letter.上星期我正在度假,没收到你们的信。注意:receive与accept的区别receive表示客观上收到某物,而accept 则表示主观上的接收。如:昨天我收到了朋友的一件贵重礼物,但我并没有接受它。Yesterday I a valuable gift of my friend s, but I didn, tit.3. they think the stones can prevent ilIness and keep people healthy. Some people think the rocks can not only stop people from becoming ill but also keep healthy.请问在这句中,动词prevent意思为”,常用搭配为prevent sb.from doing sth.意思是”。例如:Nothing can prevent us (from) agreeing with the plan.没有东西能阻止 我们同意这个计划。注意:stop / keep / prevent 三者都有表示 stop / keep / prevent sb. from doing 阻止某人做某事”的意思,一般情况下可以通用。用法上的差 别:如:Some people think the rocks can not only peoplebecoming ill but also keep healthy.What can we do to this disease spreading?政府己经采取措施禁止酒后开车了。The government has already taken action to after drinking.()1.Not onlyrun his machine, butrepair it.A.can he;he can B. he can; can he C. can he; can he检()2.Not onlypolluted butcrowded.测A.was thecity; were the streets案B.was thecity; the streets wereC.the city was; the streets were()3.She pretended when the teacher came into theclassroom.A to sleepB sleepingC to be sleepingD that she issleeping()4.The boystowhen their teacher came in.A.pretend,readB. were pretend, readC.pretended, readingD. pretended, be reading()5.Jean have kept his promise. T wonder why he changedhisidea.A.mustB. should C. need D. would()6.Could I use your bike?Yes, surely you_.A.mightB. will C. can D. should()7.It s nearly eight o clock. Bruce be here at anymomentA.mustB. need C. should D. can()8.Tommy, you play with the knife, you get hurt.A.won t;can t B. mustn t: mayC.shouldn t ;must D. can t; shouldn t()9.She is looking forward toa special gift.A.receivingB. receive C. acceptD. accepting()10.gave me some flowers, but I dicin t them.A. acceptB. receiveC. accepted()11. MrsLiuis kind and alwaysher help to others.A. sharesB.receive C. makesD.offers()12. Tonature is to help ourselves, or we will bepunished.A. protectB. prevent C. provideD. pollute()13.Hi,this way, please.OK. I sometimeshave no sense ofwhenI arrive at thecrossroad.A. positionB.direction C. situationD. condition
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