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2022年中考英语二轮专项复习完形填空05A阅读下面的短文,回答后面的问题:Do you feel tired sometimes? Nowadays, stress is everywhere in our daily life.Not just men, women and young people also suffer from stress.There are many causes, such as: death, marriage, money, moving house, changing jobs, ending relationships. So how do you know if you suffer from stress? Do the Stress Test and find out! Stress Test Do you ? Yes No(1)often sleep badly?(2)get headaches a lot?(3)find it difficult to relax?(4)need alcohol (酒精) or cigarettes to keep calm?(5)usually hide your feeling?(6)find it difficult to put your heart into something?(7)take sleeping pills?(8)get angry when things go wrong? If you have more than two “Yes” among these questions, you are suffering from stress.So what can you do about it? Doing yoga (瑜伽), chewing gum and playing with worry beads (念珠) are all common ways of relieving (减轻) stress.However, doctors now say that there are simpler ways.They say that people should laugh and smile more often.When you laugh and smile, your body relaxes.They also say that peopleand especially menought to cry more often, because cry ing is the natural way of relieving stress.【小题1】From the passage, we can know that .A.many soc ial problems can cause stressB.young people suffer more from stress than the oldC.doing yoga is the most useful way to relieve stressD.if all the answers are yes, you are suffering from stress【小题2】You may suffer from stress if you .A.never depend on alcohol or cigarettesB.can sleep without sleeping pillsC.often communicate with anyone elseD.easily get angry when things go wrong【小题3】Which of the following is NOT a way to relieve stress? A.Doing yoga.B.Taking sleeping pills.C.Laughing and crying.D.Playing with worry beads.B根据以下短文内容,然后从每题所给的四个选项中选择最佳选项。 “I dont like my parents.They always tell me I should do this,and should not do that.It sometimes makes me angry,”said Zhang Hua,a middle school student in Guangzhou.Do you have the same problem?Perhaps your parents had the same problem when they were your age long ago.Why does it seem that some parents are not so friendly in their childrens eyes?One of the biggest problems is when someone becomes a parent,he/she likes worrying about things.They worry about everything about you from the time you were born.They do a lot for you,though something would make you angry,because they care about you and worry about you.They worry about your choice of friends,food you eat,your work at school,how much sleep you get,etc.All these things are part of your life.They want you to grow up healthily and happily.So how can you make things easier on yourself?Its easier than you think.Just make sure your parents know what youre doing.Get them to know your friends.Phone them if you stay somewhere else late so that your parents dont call every hospital in the phone book looking for you.Say sorry to them when you make mistakes.Take responsibility(责任)for what you have done.Talk about your ideas with them.They may talk about theirs with you.Most of all,try to think about why your parents do this or do that.They are still practicing being parents and need help you can give them.Some day,when you become a parent,they may be able to help you know how to get on with your children.(1)The writer thinks one of the biggest problems for parents is to _.A.worry about themselvesB.worry about their childrenC.hate their childrenD.be friendly with their children(2)All the things that parents do is to _.A.make their children angryB.want their children to love themC.want their children to grow up healthily and happilyD.want their children to do everything well in the future(3)The writer thinks we should _ if we go back home later than usual.A.tell our friendsB.tell the teacherC.say sorry to our parents D.make a telephone call to our parents(4)The writer thinks _.A.its wrong for parents to worry about their children too muchB.some parents are unfriendly,which makes their children angryC.children should do everything as their parents sayD.parents love their children very much and the children should understand them(5)What is the best title of the passage?A.Parents responsibilityB.How to get on with parentsC.Zhang Huas problemD.What are parents worrying aboutC阅读短文,根据短文内容,填入恰当的词汇。When you are free,you can go outside to play on the streetYou can also stay at home to go onlineWhich do you think is safer?Maybe some people think going online at home saferIn fact,going online at home is not safeSo you should be careful when you go onlineHere are some suggestions(建议) for you Be careful about strangers on the Internet,just as you stay away from strangers on the streetOf course,we know strangers are the persons whom we dont know If someone says some dirty words to you,dont answer and just leave You should never tell
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