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高中语音课教案模板 第1篇:语音课教案 English Name: Star Chinese Name:金鑫 Student ID: 20221202241043 Date: Dec.16 BACKGROUND INFORMATION: English Gramma Cla Middle school students grade 7 Students: 4 Duration:10 min.LONG RANGE OBJECTIVES: 1.Learn 6 English vowels ( i:. i.e. .: ) MATRRIALS: 1.Vowels cards,gestures.2.Some exercise papers INSTRUCTION: Present ion: Step1:Review(1minutes) A.before having cla,students need to review what they have learned last cla.Step2:1.Teacher ask questions “how to read the English words that we dont know?” Give students a few seconds to think about the question.And after for a while ,i will lead to the topic . 2.Today ,we are going to learn some new friends to help us to read the words. 3.give some words that they have learned and the wordspronunciation all have ( i) .(pig,big,ship).Teacher read it one by one ,and ask the students “do they have same sound in each word? Which sound?” Next ,i will tell the students the same sound , and teach them how to read it.teacher take out the vowel card, let students see its spelling .When we read the “i”, We could move our finger half second ,when we read the “i”. 4.Read long “i”,( she, he,they).student find the same sound.teacher take out the vowel card, let students see its spelling when teaching long “i”, we could move our finger for a second, which students could feel the difference between short “i”and long “i” . 5.The following 4 vowels , i will use the same ways to teach teach them, but i will let students read the words,and let themselves find the same sound and i teach them the vowels and skills. Step3:do activity 1: OK ! Guys lets play a game._”what do you see?” Give four vowel cards and let students see them for 2 seconds. Take away the cards and ask “what do you see?” 2: now , i know all of you guys do a good job. Let us play another game called“which one is lost ?” I will let one student stand up read the vowel cards .After he finished, i will mix true them ,and pick one away,and ask “which one is lost ” Step4:more practice(5) Give some exercise to students, all of students need to finish it independently. After for one minutes, i will call one give us the answer and read it .Exercise. Read and find the difference from the other words, write the answers in the bracket. 1.( ) A big B ship C pick D green 2.( ) A father B see C tiger D mother 3.( ) A bed B map C pen D desk 4.( ) A her B nurse C bird D teacher 5.( ) A bee B tea C sit D she CLOSURE: B:Review the 6 vowels EVALUATION(homework): A: find another two words contain for each i:. i.e. .: for example i: sheep, see Write it on the paper and hand in . 第2篇:语音课教案 Teaching Plans for Phonetics Six Vowels: e a a e .Analysis of the Teaching and Learning 1.The Analysis of Students Nowadays more and more students are not interested in EnglishThey have difficulties in reading and remembering English words. 2.The Analysis of Teaching 1).Phonetic teaching is the walking stick to English learners.2).Its useful for them to remember more English words.3).It can also help them to pronounce new words by themselves.Teaching Aims 1.Knowledge Objects 1) Read the six vowels e a a e correctly.2).Read the words containing e a a e correctly.3).Master the pronunciation rules about the six vowels e a a e .2.Ability Objects 1).Be able to read correctly the phonetics of the words, phrases and sentences containing the six vowels: e a a e .2).Enable to recognize and read these phonetic.3.) Enable to get the right pronunciation.3.Moral Objects 1).Master some ways of learning English.2).Students learn to cooperate with each other by learning with a group.Key Points and Difficult Points 1.Enable the students to read the six vowels: e a a e . which includes how to read them correctly.2.Learn how to change the shape of your mouth.3.Learn how to understand pronunciation rules.4.Enable the students to know the ways of reading the phonetic symbols.Teaching Methods 1.Ask-based Language Teaching 2.Communicative Approach 3.Game Approach .Teaching Aids: 1.A blackboard.2.A computer.3.A tape recorder.Teaching Proce Step 1 Warming up 1.A free talk with students.2.Sing an English song to cause the attention of the students and to lead in the teaching materials.Lyrics: Rain, rain, go away! Come again another day.Little children want to play.Step 2 Presentation 1.e and a 1) The students can find the same sound e in the song.2) Practice reading
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